over 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/238960/announcements/detail/3605603753244483942]here[/url].
over 5 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
We've just released the Arctic Dragon Hunter Pet! This magnificent creature has blue skin, blue eyes and spits a stream of freezing air. Check it out by watching the video below or press M to get yours.

Click here to watch the video.

If you're looking for a nice cold-themed outfit to match the look of your new pet, be sure to check out our ongoing Fire and Ice sale[www.pathofexile.com]! We'd recommend wearing the Arctic Crystal Armour Set, the Arctic Crystal Cloak or the Arctic Wings with the Ice Character Effect.

Thank you for your support!
over 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/255710/announcements/detail/1617271308398554690]here[/url].
over 5 years ago - leaderofthemonkeys - Direct link


Roads are the lifeblood of any city, so the layout and design you choose will shape the way you build your city. Use these tips from Pres to create realistic layouts that will help you get the look and feeling you want for your city, and design tips to make them look good!

Be sure to subscribe for more Cities: Skylines content![pdxint.at]

Follow Pres HERE!
about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/252490/announcements/detail/1599265790201766070]here[/url].
about 5 years ago - holmzy - Direct link

We've added horse equipment, Crafting, Inventory, Map and Death screen improvements and various other fixes, balances and improvements ...

  • Added grass.distance convar (range 100-200, default 100)
  • Added headlerp convar (adjusts head snapback speed after alt look)
  • Added headlerp_inertia convar (smoothens the head snapback motion after alt look)
  • Added admin refillvitals console commands (fills health, calories and hydration)
  • Added admin heal console command (same as calling hurt with negative values)
  • Resdesigned death screen
  • Can now place a marker on the map
  • Added screen mode (Fullscreen exclusive, Fullscreen Borderless, Windowed) option to Screen settings
  • Added FPS Limit slider to Screen settings
  • Shift-middle mouse drag to split a third of an item stack
  • Right click the item split bar to type an exact split amount
  • Middle/shift-middle mouse click the splitter bar to set it to half/third
  • Left click and drag your inventory screen player model to spin it around
  • Right click a Quick Craft icon to remove it from the crafting queue
  • Right click an item in the crafting queue to move it to the start of the queue
  • Added a Crafting Favourites system
  • Added keybinds to drop a single/full stack of the the currently selected/active item to the Inventory settings section
  • Added "unable to repair" reason chat notifications
  • Added Tesla Coil
  • Added Horse Wood Armor
  • Added Horse Roadsign Armor
  • Added Horse Shoes
  • Added Saddlebags
  • Horse breeds actually impact horse statistics
  • Added Ammunition information panel
  • Added Electrical wire flow indicator
  • Added double door skins
  • Fixed lerp convar exploit (now admin / dev only and clamped to a sane range)
  • Fixed exploit to disarm landmines from any distance
  • Fixed exploit to free underwater loot crates from any distance
  • Fixed exploit to interact with excavator from any distance
  • Fixed bullet impact glow effect not following vehicles after impact
  • Can no longer drag/throw items when you're wounded
  • Can no longer combine world items of non-full condition to get a free repair
  • Consumable item information panel no longer shows default values the first time you inspect one
  • Minor Hapis Island fixes
  • Fixed campfire description
  • Fixed recycler description
  • Fixed errors when entering site B (Hapis Island)
  • Fixed scrap transport helicopter oil rig exploits
  • Fixed APC crates falling through the ground
  • Disabled status effects in god mode
  • Disabled food and hydration depletion in god mode
  • Disabled radiation poisoning in god mode
  • There's now a small 0.75 second buffer when the Quick Craft list refreshes to help prevent miss-clicks
  • Added an Electrical category to the crafting screen and re-categorised all electrical items
  • Added a Favourites category to the crafting screen
  • Cleaned up some ambient and foliage sounds
  • Updated bear sounds
  • Updated pressure pad sounds
  • Updated collectible resource sounds
  • Cleaned up barefoot footsteps a little bit
  • Evened out and increased attack helicopter rotor sound volume
  • Electrical wires now have normal mapping and a 3d look
  • Spas-12 has a slightly higher fire rate
  • Shotgun slugs are more accurate and do more damage
  • Shotgun slugs have a closer damage falloff
  • M92 has a slightly slower fire rate
  • Simple Sight is now a default blueprint
  • M39 swapped with L96 as bandit camp
  • Bradley loot table improved
  • Bradley is more vulnerable to HV rockets
  • Bradley top turret has been enabled
  • Excavator yield increased by 30%
almost 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/281990/announcements/detail/1671325376343900206]here[/url].
almost 5 years ago - Harlot - Direct link
Hi everyone!

I’m Eladrin, Game Designer on Stellaris, and I’m one of the newer members of the Stellaris team. I joined the team during the development of Ancient Relics, and it’s been a blast. It was awesome meeting so many of you at PDXCON, and getting to hear so many ideas and excellent stories directly from you.

Back in Diary 152 and Dev Diary 153, Grekulf mentioned some of the Summer Experimentation that we did - but in today’s dev diary I wanted to talk about one of the things I worked on during the summer - game mechanics for the Lithoids.

The Lithoids Species Pack is very sedimental to me. When I wanted to dig deeper into the systems and get my hands dirty in the code, I looked at the “wouldn’t it be cool if…” list, and saw “...Lithoids ate minerals instead of food?” up near the top. This seemed like a solid foundation to start with, and a gneiss stepping stone to get my feet on the ground that fit my apatite - it seemed like a pretty simple change after all.

Okay, I’ll stop with the rock puns.

There are fifteen Lithoid portraits (and one new machine portrait), some of which have appearances that resemble some of the other phenotypes so you can do some interesting things with Syncretic Evolution.

Look at me! I'm a sparkly space unicorn!​

The ships use a beautiful asymmetrical crystal design. Remember that the colors of your ships reflect your flag. You can use this to your advantage to make a pretty sweet looking fleet.

This is my favorite Titan in the game.​

There’s also a Lithoid Advisor Voice. I may have stopped with the puns for now, but there’s no force in the universe that can stop the Lithoid Advisor.

Changing the Lithoids to consume minerals was simple enough, but we also wanted to embrace the sci-fi trope of slow growing rock beings living in inhospitable climates. We started by giving them a massive boost to habitability which they still retain today, and a much larger pop growth penalty than they eventually ended up with. For flavor they receive a bonus to Army Health, and we increased their leader lifespans (but have their leaders start somewhat older as well).

Every little change leads to several more, however. If a species eats minerals instead of food, their homeworld should start with extra mining districts and no agricultural districts built. In fact, if a species evolved to eat rocks, their homeworld should probably by mineral rich and food poor. But wait, what about if they’re a Syncretic Evolution species, or if a Rogue Servitor wants to start with pet rocks? What about if they want to be a Devouring Swarm?

Many minor changes came along with what started as a simple economic change. Just a few examples include the Lithoids being tragically unable to be declared the most delicious species in the galaxy if there are any alternatives, loosening restrictions a bit on Bio-Reactors, modifying the Fleeting trait to be -25 years for Lithoids instead of -10, and a handful of Tradition changes. We also added a few Lithoid specific traits that allow them to generate small amounts of special resources every month.

After many rounds of qualitative feedback and a huge number of playdays, we ended up with the following as the Lithoid species trait:

The large habitability boost that Lithoids receive allow them to colonize worlds that would be marginal for other species, allowing them to work around their slower pop growth speed. Empires with a Lithoid primary species also begin with Lithoid Monolith blockers on their homeworld that can be removed at a large mineral cost for an additional Lithoid pop. (A Lithoid specific Origin in Federations modifies these a bit, and… we’ll talk more about that in another Dev Diary.)

So very sleepy.​

The Lithoid trait is automatically applied to any species that uses a Lithoid portrait. For the Xenophiles out there, Half-Lithoids generated by Xeno-Compatibility follow this rule as well, so if the portrait is a Lithoid it will consume minerals instead of food, produce minerals when purged, and so on.

We’ve exposed this ability so modders should be able to similarly add phenotype forced traits to species they create by adding trait = "trait_lithoid" to the species class entry. (Replacing the Lithoid trait with their own custom species trait, of course.) I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

As for the Lithoid Devouring Swarm… They don’t have precisely the same motivations as a regular Devouring Swarm. While they will still press organics inhabiting the worlds they take into nutritive paste for the Bio-Reactors, their hunger is a bit more ambitious. Renamed Terravores, they operate largely the same way as a regular Devouring Swarm, but once off their homeworld they have an additional planetary decision to consume the habitable worlds of the galaxy, leaving devastated husks in their wake:

Are you going to eat that?​

Terravores are barred from Terraforming (and thus do not have access to Hive Worlds) and cannot clear the devastation they leave behind, but other empires can clean up after them, though it takes a major effort.

Modders will now be able to change the name and description of a civic out for another based on species class, similar to how traditions can be swapped.

I’m quite pleased with how the Lithoids turned out, I think they're a real gem. I hope that you all enjoy it just as much.

In a few hours the free 2.5.0 patch will be up and the Lithoids Species Pack will be available for shale, so pick it up, rock out, and leave the galaxy gravelling at your feet!

######################### VERSION 2.5.0 ############################

# Balance
* The Pop Growth Reduction for Bio-Trophies now actually reduces their growth rate. Driven Assimilators now apply their organic growth penalty as a multiplier the same way as Rogue Servitors do, and is now also 50%
* Defensive Platforms placed on Outposts now provide 2 points of Piracy Suppression for their system. The Great Game tradition from the Supremacy tree now also reduces the cost to build Defensive Platforms by 33%

# UI
* Shift+clicking on ship count in the Fleet Manager now adds ships up to the nearest unit of ten, using ctrl fills up to the template max size (for realzies this time)
* The Shared Burdens civic will no longer appear by itself in the civics list when you select Gestalt Consciousness ethics but have not yet selected Machine Intelligence or Hive Minded authority
* Added a notification when one empire guarantees the independence of another

# AI
* Automated building now checks that upkeep cost is covered by income

# Bugfixes
* Fixed wrong save file being loaded from the resume button in the launcher, caused by a conflict between local and cloud saves
* Fixed the game complaining about mods not being in UTF8-BOM3 for no good reason
* Fixed a potential crash in AI when evaluating market values
* Fixed cases where planetary events could fire multiple notifications
* Odd Factories no longer sometimes block pops from getting purged, because you monsters should be free to purge whatever you want
* Mod load order is now the same as the order in which the mods are displayed

You can also read this Dev Diary and comment on our forums, here[pdxint.at].
over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


Great shots! And I am glad it ended up as more than just a project for our contests! Fantastic!



over 4 years ago - KARMAT1KA - Direct link

Thank you for sharing this with us! I'm ecstatic to hear that this was all due to our weekly social media screenshot contest. It was designed with intentions for players to admire the game from a perspective that is typically overlooked. In return, we have actually received a lot of really amazing captures from players that even we in the office have laughed at or found impressive, just like this impeccable parking job:

Don't ever feel discouraged from participating! The more people who participate, the longer we can run this weekly initiative

Also if you have any ideas for a topic of the week that you would like to see implemented in one of our future screenshot contest, please don't hesitate to reach out to me :)

Fair winds and following seas!

almost 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2919981985055866688]here[/url].
almost 4 years ago - pryanick - Direct link

Developed as part of a private venture during the early 1960’s, the Saab Sk 60 was a versatile combat jet trainer aircraft currently employed by the Swedish and Austrian air forces. Soon, pilots in War Thunder will have the chance to take control of the nimble Saab Sk 60 upon its arrival at the higher ranks of the Swedish aviation tree in the upcoming update “New Power”!

Saab Sk 60B, jet attacker, Sweden, V rank.
➕ Good handling characteristics
➕ Deadly weapons
➕ Small silhouette
➖ Modest top speed

In War Thunder, the Sk 60B will be a new jet attacker coming to rank V of the Swedish aviation tree with the release of the upcoming major update “New Power”. With its arrival, Swedish pilots will gain access to a dedicated light ground attacker, ideally suited for supporting their allies on the ground in combined battles!

However, before we dive into the Sk 60B’s deadly weapons arsenal, let’s take a closer look at the aircraft itself. Being powered by two Svenska Flygmotor AB RM9 turbofan engines - a licence-built version of the Turbomeca Aubisque - the Sk 60B can reach a top speed of 765 km/h.

Although a fairly low top speed for a jet aircraft, it’s also worth pointing out that the Sk 60B has an incredibly low stall speed of just 170 km/h! This, combined with the aircraft’s overall good handling characteristics make it ideally suited to run precision air strikes against hostile ground targets, thus supporting its allies on the ground.

Speaking of supporting allies on the ground, aspiring pilots of the Sk 60B will have a number of different ordnance options with which they’ll be able to do so! First and foremost however, it’s worth noting that the Sk 60B doesn’t come with any integrated weapons on board. Instead, all of the aircrafts weapons are carried on ordnance pylons underneath the wings.

Possessing a total of six pylons under its wings, the Sk 60B can be loaded with a multitude of different ordnance options. These range from 30 mm cannon pods, rockets of various calibers and having a pair of guided air-to-surface missiles available.

Overall, the Sk 60B is the ideal aircraft for close air support missions. Being comparably small and nimble, but capable of carrying a deadly payload, the Sk 60B will prove itself as a highly potent strike aircraft in the hands of a skilled pilot and a more than welcome sight in the sky above allied forces on the ground!

The Sk 60B is coming soon to rank V of the Swedish aviation tree with the release of the upcoming major update “New Power” and will be available to all pilots for research. In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to the news as we continue to reveal what other exciting new things the “New Power” update has in store for you. Until then, clear skies and happy hunting pilots!
about 3 years ago - Ryan Red - Direct link
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog post.

Today we talk about a few topics including a preview of upcoming changes to our draft menus, upcoming items, and a couple of new additions to our team!

Our blog posts will start to reveal more in the coming weeks as we continue to work towards the systems needed for our next major update. These systems are a core part of the update, which will include the Mastery system and A.I bot modes, along with more hype content we have yet to fully announce.

New Items ‍Fault's game design team has been hard at work preparing yet another set of new items for next week's patch! Today we wanted to show off the artworks for these upcoming items before they are added to the game.

What kind of items do you think they are? Let us know on our Twitter and in our Discord!

New Draft Lobby ‍One of the many things coming with Fault's next major update is a complete rework to our draft screens and how the drafts will work in general. We will also be implementing new features such as a pre lobby role select, along with other features we feel will drastically improve the draft experience as a whole.

Keep in mind that changes may occur before full implementation.

New Pre-Draft Role Select Screen
New Draft Menu Screen

New Team Members We have more talented individuals joining our team and we are very excited to introduce them to our community!

Our team has come a long way since the original 4 founders came together to create Fault. Now, with nearly 20 devoted staff members, our production capabilities and pace continue to evolve as we work towards the full release of our game. Below we provide a brief introduction to our two newest members, Leo and Rodrigo.

Leonardo "LeoStone" Rocha Gameplay Programmer
Leo is a programmer with over 5 years of experience working on various things such as mobile/web development, embedded systems/IoT, and game development. Leo has a deep love of gaming that goes far back into his childhood. With his favorite type of game being anything in the MOBA genre, he is a perfect fit to join our team as our newest gameplay programmer.

Rodrigo Miranda Domeneghetti 3D Artist
Rodrigo is a 3D character artist from Brazil who has been working in the field for over 4 years. With a passion for video games and art, we are happy to add him to our team as someone who will be working towards the current, and future aesthetic of Fault.

Mastery Preview ‍This week we have yet another look into the upcoming rewards for our mastery system. Today we would like to present the four stages of Morigesh mastery skins!

about 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/1106750/announcements/detail/5244991391388509623]here[/url].
about 3 years ago - Ryan Red - Direct link
Welcome! ‍
Welcome to today’s community update!

The work on our next major patch and our first large scale event is going very well. We plan to begin showing off more details about the patch such as but not limited to; A.I gameplay, new screens, new animations and more. We'll be updating the community about the changes leading up to our announcement. For now, lets take a sneak peak of our new UI screens, dive into more information on our A.I, along with a preview of upcoming items!

Patch 14 event After patch 13 was launched, we monitored our community in order to judge everybody's reactions. We saw how the changes made to the game had a tremendous positive impact on how it played and felt. Fault will continue to improve with time but with that said we feel confident once patch 14 is released, our marketing team will advertise our game more widely to the gaming community.

As previously mentioned in our past blogs, patch 14 will bring two major system the community has been asking for; mastery system and artificial intelligence (AI) mode. With the mastery system in place, you will be able to work towards multiple goals such as unique skins and rewards for playing matches. The AI system will help our onboarding experience for players to familiarize with our game, mechanics, characters and items before trying out PvP. In addition, the AI mode can be played solo or with your friends.

We have lots of new content coming to the game and we know you'll be excited to see. Leading up to the patch we will continue to show sneak peaks and leaks before it's fully released to the public.

Along with new systems, major community event, UI overhaul and new animations, we're overjoyed to see this next chapter unfold. Lastly, we will continue to keep you fully updated with our bi-weekly blogs and social media posts.

New screens Below we would like to give you another peek at our new menu screens coming with patch 14.

What do you think of this new screen? Can you spot any new features? Let us know on Twitter and Discord![discord.com]

Upcoming items Our game design and art team have been hard at work pumping out new items each patch, today we would like to provide a preview of some of the new items that will be releasing in future Bi-weekly patches.

Mastery Rewards Another Blog post means another look at upcoming mastery rewards!
This week, we would like to show you the 4 stages of mastery skins for Khaimera!‍

— Strange Matter Team
about 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - Beda - Direct link
Through thunderstorms and hail in the middle of July we keep working and keep giving you the dev update! Check it out!

  • Code review.
  • Implementing burn damage visual effects.
  • Working on inventory rework.
  • Working on input rework.
  • Working on new enemy AI.
  • Bug fixing.
  • Working on INT attribute overhaul.
  • Working on abandoned bunker mechanics.

  • Bugfixing.
  • Tweaking abandoned bunker loot spawns.
  • Placing abandoned bunkers on the island.
  • Tweaking abandoned bunkers.
  • Finishing abandoned bunker assets.

  • Working on new male models heads.
  • Working on new male models hair.
  • Working on m249 animations.
  • Working on m249 model.
  • Working on the new trailer.
  • Working on new NPC animations.
  • Adjusting clothing items to new male models.
  • Bugfixing.

  • Working on new NPC audio.
  • Working on abandoned bunkers ambience sounds.

  • Hunting and banning cheaters.
  • Ban appeals.
  • Steam general discussion and bug reports.
  • Performance benchmarking and optimization testing.
  • Testing of upcoming features.
  • Various bug reports.

  • Working on new features game design documents.

about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - PDX Chakerathe - Direct link

The fourth and final Feature Breakdown video for Arms Against Tyranny is out NOW over on our YouTube channel!
This one spotlights the new Military Industrial Organizations feature, as well as the upcoming changes to Support Companies!

Make sure to check out the video!

6 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
6 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link
Attention Vanguard, 
The Deathless calls once more, letting loose legions of warclones for another trial of ground combat. The latest First Strike playtest kicks off at 12:00 UTC on 25 April and runs until 12:00 UTC on 29 April, opening the doors to EVE Vanguard for the curious and competitive around New Eden. As in previous First Strike events, the playtest is open to all Omega warclones as a part of Founders’ Access. 

As Vanguard descend in droves, rest assured that not only are you doing your part in the fight for corruption or suppression in New Eden, but also contributing to the ongoing development of the game. EVE Vanguard is a uniquely collaborative effort, with our Founders being instrumental in pointing out areas for improvement, and testing the latest additions as they are implemented. We will continue to collect feedback from players to improve and build upon a solid foundation.  

In the upcoming deployment, as in previous ones, there are serious rewards on the line.  
Collecting 1,000 biomass as a member of a squad will be rewarded with the Condor Arkombine Arisen SKIN, completing 25 contracts will net you the Augoror Arkombine Arisen SKIN, and reaching the top 10 leaderboards for successful extractions will see handsome PLEX rewards. Keep in mind that more than 5 friendly fire kills over the course of the playtest will disqualify players from any of these rewards. 

Leaderboard Rank PLEX Reward 1 3,000 2 2,000 3 1,500 4-5 1000 6-10 500
Completing the challenge of acquiring 1,000 biomass counts toward a longer-term challenge which will culminate in unique rewards in June. To unlock the big reward, you need to complete at least four of six challenges, so make sure you don’t miss out. 

As in the previous First Strike playtests, the doors to Vanguard will be open to players with Founders’ Access, meaning the only requirement to join the event is to have Omega. For those who haven’t already, this is the perfect time to upgrade, as both the EVE Store and the New Eden Store are offering a bundle including 14 days of Omega access and the Revelation Navy Issue Arkombine Arisen SKIN for a limited time, giving anyone interested in jumping into EVE Vanguard an unmissable opportunity. 

EVE Vanguard is a collaborative effort between developers and players, and your participation is invaluable. We look forward to seeing you in the First Strike April playtest, and continuing to work with you toward the creation of the ultimate FPS experience within the EVE Universe.  
Make sure you tune in to CCP TV[twitch.com] for the Live2Feet stream from 14:00-16:00 on Friday 26 April, which will feature EVE Vanguard. 
5 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
5 months ago - Crytek_Violet - Direct link

Now that our latest Event has come to a close, it's time to collect your feedback.

As always, your thoughts mean a lot to us. If you played Desolation's Wake, we'd love to hear how you felt about it via this survey!

Click here to find out more - SURVEY[www.surveymonkey.com]
3 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
We've just released the Settlers of Kalguur Mystery Box, a new mystery box without duplicate microtransactions! Each of the microtransactions in this mystery box has visual behaviour that interacts with your gameplay. Check out the contents of the box in the video below!

There are 21 microtransactions that you can find in the Settlers of Kalguur Mystery Box. Each of these microtransactions has a varying number of thematic variations, and you'll never receive a duplicate copy of a variation that you have already opened. For example, if you open one variant of a microtransaction, you may later receive another variant, but you'll never get a duplicate! Check out the full details at {LINK REMOVED}http://pathofexile.com/mystery-box

about 1 month ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 month ago - SOLIDAge - Direct link
- Fixed a random crash in Highlands
- Fixed crashes when Reawakening weapons