League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

17 Aug


Originally posted by HandsomeChild69

Like why nerf annie though? She's already pretty hard to pilot on high elo.

High elo is where she has been performing the best. This should make a rather safe champion with a powerful engage tool a tad more vulnerable in the early game where higher elo players tend to be a bit better about capitalizing on the early game.

She'll still be totally viable, and if you are enjoying and her keep it up.


For ADCs Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Guardian Angel, or Wit's End are all great buys.

For actives I recommend Stasis or Quicksilver (people HIGHLY underestimate boot enchants power).

If you are looking for defense options for mages then Rod of Ages, Archangel's Staff, and Crystalline Reflector go a long way (again alongside the actives).


Originally posted by goodallbeckman

I hate rushing death cap :( i know it's fine in wildrift but it just doesn't feel right. After years of playing League I felt like it should be a mid-late game power spike

We agree with you that Death Cap shouldn't be a rush item. IMO it works best when it's a 3rd+ item, and we want to shift it more into that space.

Part of the reason why its a little trickier in Wild Rift is because every item other than Sheen) builds out of a 500g starting component. So it's much trickier for us to give extra power to items that require you to sit on a large chunk of gold before you can buy them.

For those that don't know Needlessly Large Rod (NLR) costs 1250g, but doesn't build out of anything. So getting the item is much smoother in Wild Rift, as you don't need to sit on as much gold. We could make Amp Tome not build into NLR, and ask players to sit on their gold longer, but we like this smoothness so we decided to go this route and see how things play out.


This is definitely not our intent. I’ll follow up tomorrow to see if we can get notes out faster to offset some of the pain.

Edit: Quick summary without too many details since it’s a bit late for me:

Nerfs: - Essence Reaver - Chargeblade - Deathcap - Needlessly Large Rod - Lucian - Fizz - Camille - Annie - Rengar - Corki - Graves

Buffs: - Bloodthirster - Soraka - Master Yi - Jax (lane focused) - Blitzcrank - Akshan - Dr. Mundo - Seraphine (minor bug fix with Rylais)

Neutral: - Rammus (clear speed up, damage+ MR down)


Originally posted by metroslasher

Do you have an idea why my support suddenly gets lower point every time we win? We exclusively play together and every time we win, we get 15 pts. But now, she only get 13 pts while mine is still 15 even though we have the same winrate.

To be honest I don't know very much about that system. Our matchmaking designer posts on twitter regularly and he would be a better person to ask: https://mobile.twitter.com/joshua_menke/status/1417597287849725952

16 Aug


What are the most common mistakes do you see other supports making when you're climbing?

What are you focused/thought process on during team fights?


Originally posted by jerb_

Here are some lanes I think that are super strong:

Lucian/Braum: Lucian's passive works so well with Braum's passive. It's a match made in heaven. If you play super aggressive in lane and all the stars align, I guarantee you'll have a fun time.

Ezreal/Braum: Ezreal and Braum go really well together. As Ez/Braum, you have the chance to apply tons of pressure in lane, as Ezreal's abilities such as his Q/1 proc Braum's passive stacks. Not only this, Ezreal can dash using his E/3 and Braum can follow up with his W/2. Great lane.

Lulu/mostly any ADC: I think Lulu is one of the strongest supports right now. No matter if your ADC is playing aggressive or passive, Lulu can provide excellent enhancement to suit any playstyle. Not only this, Lulu is crazy good in teamfights.

Janna/an ADC you can trust: If you're premade with an ADC and also have voice comms, Janna can be a really great pick. She works well with most ADCs, but mainly hard carry ADCs such as D...

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What are weak pairings you try to avoid? Or supports that are best picked late/be careful of because they are easily counterpicked?

14 Aug


Nice alley-oop into the dunk. Request Teemo next time, pls.

13 Aug


some of y'all are clairvoyants

12 Aug


Originally posted by Lulu1301

Not really, its still there but its just says enemy missing as that is more clearer than a question mark. Don't think that toxicity used of it played the major part

No... it definitely did. :D

11 Aug


Originally posted by surlytempo

Yeahh, I can't be sure, but it feels like they're using an algorithm that was common in other MOBAs (over 50 and under 50) being matched to produce a close to 50% match probability in the interest of fairness.

Unfortunately huge discrepancies arise when say you have someone with an early 60% winrate being matched wit someone 40% in order to account for the difference, but, a 20% difference is substantial and I'm not trying to be a dick, but players like that are practically uncarriable by all but maybe Faker.

If they matched players with an above 50% winrate and used the positive difference I think this would work really well at matching higher division brackets more consistently. However the thing to keep in mind is that the difference between an established say 51%, 52% and 53%+ winrate after 1000+ games in true elo, this can come out to an enormous difference in skill matchups.

/u/nextdoormmr is one of the devs curren...

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We don't have anything that says, "Oh, you are over 50% win% so we need to give you harder matches" or anything like that.

There is a backend skill value that we keep that goes up and down based on each match and how hard each match was, similar to most modern games. Uses a model similar to Elo, but fits it using math that is a lot more advanced. So after a match it goes up or down based on if you won or lost, and based on the skill value of everyone else in the match. If opponents were easy, it goes up less, etc.

We matchmake partly on that value. If a skill system is working correctly, matching on the player skill ratings results in each match feeling like either team had an equal chance to win, and ideally that every player in the match was fairly close in ability. We know the current system needs improvements in this area and have some really good ones coming soon where we saw very significant jumps in our ability to gauge player skill when tested on historical ...

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28 Jul


Originally posted by -Guaja

Can I target stuff like Senna's shadows?

Senna's shadows are prioritized by your minion button, so if you just tap that it will grab a shadow.


Originally posted by Fearo01

Are u consider adding an option to prioterize move direction instead of move to target direction? Its so annoying when u are running away, and have someone marked as a target, then u tap the attack button or any skill and the champ turn around and move back to the enemy even if hes far away and out of range.

We do, you should make sure "attack follow" is off (it is off by default). This will stop you turning around for attacks as long as you have your finger on the move stick. Note that if the target is in range of your attack or spell you will turn around an attack or cast since we assume that is your intent when you press those buttons.


Originally posted by wav3break

Or just kill ‘secure’ more ;)

Yo, no quotes around 'secure'. That's the "Riot Official" definition of KS. See, I've got Riot in my username, you gotta believe me.


Originally posted by riotBoourns

The intent here is that this is a net positive gold amount for supports (or whoever on your team is most behind in gold), we will re-evaluate if that is not the case.

To build on this, we now have a lever we easily pull to affect supports more often than not, so following up quickly will be much easier and I am very happy about it :)


Originally posted by MartyMcFly98

Doesn't nerfing assist gold hurt supports? I'm a support main and at the end of the match I always have a lot more assists than kills.

Or just kill ‘secure’ more ;)


Originally posted by MartyMcFly98

Doesn't nerfing assist gold hurt supports? I'm a support main and at the end of the match I always have a lot more assists than kills.

The intent is that it's net positive gold for supports.


Originally posted by Rhesonance

Add 1g/s to the poorest member to help supports.... then decrease assist gold. Cool.

The intent here is that this is a net positive gold amount for supports (or whoever on your team is most behind in gold), we will re-evaluate if that is not the case.


Originally posted by dunzoes

Is this a new setting i need to enable i missed that

Yes, it's a new setting you would need to enable if you want that. We don't default it on because sometimes you may want to target a specific minion (i.e. not the lowest health one we default to).

27 Jul