World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

19 Dec

    Lore on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to follow up - we needed to get some extra data together to do it properly, but yes, we’ll be removing the items gained and issuing suspensions for those who abused this bug (with an increasing penalty based on how excessive the abuse was). The reason it’s taken an extra few days is that we needed to make sure we were also cleaning up any extra Titan Residuum gained from this.

    Lore on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ve just pushed a hotfix to give Smoochums the correct model once again.


    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Since the launch of Battle for Azeroth, we’ve noticed an increasing trend of players turning off XP gains at level 110 in order to repeatedly powerlevel other players’ characters at an excessive rate without increasing their own level. The intention of the XP-off feature is to allow alternate characters to stay in lower-level PvP brackets or relive lower-level content, not to purposefully halt progression in content relevant to the current expansion.

To curb this behavior, we plan to implement a hotfix in the coming days that will disable the ability to turn off XP gains on characters level 110 or higher. Additionally, any character of that level who already has XP disabled will find it automatically re-enabled the next time they log in.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Knowing the philosophy behind the Divine Purpose/Relentless Inquisitor interaction, I assume its the same thing but I’ll double check. Since you aren’t “spending” HP it shouldn’t trigger the effect. So the damage is correctly not triggering but the animation might not be getting the message.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tank at anything considered “high level”.

I once almost ruined a Tribute to Insanity run filling in for a tank that was sick. I messed up the rotation on H Anub and just the fear of tanking it all for the first time was so stressful. I just haven’t done it seriously ever since, I’ll do it to mess around on alts, but ill never offer to fill in that role again in like a main run.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was actually just a typo. :frowning:


    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

This coupled with Retribution proccing from ally deaths is just…way too fun. Especially if you pick up HoW, you just become a winged death machine, since we can Divine Steed as well we’re basically a holy horsemen/women of apocalyptic hammer throwing.

It’s definitely a creative talent! Haven’t been able to really find a use for it in Arena yet over the other talents being far more consistent but it’s great in WPVP and BGs.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all –

We just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you for supporting World of Warcraft throughout the year of 2018. We’re grateful for your passion for World of Warcraft and we’re lucky to have such dedicated players that are always giving us feedback on what to improve. Every year is always an epic journey, another chapter in the history of this great game, and we can’t wait to keep things rolling in 2019!

Also, as you’d likely expect, our coverage on the forums will be down as we are out of the office over the holidays. We’ll be spending time with our family, friends, loved ones, animals, and we hope all of you have a chance to do the same.

Please keep the feedback and discussions going and we’ll be back and in touch with you before you know it. We have a lot of goals next year based on a lot of the feedback you’ve graciously given us as always, and we hope you guys like what we’re working on, both in game and out of game.

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18 Dec

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just got the one from this years shoot! Thanks guys <3 Happy Holidays :christmas_tree: