World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

18 Dec

17 Dec

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh man, I’ma like anything I see that I’ve actually emailed.

I will not clarify if I emailed them as jokes or serious.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

I appreciate them joshing Lore about not being able to pronounce my name. (Even though he nailed it on the first pronunciation)

Also I’m sad that Hippowatch2018 is ending. Maurice is my favorite hippo, @ me.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah this is the downside of rolling the finished ones out. It was stated though that the dev team wants to do them for all races. So I hope the other races get as an enjoyable experience as I did for my main.


    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

I enjoyed getting the Blood Elf armor. I think it honestly might be my favorite thing I’ve done this entire expansion.

Hearing the stories be told through another character’s eyes especially the retelling of the fall of Silvermoon through the blood elves and the destruction of the Sunwell. As a blood elf it was just 10/10.

I also hope we do more like these. I haven’t done the dwarf one yet but I’ll probably do it sometime this week.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

I also thought there would be Taurens here.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys, this has already been discussed. Locking this like the other thread. Here is my response on it already with a link to the Reddit response as well.

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

It looks like the lovely CS team already responded to this player here and the Reddit mods pinned a post linking to the response at the top.

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Originally posted by Smaptastic

No. I don’t know why they banned him. But it very much appears that they lied in their explanation.

It isn't your business why any player is banned. It's not your account so you aren't privy to know why or if we've action-ed anyone. We typically only pop out to correct people when they try to spread misinformation and are actively misrepresenting what happened.

If we make posts like these outing a player that is misrepresenting what happened, you can rest assured those posts are ironclad and approved before we say anything publicly.

I get the desire to seek a conspiracy, but almost every time its as simple as "OP broke the rules, OP lied".

16 Dec

The fine folks of Smokywood Pastures aren’t letting a little thing like war between the Horde and the Alliance get in the way of spreading holiday cheer—or gaining a bit of profit. Winter Veil has begun in Azeroth, and with it come all the fripperies, fineries, and delectable comestibles of the holiday.

When: December 16 – January 2
Where: Initial holiday quests can be found in Orgrimmar and Ironforge, but festive decorations can be found throughout the world.

Let your spirit be light by stepping into one of the Giant Snow Globes* found outside of the Ironforge Bank, in Orgrimmar overlooking the Valley of Wisdom, or in the Broken Isles in Dalaran. It’s a truly transformative experience letting your inner Greatfather Winter helper out. A little /dance will spread the joy to those around you.**

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15 Dec

The World of Warcraft Arena World Championship (AWC) and Mythic Dungeon Invitational (MDI) programs operate via official rulesets, which were established in order to set expectations around the rules of tournament play and structure, player eligibility, points, prizes, sponsorships, and player conduct. All players accept these rules in order to participate in our tournaments and are expected to abide by them at all times.

We take all violations seriously. This page will be updated as new competitive rulings are issued.

Player(s)/Team(s) Ruleset Rule Broken Disciplinary Action
Simon "Boetar" Heinks ...
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    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Depends a bit on what is consid...

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14 Dec

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is totally fair. I hope we can change that but it will take time. I am here though, I have read your post, so I have listened to some degree, right? (I know, it only counts when it’s in the game, but one step at a time.)

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

With scheduled maintenance next week, starting on December 18 in American realms, we’re focusing on shoring up a couple of specs that fell a little behind with Tides of Vengeance:


  • Feral
    • Damage of all abilities increased by 7%.


  • Frost
    • Damage of all spells increased by 3%.

Both of these adjustments will apply to PvP activities as well.