
Warframe Dev Tracker

16 Dec

15 minutes ago, MartydoomX said:

Can you look into if theres a problem with Duviri as I cant currently do anything in the menu like choosing an incarnon for my circuit run without the game crashing every single time

Hi! Do you have a WAR # when you crash? 

8 minutes ago, Sephylon086918 said:

pls have a look at the felarx, the bug fix to its reload bugged it out causing it to reload very slowly. Also the mounting momentum perk is removes upon weapon swapping.


The issue with the Felarx (and other "one shell at a time" shotguns) is a known issue. It's probably okay if you don't do anything that changes your reload speed during the mission, but if you have e.g. Shotgun Vendetta is will probably jam up. We have a fix waiting for the next cert update, it requires code changes.


Happy Monday, Tenno! Back at it with another Hotfix to address your weekend reports and more. 


  • Made the following changes to the Techrot Babau and Scaldra Dedicant to address player feedback on how difficult they were to defeat (especially on the Steel Path):
    • ...
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Happy Monday, Tenno! Back at it with another Hotfix to address your weekend reports and more. 


  • Made the following changes to the Techrot Babau and Scaldra Dedicant to address player feedback on how difficult they were to defeat (especially on the Steel Path):
    • ...
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Happy Monday, Tenno! Back at it with another Hotfix to address your weekend reports and more. 


  • Made the following changes to the Techrot Babau and Scaldra Dedicant to address player feedback on how difficult they were to defeat (especially on the Steel Path):
    • ...
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Happy Monday, Tenno! Back at it with another Hotfix to address your weekend reports and more. 


  • Made the following changes to the Techrot Babau and Scaldra Dedicant to address player feedback on how difficult they were to defeat (especially on the Steel Path):
    • ...
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Happy Monday, Tenno! Back at it with another Hotfix to address your weekend reports and more. 


  • Made the following changes to the Techrot Babau and Scaldra Dedicant to address player feedback on how difficult they were to defeat (especially on the Steel Path):
    • ...
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Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We're investigating this on our end, but can anyone who experiences noticeable performance drops on high-end systems please send a support ticket to us along with a copy of your EE.log? You can find your log files by closing the game, opening the Warframe launcher, and clicking the little cogwheel in the top-right corner of the launcher.


Once you have all your log files, please submit a support ticket here, and we will take a closer look.



Tune into twitch.tv/warframe on Thursday, December 19th for Prime Time #418 -- the last one of 2024! With more hijinks, community highlights, and showcases than we know what to do with, you do not want to miss this. The action begins at 6 p.m. ET and you can earn this week’s drop by watching for 45 minutes.

Our Spanish-speaking Tenno can also watch Emisión Tenno on December 18th at 3 p.m. ET over at ...

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On 2024-12-14 at 3:05 PM, Wolverine420 said:

Hi I don't know where to report this, but ever since the patch dropped I haven't been able to leave the backroom. Whenever I approach the door to leave my game crashes, and whenever I access the POM-2 terminal or navigations my game also crashes.


I basically can't play the game anytime I try and leave it crashes

I don't see any crashes submitted by your account. If the game crashes, please type something into the Warframe Crash Handler and hit submit, and then provide the WAR Number (looks like WAR-1234567) to help us track it down. If you don't submit the crash report, then we have nothing to go on.


Hi there, I can confirm this is an issue specifically due to starting this Quest from the Backroom. If you change your operations to the Orbiter, it should work for you.

    [DE]Sam on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, Tenno! Thanks for the report; we're investigating the issue!

Would it be possible for you to submit a log to us when this happens? You can submit a ticket with logs to Warframe Support (https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us) and/or DM me the logs using a Google Drive link. 

Thanks again!


Sorry about that. We have fixed the issue internally but since it is a code fix, it will have to wait until our next certed update.  I have added this to our Known Issues thread for now.


Hi Tenno! Just popping in to confirm that the team is planning on revisiting the overall tankiness of the Techrot Baubau and Scaldra Dedicant. Thank you all for your feedback!


Hi Tenno!

As lots of you have reported, the Atomicycle can be spawned and used in ALL missions, not just 1999 and Open Zones like we originally intended.

After some internal discussion, we’ve decided to not change this. It’s rad and cool and we enjoy seeing you whip out the bike throughout the Origin System!

HOWEVER, let’s set a few expectations:

  • This leniency does not apply to other traversal vehicles - Atomicyle bug to feature!

  • We will be fixing the spotload that occurs when you summon the Atomicyle in normal missions. 

  • We will be removing the Atomicycle summon from Archwing missions - they can’t fly, sorry!

  • Any gamebreaking issues that we come across will be addressed as well. ...

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On 2024-12-13 at 12:14 PM, [DE]Megan said:

12/16/2024 Update:

Hi again!

Quick update to this thread to inform those curious that the Hex [SPOILER] Quest can now be accessed properly for those that meet the requirements to unlock it. 

We kindly ask that you still use the spoiler curtesy - but don't be alarmed if you see access to this Quest now. 

Enjoy!!! 🍕



Thanks for the feedback - we'll be doing a pass to make these audio cues more clear in game amongst combat.

14 Dec


Hey guys! Just checking in here to let you know we put out a Hotfix roughly an hour ago with hopeful fixes towards the infinite tunnel loading for Clients. 

We're still keeping an eye out to make sure there aren't any new issues that crop up with this, or if these fixes didn't take. But in any case, if you hit this again please let us know :) 

Thank you! Have a great weekend 


Hey Tenno! A rare but necessary Hotfix on a Saturday to address some very important issues so that you can continue enjoying the update. 


  • Made adjustments to the SFX of the Techrot Mutalist's abilities.
  • Tweaked the SFX volume of the Legacyte's abilities.


  • Fixed KIM Daily Conversation reset being set to midnight EST instead of 0:00 UTC. 
    • For Tenno who chatted up the Hex today prior to this hotfix, this bug will persist until you hit reset again (at the bugged time of 0:00 EST). To clarify:
      • For any Protoframe you have chatted with after 0:00 EST on December 14 (but before today’s hotfix), your next set of conversations with them will become available at 0:00 EST on December 15. Once that reset passes, any further conversations will prop...
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Hey Tenno! A rare but necessary Hotfix on a Saturday to address some very important issues so that you can continue enjoying the update. 


  • Made adjustments to the SFX of the Techrot Mutalist's abilities.
  • Tweaked the SFX volume of the Legacyte's abilities.


  • Fixed KIM Daily Conversation reset being set to midnight EST instead of 0:00 UTC. 
    • For Tenno who chatted up the Hex today prior to this hotfix, this bug will persist until you hit reset again (at the bugged time of 0:00 EST). To clarify:
      • For any Protoframe you have chatted with after 0:00 EST on December 14 (but before today’s hotfix), your next set of conversations with them will become available at 0:00 EST on December 15. Once that reset passes, any further conversations will prop...
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