League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

08 Jul


Originally posted by ojibocchi

I do think there are things we could do, and have started doing, to raise the satisfaction for non-carry champions. But that is a tricky problem and takes time, reducing the impact of early scuttle crab is an example of this. Now weak duelists aren't automatically behind early-game powerhouses simply because they can't fight for a crab. It isn't perfect, and I don't expect it ever will be, but I do hope we can improve the situation and get a variety of jungler archetypes that feel more viable.

I'm actually pretty happy with the approach of devs took regarding to jungle gameplay, else I wouldn't play 4000+ games as a jungler haha. Maybe I'm just jealous because of the amount of top lane champions that get released patch after patch lol. Anyway, you guys are doing great, keep up the good work 👍

<3 Thanks for the kind words. When Sion is released let me know what you think about him as a jungler. I expect he should be good as both a Jungle and Baron laner.


Originally posted by Sourori

Now that we are on this topic what do you think of a Zed jungle buff?

I'm not sure how he is doing now, nor do I know the rest of the team's thoughts. Several months back LoLPC gave certain champions some jungle-focused buffs with the thought that it would help Jungle popularity I don't know much about its impact but my perception is that it helped these champion's popularity in those roles it didn't do much for the popularity of the role itself if that makes sense. That doesn't mean that we couldn't do it, but it isn't something we have spent much time discussing.


Originally posted by Brusex

These champs are much better in their natural role. And what’s the discussion on releasing champs by their role or archetype?

Being slightly better in another position doesn't mean they are bad in another. We want to make sure players in each position have champions to look forward to, and that we are serving a variety of archetypes. That doesn't mean everyone's favorite champion is releasing next, popularity is only one thing we look at when adding champions, and you aren't going to see us plan a release schedule like Baron>Jungle>Mid>Dragon>Support, but we do take positions, roles, and archetypes into account when choosing champions.


Originally posted by ojibocchi

Well maybe Ekko, Nautilus, and Shen are fine as a jungler, but they are far more competent in lane (mid, supp, and top respectively). Of course you are Rioter and I assume holds the data for champions that performs fine in jungle, but I "feel" they are far from viable jungle. Take this as a feedback (or just grain of salt) from a jungler in WR for 4000+ games and plays as a jungler in other MOBAs as well. Maybe we can agree to disagree our differences by what "viable" means :)

And that is totally fair, I am 100% ok with us disagreeing on how something feels (it much better than everyone agreeing that it is solved). And depending on the champion you are right they might be better in a lane (I wouldn't say far more, but maybe slightly, but that isn't the focus).

I think that the issue here is that many players prefer playing as the 1v9 flashy solo carry champion, and that is totally fine, we have champions for those players, but Nautilus and Shen aren't that. They still have a good impact but they essentially share some of their carry potential, that comes with the jungle role, with your allies, and that isn't something that most people enjoy doing.

I do think there are things we could do, and have started doing, to raise the satisfaction for non-carry champions. But that is a tricky problem and takes time, reducing the impact of early scuttle crab is an example of this. Now weak duelists aren't automatically behind early-game powerhouses ...

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Originally posted by shollaw

i genuinely believe that the issue with jungle champion pool is that off meta picks are just so shit or feel shit to play. im a huge fan of diana jungle but her clear is such a turn off. same with fizz jungle that used to be somewhat viable, nerfs the champion and ever since the nerfs his jungle clear have been abysmal.

people dont realize that the jungle champion pool has been HIT so many times in the past few nerfs that so many of them feel very unsatisfying to play or are just flat out unviable.

off the top of my head, camille, fizz, rengar, mundo, etc. jungle is by far the best role to climb but it wouldnt hurt to buff a few junglers to have more variety in the jungle.

and also, nautalis and shen in the jungle is super rare i barely see them at all.

So it really depends on what you mean by viable. When I talk about viability I mean that they have a reasonable chance of performing well in that role (ie if you pick them you have a fair chance of winning the game).

I point this out because popularity is not at all the same as viability (unless we have different definitions for viability). Popular champions tend to be flashy, get kills themselves, or have a fair bit of mobility. But that doesn't mean that others are non-viable. This is why champions like Ezreal, Kai'sa, Katarina, and Master Yi, are all popular champions regardless of their power. Nautilus and Shen don't really have any of those aspects (most players don't enjoy playing tanks), so ya you are going to see fewer of them, but that doesn't mean they don't perform well, just that players prefer other champions.

Being unsatisfying is a different problem, that isn't always related to a champion's power (though that can obviously play a role). However if t...

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07 Jul


Originally posted by ojibocchi

maybe he meant to say viable jungler :)

Ah in that case Ekko, Nautilus, and Shen, assuming by viable we mean junglers who are performing fine. But maybe by viable, we want to ignore those that are not particularly popular.


Originally posted by the_sir_z

Definitely a jungler.

Last 5 have us 2 supp and 1 in each lane, time for a jungler

Poor Sion, Ekko, Nautilus, and Shen.


Originally posted by GloomyZoomy69

as much as i hated the nerfs maybe sion deserves passive nerf not maybe as harsh as PC's but maybe make him deal only 70% damage to towers?

It's a bit hard to call anything a nerf, given that he isn't released. If he is too strong/weak at release we'll make the needed adjustments don't worry.

He has also had some small tweaks for those familiar with his LoLPC incarnation.


Originally posted by SnooDonkeys5834

Maybe I should say it a diffrent way, a ability that dont need to be targeted on someone but still deals a sizeable amount of damage, rammus ult deals basically nada and alistar headbutt too. But the other 2 are senna q/1st and ziggs bomb

Sure but Sion's R isn't targeted, and Ziggs W doesn't deal much damage unless it executes the turret. Ultimately the takeaway is that we have some abilities that can damage towers. But I don't think we would ever be happy with an ability dealing reliable, sizeable, amounts of damage to towers, with any sort of frequent use. We are fine with it dealing damage but aren't a big fan of the gameplay when he is blowing them up left and right.


Originally posted by SnooDonkeys5834

I never knew rammus ulti did damage but thank you for answering my questions!

Oh, Akshan's ulti does too, I might be missing 1-2 more.


Originally posted by SnooDonkeys5834

So will he be the first person able to do damage with his ult/basic abilities? (excluding enhanced)

And if so will there be a limiter on how much his ult/passive can do to a turret?, may it be damage cap or % reduction?

I assume you mean "first to do damage to turrets" with his ult/basic abilities. He isn't, Rammus's ulti damage turrets, and Alistair can headbutt them too.

He does have a turret damage mod during his passive and I believe we gave him one on his Ulti too.

06 Jul


Originally posted by PublicRotation

I asked Endstep during his stream about Sion. He's gonna come with the 50% reduced damage to towers. Apparently they planned this out even before PC implemented that nerf. I doubt it makes a difference, I think Sion is gonna be a splitpushing monster anyway

We still expect, and want him to be, a powerful splitpusher a significant number of our play tests saw a Sion splitpushing. We just don't like the gameplay of him ignoring all else to die and take towers with his passive repeatedly.


Originally posted by Intelligent-Curve-19

Can someone give more insight about the removal of shadow enchant. They said it was underwhelming in the video but I actually found it to be a useful situational item especially against champs like Akali or Eve or Rengar. When I think of underwhelming, I think of righteous glory. Couldn’t they just have added damage to the ghosts?

Shadows was never particularly popular, even when it was strong it was viewed as weak by the general player base, and this is echoed by its DRASTICALLY low pickrate. There are ways we could have made it stronger but the problem isn't to do with it's strength. It's more to do with its perceived power.

Giving it damage would give it more power (and thus we would need to nerf it in other areas) but it wouldn't really do much about its perceived power. It also changed the purpose of the item, and we don't want to do that.

There is also the case that if people don't interact with something, and we don't feel it is adding meaningfully to the system does it deserve its spot? Basically it's removal opens up space for new active items.

Glorious Enchant isn't the most exciting, and does have some overlap with Protobelt, but we see it as a bit different because of its duration vs the bust dash. Though I agree it could use some work, especially when compared to stasi...

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Originally posted by ilanf2

I must have missed it, expecting it to be on his W.

It seems Wild Rift finds it better for some things to be on the champions pasove rather than an ability. They did the same with Teemo and Vi.

We moved it, and added it to his passive we did this so that you can get the health stacking right away without putting your first point into his shield. In PC Sion tends to put his first point into his shield then max Q, this will make it slightly better for a more standard skill order.


Originally posted by Various_Plan8469

I wonder if the repulser enchant works with yasou's ult. That will be really annoying.

It does not work with Yasuo's ulti or Samira's passive. Internal play tests sussed that one out real quick.

04 Jul


Originally posted by ttthough

This always confused me, why get stacks for nasus if he goes ap, isnt it better to go ad as a support for senna?

It's more about being tanky so that you can get as many Q hits as possible. Neither AP or AD really help Q, so it's about the poke and utility that his 2, 3, and FoL bring, and being durable gives you the chance to hit with Qs.

03 Jul


Others have said this too, but I highly suggest playing Nasus support (with FoL) alongside fasting Senna. Nasus gets stacks and the lane is really strong. If you've been watching Icons it's been popular, and my group has had success with it for a few months now. It's alot of fun and many people underrate it.

02 Jul


Originally posted by TheGivingTree7

I suppose it is subjective and I ran hunter Titan before the nerf and used it a few times and found it underperforming since the Nerf and never went back. Most the top players I looks at with their builds avoid it as well, but again subjective.

Mercury boots have become essentially mandatory with the cc spam, which is a shame for diversity. I long await the transition of runes like Legend: tenacity to make it's way over.

It isn't just aram, all modes are flooded with cc. I can't count the amount of times I've sat still for the matter of 4+ seconds with mercury, sterak and courage with Garen and died being unable to do anything. Can't avoid it really either especially with champs like Morgana and Veigar.

It isn't a coincidence that Olaf rather recently has found a huge surge in win/popularity. CC is a real problem and he is about the only champ with built in counters. I don't want to be pigeon held to a.singular champ to counter a meta.

Diversity, ...

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100% it is going to be subjective. And the resolve runes are the ones you are most likely to change game to game (most reactive to your opponents). I wouldn't expect Hunter - Titan to be the default in most cases, it's really bad if it is. I do tend to take Hunter - Titan often in ARAM because you don't know your opponents, and getting stacks is reliable.

We would never make Legend: Tenacity with our rune system, Hunter - Titan is basically the same thing and it doesn't make sense to have both.

Olaf is a champion who tends to pop up from time to time in organized play because they can reliably make Olaf comps, but he has never been a popular champion (in either PC or WR). His winrate has also been rather flat. I've seen him pop off in a few games, and a fed Olaf basically means GG, but that is more how a single game plays out, rather than a meta trend.


Originally posted by TheGivingTree7

Hunter Titan is a joke since the tenacity nerf, let alone the cap of only 15%. Too many better runes that provide a greater benefit for the absurdly marginal benefit from Hunter Titan.

Sterak doesn't work with every champion and is expensive. It has a long CD by aram standards and only actives when you are nearly dead. These are poor, very poor solutions to a huge problem.

It's a known fact in gaming history that there is nothing that players hate more in any game than being stunned/immoblie etc. WR is absolutely FILLED with CC, it isn't strategic anymore it's purely spam festing.

I guess it comes down to what you want to define as a joke, before the nerfs I would say that it was laughable how good Hunter - Titan was, particularly in ARAM where it is so easy to stack. Now, I get to say it is generally the best defensive rune on ARAM.

You're right Steraks doesn't work with every champion, few items do and it's generally a problem if it does. Luckily, most champions don't need it. They are either ranged, and thus can avoid CC, or can stack Hunter - Titan with Merc Treads or layer on a QSS.

Players do tend to hate long periods of CC, and we try to avoid it, but sometimes players will build a comp or random on in ARAM. This is why we have these outlets that players can opt into when needed (spell shields work here too, I forgot to mention those). If someone chooses to overlook these tools or thinks that something else is more valuable that is their call to make, but not every champion should have access to every tool.


Runes: Hunter - Titan

Boots: Merc Treads

Boots Enchant: Quicksilver Enchant

Item: Sterak's Gage, Banshee's Veil, Edge of Night

Edit to add spell shield items.