League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

17 Jul


Tanks have always been in a rather strong spot, but they are often overlooked by the reddit player base because they are not as flashy or likely to get kills to solo carry. But consistently tanks have been shown to have a strong winrate and having one on your team is a good predictor for winning a game.

15 Jul


If you can DM me info (playername#tag, date/time of game, who you played, and who was AFK) we can look into it. We are seeing reports that remake is not triggering when it seems like it should and we're looking for examples of that happening.


I'm glad people are enjoying it. I just watched u/excoundrel's video of him playing it. One thing we forgot to mention in the patch notes is that her Fury generation is not paused when dead.


Dragons promised long ago to never slay a target dummy.

14 Jul


Originally posted by GloomyZoomy69

any particular reason why the trinkets are reworked?

The problem is that before this patch it was optimal to place a Pink Ward and then swap to Yellow Trinket so that you had the most vision coverage (because you could have 2 yellow wards and a Pink Ward out at the same time). So it creates an unintuitive pattern for optimizing vision that was never intended.

This is really about consistency, as we don't want Pink Wards used as a way to maintain vision while also using other trinkets to gain more vision (yellow) or remove vision (red). It has its role of controlling vision in an area, generally objectives, not as an enhancement of the other vision trinkets.


Originally posted by DevastaTheSeeker

So what does it mean with shyvanna's new stacks? "First to last" like, in the order you unlock them? The order they are in the champion display?

Yes, they are enhanced in 1>2>3>4 order.


Originally posted by Aubric

I thought the comments were well written and fun. I like the dev team on WR.

Thanks! We like players like you too.


Originally posted by Brusex

Yeah this change doesn’t make sense and seems to punish players for warding(?).

They say you shouldn’t be swapping and that your wards should be more intentional but I have a pink ward up and there’s an objective spawning and I’m jungler i should be using the scanner.

Why should my pink ward despawn? It doesn’t have a time limit and hasn’t been destroyed by an enemy. Yellow wards despawn once they’ve expired or destroyed. Scanners are one use only for a limited time.

This pretty much limits the types of wards to the role you play.

Either revert this change or put a time limit on pink wards.

/u/R0gueFool linked for visibility.

The problem is that before this patch it was optimal to place a Pink Ward and then swap to Yellow Trinket so that you had the most vision coverage (because you could have 2 yellow wards and a pink ward out at the same time). So it creates an unintuitive pattern for optimizing vision that was never intended.

This is really about consistency, as we don't want Pink Wards used as a way to maintain vision while also using other trinkets to gain more vision (yellow) or remove vision (red). It has its role of controlling vision in an area, generally objectives, not as an enhancement of the other vision trinkets.

11 Jul


Originally posted by Zztrox-world-starter

I'm not familiar with Jax but does reduced jungle damage also not work for him?

Jax doesn't deal much damage with abilities, and it all comes from his basic attacks. He would need to DRASTICALLY reduce his basic attack damage to monsters and that would end up feeling much worse.

10 Jul


Originally posted by RaccoonDu

Would it not be harsh enough of a nerf to drop stacks basically right after a camp instead of a decay? That way the passive still works but makes his clear less healthy

It's something we talked about doing, but it gets really clunky to have a different drop off rates depending on what you attacked. They would also have to drop off incredibly fast, and would more likely than not keep him as a god tier jungler for skilled Jax players while only nerfing him for the rest of the player base (when he needed nerfs at all elos, but especially higher elos).

We do expect this to hurt his first clear a bit, but after getting his ultimate he turns out fine. This is not going to dumpster him as many people fear, and in a world where it hits a bit to hard we can look at giving him some jungle modifiers. But again even a massive drop in winrate (like 5%+) would mean he is still fine or even still strong.


Originally posted by Zztrox-world-starter

How about making it so Jax needs more hits against monsters to build his stacks? Or just reduce his damage against non-epic monsters.

Getting half the stacks from monsters is how it has been, it ends up not mattering because he can keep his stacks between camps. It also makes the UI tracking look very goofy with how many segments you need.


Originally posted by Debronee101

I know it sucks, but it kinda is justified. Let's be honest, jungle jax is a safe boring pick. You usually ignore the map and perma farm. Get yourself 3 items and then suddenly you are a hypercarry.

Top lane jax is risky and so demands more presence early game, when he is weak.

This is exactly it. These nerfs have very little to do with Icons but rather Jax's impact (in solo que) as a jungler.

Basically Jax was in a fine spot in Baron lane but crazy good as a jungler, we tried several times to nerf his jungle without impacting his Baron and couldn't find anything that went far enough. Thus we are trying this passive nerf. Ideally we want Jax to function in both positions (but we don't like the afk farming Jax play style) but that has been tricky to maintain, so while we expect this to be a rather large nerf to Jungle Jax, he needed it. This is the best option to maintain his Baron Lane, and bring Jungle to a much more reasonable level.

09 Jul


Originally posted by gheycub

Thank you for your response! I would presume one team would rarely get all three dragons, I just wanted to give an example. I’m also assuming due to the Ender Dragon spawn time it’s impossible for both teams to get Dragon Slayer. I’m pleased to hear you have no intention of turning Wild Rift into a brawler. I actually enjoyed the fourth version the most because it felt the least stressful, gave me a lot of breathing room to strategize, and included the Dragon Soul, but I presume game length was an issue because they did feel longer in that version. I would really hate to see Wild Rift end up catering to players who want a brawler and would like to see those players easily punished by good strategy.

Are you able to give us an indication as to what the dragon spawn times will be? Is it 5 minutes for initial spawn and then 5 minutes between kills? Also, how long will the Ender Dragon buff last? Will Baron have all the same spawn times and buff duration?

The 4th version, the one you are talking about, had some benefits, but it had some major clarity issues, pushed the map change back further than we would like (it kind of forced the map change after the 2nd Dragon's death), and the scoring system was a bit funky (why is one dragon worth one point and another worth 2?)

As for the 3.3 version

You will never see more than 3 Elemental Dragons in a single match, so only one team can stack them for the Dragon Slayer buff.

Initial Spawn time is at 5 minutes, and I I think it has a 5 minute respawn (though I might be miss remembering details).

Baron and Rift Herald are unchanged.


Originally posted by gheycub

Neither team would get Dragon Slayer in your example. Your team needs to kill two dragons in order to get the Slayer mechanic. So in your example, which ever team killed the third dragon would be granted Dragon Slayer.

This is correct, it is granted after a team slays their second dragon.


Originally posted by Intelligent-Curve-19

Yes elder dragon is a permanent effect unlike baron buff. Its very OP and there’s like no way to comeback against it unless the team throws super hard. During icons, whichever team gets elder wins the game.

I think there is some confusion, the current live Elder Dragon's buff is permanent, but in Elemental Rift, the buff will expire if the player dies or if time runs out.

Elder Dragon will respawn as a way to get the buff back or for the other team to claim it if they can hold out.


Originally posted by bitchidunno

Question: Do dragons repeat spawn?

Like, is it possible to have 1st dragon as Infernal and 2nd dragon as also Infernal?

Also does the Elder Dragon respawn, or is it a one time thing only, and how long does the Elder buff last in this version?

Elemental Dragons do not repeat, you can get all 3 Elemental Dragons in a single game.

Elder Dragon does respawn, I don't remember off hand how long the buff lasts.


Originally posted by gheycub

First off, I hope I’m understanding this correctly. Let me give an example of how I presume the Dragon Slayer buff will work if I kill three dragons in this order: Infernal (AD and AP increased by 4/8/12%), Mountain (AR and MR increased by 6+3%/12+6%/18+9%), and then Ocean (Regen 3/6/9% health every 5 seconds)…

First we kill an infernal: AD and AP increased by 4% (the map also changes to an Elemental Mountain Rift)

Second we kill a Mountain Dragon: We gain the dragon slayer buff so now we have two dragons which means AD and AP increased by 8% from the infernal dragon AND AR and MR increased by 12+6% (instead of 6+3% because we have Dragon Slayer)

Third we kill an Ocean Dragon: Which means we have three dragons and therefore we gain AD and AP increased by 12%, AR and MR increased by 18+9%, AND regen 9% of missing health every 5 seconds

Is this correct? The two things I want to make sure I’m understanding correctly is how the Dragon Slayer buff w...

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Your first example is correct, if teams are slaying dragons fast enough all 3 Elemental dragons will spawn. The only thing that would stop this from happening is the Elder Dragon spawning and interrupting that, similar to how Baron can stop the second Rift Herald spawn.

I hear you on wanting a less stressful game, and we are hoping that these changes still achieve that too. Stress was is one of the big strikes against the Bo3 version.

A team getting all 3 dragons should be a rare occerance, and is really there to end a game if a team has been dominating the entire time. Elder spawning at 19 minutes is there as the big-ticket objective for ending games acting as a comeback mechanic if a team manages to hold on or the game-ender for a team having trouble closing out the game.

I wouldn't worry too much about Wild Rift becoming a brawler. While many players often pick fights that isn't the only way to win, and as players become better at the game they get a bett...

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08 Jul


Originally posted by Brusex

Pick meta is something I would theorize to be the trends in pick and ban rates. Like does a champ get picked every three games or 7 games or so. I feel like three new jg in a patch would be able to help it’s pick meta if those three happen to be a mix of Sejuani, Lillia, and Udyr. That could satisfy your tank jg players, your ranged jg players, and your fighter jg players for example. Then next go round your get an assassin, supportive, or a random other type and fill a hole.

As far as the time I gotta say I don’t mind waiting (we have to wait anyways) and I feel like others wouldn’t mind either. Of course some would be upset they’re later along the line but where it could work is if you compared the roles roster and choose that way.

As far as the aesthetics from your patches I feel like the events could be introduced later on since we have a pretty good demographic as far as champion representation from each of the zones (I’m not too familiar with the zones I jus...

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You might not mind waiting but I see a new thread every few days saying "when is X coming to Wild Rift" now imagine knowing it doesn't even have a chance of showing up for a year, then how it feels if the champion you were wishing for isn't even listed.

Your right there are things we could do to mitigate that, but I don't think that is a better (and imo worse) experience. As for a patch with 3 junglers you are right I expect that when that patch hits the jungle role would see a spike in popularity, but then there is the better part of the year where it sinks back down to normal pickrates.

I wish you the best of luck in going into game design it is tricky for sure, and more work than anyone thinks, but I do love it. The best advice I can give for starting out is to try your hand at it, try gaming a game and iterate on it, this could be in Unity, Unreal, Game maker, Godot, or even tabletop. There are a lot of resources online, but I suggest checking out the Gamemake...

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Originally posted by the_sir_z

I'll admit, I wasn't considering Ekko or Shen in the last 5 (I was thinking of Nautilus, Pyke and the 3 just announced) because they were in the game when I started playing, not was I aware Sion was built to be jungle viable, don't think the trailer mentions it.

Also hard to find a place for Nautilus when my 2 favorite junglers are already tanks, so maybe I was just selfishly ignoring him.

I never thought this comment would get so much traction, certainly not from an actual Rioter. Thanks for a great game and, apparently, actually listening to the community even with how much we complain about you.

I'm always happy to chat, and I often check out threads like this. Shen is an interesting one because we didn't originally list him as a jungler, but added him after seeing his performance.


Originally posted by Brusex

It’s just that when you mention these champs, they’re primarily thought of to be baron, mid, support, and flex role respectively. So alternatively if Nunu as a jungler is released it doesn’t move the needle for mid or support champs. Or Brand then say “there you go ADCs, play him with Senna,” and I mean that with the utmost respect. And I’m pretty sure Nunu is the last true jungler that has been added. Like sure I’m having fun as Morgana jungle who’s arguably a better jungle flex than any of others you mentioned as far as what is ideal for a jungler: sustain, mobility, clear speed, etc., but my idea was that we’re looking for a true jungler.

And with releasing by role and/or archetype, tank, mage, assassin for example, I think you’re able to expand the meta around that role and/or archetype’s “pick meta”. This could in theory keep players of a role and/or archetype tuned in for their turn in the rotation and fills holes while again expanding pick pool and could help the te...

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ok so if you are talking about someone who only, or whose primary role is the jungle then you are right it has been a while (worth us considering). But that doesn't mean we haven't had any junglers, in fact every major patch for a while has had at least one who can jungle.

I'm not sure I understand by "And with releasing by role and/or archetype, tank, mage, assassin for example, I think you’re able to expand the meta around that role and/or archetype’s “pick meta”."

While we like the idea of themed patches matching all the champions to a single role has its drawbacks. One big one would be how long players would need to wait between releases, if we had 5-6 role/position-focused patches that's somewhere around 10-12 months before the next set comes around. And that doesn't take into account things like "X champion isn't Y role", like what spurred this discussion.

We also have events that can involve a region, theme, or aesthetic that wouldn't work if we rel...

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