Hey Tenno! A rare but necessary Hotfix on a Saturday to address some very important issues so that you can continue enjoying the update.
- Made adjustments to the SFX of the Techrot Mutalist's abilities.
- Tweaked the SFX volume of the Legacyte's abilities.
Fixed KIM Daily Conversation reset being set to midnight EST instead of 0:00 UTC.
For Tenno who chatted up the Hex today prior to this hotfix, this bug will persist until you hit reset again (at the bugged time of 0:00 EST). To clarify:
- For any Protoframe you have chatted with after 0:00 EST on December 14 (but before today’s hotfix), your next set of conversations with them will become available at 0:00 EST on December 15. Once that reset passes, any further conversations will prop...
For Tenno who chatted up the Hex today prior to this hotfix, this bug will persist until you hit reset again (at the bugged time of 0:00 EST). To clarify: