World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

11 Dec

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Posting in largest lounge thread for WoW. \o/

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Cheers! :slight_smile:

10 Dec

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will, it is just hard to tell how much people see those vs the feed, heh.

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

The full notes are available for the upcoming content update:

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    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just for clarity, the Q&A will take place on Friday, December 14 at 11:00am PST. Apologies for initially listing the wrong day.

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Tides of Vengeance, we’ve changed how invasions occur. The invaders will now always show up, even if you’re beati...

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    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Join us live on Friday, December 14, at 11:00 a.m. PST, as we sit down with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas for our next live developer Q&A, where he’ll be answering your Tides of Vengeance questions.

You can submit your questions here in this thread or on Twitter by using the hashtag #WarcraftQA.

As a reminder, please keep your questions short (40 words or less) so that we can get to as many questions as possible. We look forward to you joining us live on Friday!

09 Dec

08 Dec

07 Dec

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s probably me not helping myself in that avenue. I’ve never once actually felt anything rude in any posts that I’ve written. I actually am internally just giddy every single time I write and see the blue text. It makes me endless happy that I grew up seeing it and now I do it. So just know that I’m aware of that and I’m sorry if that comes across and I actually love this and love that you all share your passion with me on a daily basis.

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Pretty sure I’ve never once lied to any of you. Nor would I do it if asked. I can’t speak for other CMs in the past, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never done it and I’ve never heard of them doing it either.

I appreciate your feedback about the live game but that’s something more fitting for the General Discussion threads. I share your complaint about the advertisement in group finder though.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah that’s not a thing. I can’t speak for any other companies but I’ve never seen this at Blizzard nor have I actually heard anyone else in the industry being told to do this. Also, I’d like to think I would refuse if asked, but I’ve never been in the scenario :man_shrugging:

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is no measure of success we’re looking for in Classic. It’s us trying to give that section of the community what they’ve been asking for for more than a decade and making it as authentic as we can possibly make it.

If a million people play Classic or a thousand people play Classic that’s awesome, we’re just happy that we’re giving them the home they’ve been asking to return to. The existing rewards will should still exist but they will of course stay on Classic. They are two separate experiences.

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    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just mirroring this post to make sure people are aware and can prepare accordingly.

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    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Some info that may help you out on the Mythic Cache and Titan Residuum.

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes. Completing Mythic Keystones higher than level 10 will yield more Residuum for each additional level, with diminishing returns.