
Warframe Dev Tracker

13 Dec


For players who are experiencing issues with UI elements lingering on screen while playing Caliber Chicks 2 we have a fix coming! But for the time being, the workaround is to open the PlayStation menu and close it again. 



We have received reports of players being stuck on the launcher screen, caught in a never-ending "Initializing" loop. In the cases we investigated, the players had not updated Warframe on the Apple App Store

When a player is not up to date, Warframe on iOS should be showing a pop-up in game that explains you are not up to date and redirects you to the App Store. At this moment, the pop-up is not appearing. We apologize for the confusion!

Version 1.4.0 is the latest version of Warframe on iOS. Be sure you are on the latest version by heading to the App Store, selecting Warframe, and tapping "Update."

Thank you Tenno! 


Hi folks, we are aware of a bug where Noctua is unmodded in 1999 Bounties. Are you experiencing this issue in other missions?


Hi Tenno - have you tried using your amp to attack the door at the end of this mission? (Where the waypoint is leading you). If it's still not working, please let me know!

30 minutes ago, dierubikdie said:

How do you start 1999 Bounties from the Orbiter?

You cannot start Bounties but you can start regular 1999 missions via the new infested POM-2 at the front of your ship. (next to the News console)


Hi Tenno, apologies that you're experiencing this progression stop. We can confirm that we're aware of this issue and the team is prioritizing a fix. 


Hi Tenno, for ultimate confirmation -- yes, the findings here are correct. This is only an issue for missions started from the Mall. Entering a 1999 mission from your Orbiter will properly credit kills. 

29 minutes ago, MERKDRAGON said:

Yo I think Dante's Noctua is bugged when you get into a bounty it becomes unmodded

Team is investigating this!


Hi Tenno, I can confirm this affects Dante's Noctua when he runs Bounty missions in 1999. Thanks for the report, it's on the team's radar!


Cyte-09's files are now available on the Steam Workshop!

Like all of our Warframes since Revenant, Cyte-09 uses new tech and thus is missing textures in the ZIP file. It’s on you as the creator to make these maps yourself without any reference files. Below is a list of what is included in the ZIP:

  • Normal
  • Emissive
  • Material ID Mask (Tintmask)
  • Body and helmet meshes

To be clear, you are expected to still make the specular, roughness, and diffuse maps -- we simply can’t send you a reference for comparison.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Enjoy Warframe: 1999, and have a happy new year! 


We have a fix for this brewing in our next Hotfix!


Hi there, confirming this is a known issue on our radar -- we hope to address it ASAP in a coming hotfix. Thank you for the report. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1425572-known-issues-warframe-1999/


13:25:  Currently under investigation

13:47:  Confirmed that the mod drop chance booster is not currently working properly alongside the mod boosting effects of Rathuum and The Index, we are working on a fix. (While you wait, there is a lovely new quest?)

Edited by [DE]Momaw

Hi there, confirming this is a known issue on our team's radar. Thanks for the report, Tenno!


Hi to any Tenno still experiencing this! If you are looping on Initialization, can you please head to the App Store and confirm you are on the latest build? If you are not, it will say "UPDATE" beside Warframe on the App Store. 

If you are looping, you should get a pop up notification prompting you to visit the App Store and update, but some players may not be getting this pop up. 


For vis:


NOTE: Players who logged in on Xbox, PSN, Nintendo Switch, and iOS before 10:08 am ET may have seen duplicate Forma inbox messages with a broken string. This was due to an unfortunate set-up error which has now been fixed. Those who received the additional inboxes will keep the Forma — bank error in your favour, Tenno!


Hi Tenno!

In an attempt to not further spoil the situation here but provide clarity, at launch there was a “Hex [SPOILER]” Quest available after completing “The Hex” Quest. 

This is an unfortunate error, as this [SPOILER] Quest is intended to require 1999 system advancements before being accessible. Players who explore Höllvania should meet the requirements to gain access to this Quest within the next few days. 

Upon realizing this, we immediately put in a server side fix to prevent players from starting this Quest too early. However, we are aware that some players were able to complete it before the fix was applied.

We kindly ask that you refrain from posting any content (screenshots, videos, discussions, etc.) related to this [SPOILER] Quest. Once players have followed the intended path to unlock it, this restriction will no longer apply. But for now ...

Read more

For vis!


NOTE: Players who logged in on Xbox, PSN, Nintendo Switch, and iOS before 10:08 am ET may have seen duplicate Forma inbox messages with a broken string. This was due to an unfortunate set-up error which has now been fixed. Those who received the additional inboxes will keep the Forma — bank error in your favour, Tenno!



Are you still encountering this? When we deploy updates there is often a short window of time where it is not out in every region, and some experience temporary login issues. Let us know if you are still unable to enter the game!

You can consider fully uninstalling and reinstalling the app as well. 


For vis! 


NOTE: Players who logged in on Xbox, PSN, Nintendo Switch, and iOS before 10:08 am ET may have seen duplicate Forma inbox messages with a broken string. This was due to an unfortunate set-up error which has now been fixed. Those who received the additional inboxes will keep the Forma — bank error in your favour, Tenno!