League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

31 Aug


Originally posted by w1ckedzocki

Can we get someone from riot answering why this happens again?

There is so much silence around the patches and the patch notes it’s annoying


Seems like the patch got reverted right now. Got another update (around 25mb) and I have the old charge blade values again

Sure, I can take a stab at it. There was a release making some behind-the-scenes adjustments to normal game matchmaking that mistakenly pushed the balance patch out early. It is very unfortunate that it happened twice in a row, I totally agree. As it happened around 1-2am LA time, it required the EU and Southeast Asia teams to wake up and notify the engineers to roll the patch back.

Patch notes are scheduled to come out at a specific time every two weeks. We do this because we support around 20 languages in WR, and don't want to give any specific language early access. Earlier on in WR's development, we got a bunch of feedback that the notes were too early before and ended up confusing players, so we pushed them to be closer to the release timing (around 7pm LA time). Sometimes, articles do slip out early, almost entirely down to human error.

Minor patches (2.4a, 2.4b) tend to come out roughly the same time every two weeks, and the patch notes come shortly beforeh...

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Originally posted by PublicRotation

Thanks again for the response, also thanks for mentioning what you guys were aiming for when adjusting champions (Like high elo, all elos, etc) it's something that's very refreshing and something that would be helpful if it was mentioned in the patch notes.

I'm looking forward to the patch, hopefully I can play Akali again!!

Here's hoping, unless you're playing against me. Then I would prefer you don't play your main, deal?


Originally posted by Adept-Knowledge2020

About the mythic items here at WR - are you still thinking of implementing it or is it too early for that? plan to bring some of them as a legendary item here (like you did with Sunfire?). Another question: any buffs for MF or Jhin? I feel that both are way below expectations - the traps do little damage and slow down - while with the MF I feel that your attack speed is very low and your ult's waves of fire are slow or very few!

Both MF and Jhin are doing generally fine, but they tend to be a bit more team reliant. If you pair them with a bit of protection/lock down they can do crazy thing for sure. The nerfs to Chargeblade will also help them a bit as it will be nerfing many marksmen, and others will climb as a result.


Originally posted by mq003at

I have a question: I am at Diamond+ elo and I can see Rammus has like 53%. Imo, he deserves a nerf since he doesn't need much skill to perform well and still has that high win rate.

Also, when will you add more items for AD assassins? Umbral is situational items and I really don't want to mix defensive items in my build. I understand that the game snowball really quickly so I just want to ask for more options for high-cost AD assassin items. Will that be possible?

Edit: Essence Reaver > Youmuu Ghostblade. Why?

Rammus is a tricky one. I agree he is actually very strong (53/54% depending on elo). But he isn't as flashy/frustrating/with as much solo carry potential as many other champions so players tend to undervalue him. Nothing for him in this patch, but we are keeping an eye on him to see how he preforms.


Originally posted by John__Gotti

One more question. I know you do not like such questions, but here on the topic.

Nerf Liandri is one more ASol nerf. How dare you? 😁

I'm sure you're considering that item jade can be nerfed to certain champions. So, you deliberately nerfed Aurelion in patch 2.4b?

Despite reddit player's feedback, Asol has actually been one of our strongest champions each patch for the last year. His play style just isn't as broadly appealing or flashy so not as many players are drawn to him, though his theme/fantasy are broadly appealing so he only tends to be popular when he is CRAZY OP, instead of just OP. This is what makes him so challenging to work on.

If Asol and others end up needing some love after these changes they'll get it, but given that Liandry's champions where very strong with this item I expect they should still be fine.


Originally posted by PublicRotation

Thanks for the quick response! I agree Liandry was a bit too strong. I'm used to build it as a first item because of how strong it is. I'm wondering how that nerf to Akali's passive will affect her. I hope she won't be as banned anymore, although I thought the issue was actually with her 2nd skill and the ulti

I have one more question, what did Kata get nerfed on? also is she really that strong in high elo? I know she wrecks on low elo because people don't know how to play agaisnt her but I thought she falls on high elo play. At least that's what my OTP Kata friend told me.

Kat has actually been much strong in higher elo, and rather weak in low elos. People tend to think she is stronger in low elo because she is "easy to counter" and tend to forget that an experienced Kat player knows to watch for those counters and knows how to play around them, while also knowing how to pilot a mechanically challenging champion.


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

I do hope those changes wouldn't affect her mechanics such casting abilities during her E2 and such, if anything more changes that would increase her skill cap are even more welcome on my part honestly this would make her less spammable and pretty much only rewarding to players who invest time in her to learn her.

Ya these shouldn't change her mechanics. We are hitting her passive MS and damage. Experienced Akali players should still feel good about mastering her.


Originally posted by PublicRotation

I'm curious, what did Akali get nerfed on? ulti? base stats? passive? I'm also wondering, was the Liandry nerf also because of Kata/Akali? Since Liandry is a core item for both of them, so I suppose it got nerfed as a way to nerf Kata/Akali too?

(P) Assassin’s Mark Movement speed :: decreased from 50% >>> 30% Base damage :: decreased from 40-180 >>> 28-140

Her passive, we are primarily aiming to target frustration and Baron Lane power.

Liandry/Haunting Guise is partly to do with Akali and Kat, but really the item has been a bit strong on all of its users. So while Akali/Kat fall into that, it isn't just because of them. Basically a 10% damage amp is strong when you give it to anyone.


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

Hey Rogue I have to ask, was the nerf warranted because of her banrate because if so as an Akali main I do appreciate the effort with trying to tune her down a bit to make her more playable in ranked and I do hope this nerf will finally make her settle down.

Ban rate is a big part of it for sure. Typically we see a high ban rate as a sign of high frustration when playing against a champion, though it can also indicate power or perceived power.

In the past Akali has been slightly weak (when looking at winrate), but recently has just crossed over into slightly strong (and decently strong in Baron Lane). So while these are aimed to reduce her ban rate we geared it more towards the Baron Lane because that is where she has been preforming the best.

We are toying with some follow up changes if her ban rate is still too high. The trick is hitting things that hit her frustration more than they hit her raw power, but yes we want to push her into a place where you can play your main more often.


Originally posted by mq003at

/u/R0gueFool admit it, you intentionally released the patch 2 days early to analyze the player's feedback before making the changes, right? :D

Oh if only I had that kind of power =P. The changes have been reverted and without players knowing about the changes its hard to get feedback on them. Though I suspect we will be getting lots of feedback on the changes. I'm all for player feedback if you have thoughts to share.

We also need to lock changes much sooner and a day or two isn't enough time. Typically we soft lock changes about a week in advance but leave wiggle room incase something pops up. We need time to account for: testing, approval, QA, patch notes, translation, and making builds, and anything else that might pop up. And even before this patch goes live we are planning for the next one, it doesn't mean everything we plan will make it in, but it helps us react to things when we have such a quick patching cycle.


Originally posted by Adept-Knowledge2020

Hi R0gue - about Katarina, Akali and other AP champions: I believe one of the reasons they are so strong is the Infinity Orb. In my opinion this item should be deleted and replaced by Night Harvester. AP champions causing "crit hit" to their abilities is toxic. Play as Katarina without him and see how little damage she does!

She definitely makes good use of the item, but I don't think we would want to delete it for the sake of a few champions who are tuned with it in mind.

You are right that her damage would go down without the item, but that is because it is an intended item for her. Its like saying that marksmen damage would drop if we removed IE, while this is true it might not be the best course of action if we were looking to nerf marksmen damage.

Another thing to note here is that on LoLPC assassins have access to Sorcerer's Shoes that give them magic pen. In Wild Rift we removed this from boots and instead made a full item, so if you are looking for magic pen you need to invest a bit more to get the stats you are looking for. This also means that mages are not as strongly bound to a particular boot, and instead get to choose their boots each game.

IO can be strong, and nerfing it is always on the table. The problem is that if we hit it too hard it no longer feels worth ...

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Originally posted by John__Gotti

Thresh had bad statistic? Too glassy?))

Ya, he was released in a very weak state. We expected him to be slightly below average and he would quickly climb up as players learned how to play him. And while this did happen to some extent it hasn't been enough to make up the difference.

Some of these changes will also help him with the transition to Wild Rifts shorter game times. We are increasing the base soul drop rate, and recharge time of Flay's passive, this should help him see souls drop a bit more and not need to wait around so much in lane for a meaty hit.

There is some durability in there too.


Originally posted by AMR69g

Akali and Katarina are always banned no need to nerf them bro

That's a big part of why we wanted to bring them down a peg. They are both high frustration champions so we are looking for ways to tap down some of their frustrating aspects without removing who they are. We are looking at some follow-up changes if they end up still being needed.

Our hope is that we can keep them as viable champions, with a reasonable banrate for players who love them without totally gutting them and removing their ability to be assassins. Assassins by nature are highly frustrating to play against so this isn't an easy thing to do.


Sorry that this happened everyone, looks like we made a mistake again. Here is an overview of some of the key balance changes and where we were targeting.


Akshan (all elos)
Thresh (All elos)
Wukong (All elos, targeting the Baron lane)
Kennen (All elos)

Rakan (Due to power with Xayah)

Akali (All elos, targeting the Baron lane)
Gragas (Elite/tournament level)
Katarina (High elo)
Kha'Zix (High elo)
Master Yi (All elos)
Xin Zhao (All elos)
Soraka (All elos, mostly high elo)
Ahri (Bug fix, slight nerf)

Solari Chargeblade (Nerf)
Luden's Echo (Buff)
Awakened Soulstealer (Buff)
Liandry's Torment (Nerf)
Haunting Guise (Nerf)
Warmog's Armor (adjusted)

Font of Life (Nerf)

I'll try and stick around for a bit and answer some questions for a bit. K...

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30 Aug


Originally posted by Rourke4

Master is not even high elo in the game, especially in NA where there are barely any players (proof of this is the cross-server matchmaking with Latin America) so any pisslow PC plat player can reach masters.

It's good to know that you justify the changes because your "friend" climbed to master though. How about you actually play the game and count jungle timings just to know even offmeta jungle picks are a much better choice than Rammus and those he is supposedly to counter like Yi are so overbuffed that they negate that. Also, is he even a tank? %health dmg dealers are outright braindead, tank items suck and the game is just a bunch of clownfiesta DPS checks with uneven scaling across champs (TF being online with just 2 items)

Then again I play in Asia where players are very much less forgiving when picking Rammus.

I'm not even sure what changes you are referring to. But to be clear I'm not justifying any changes based on a friends skill level. Going off any one person's opinion or skill is a terrible way to balance the game. I'm simply just sharing an anecdotal story because Rammus continues to be underestimated. If you struggle to play him, don't enjoy him, or don't find success with him than ya you don't need to pick him up. Play who you enjoy.

We do play the game daily, both for work and for fun, we account for jungle clear speeds and we know this has a larger impact at higher skilled play (did you see we gave him a decent clear speed buff?). All changes we have done have been build off of actual data based off of games played on the most recent patch(s) when looking at all elos, positions, regions, winrate, pickrate, banrates, and player perception. Its a lot for a team to manage and any changes will have some (even if its small) effect at all levels of play, and have an effect o...

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Originally posted by Gen1usx

The original goals are to give players wider options and decisioning in selecting their final Boot Enchants, not just spamming the same one over and over again, and to make boot be relevant in terms of stats that it may give as the match goes on. One problem may arise, as you said, is the binding of mechanics that may render useless to other champs. For now, the solution I thought was to make all the passives simpler stat boosts that are very related to the Enchants that they are attached (See Changes). They need to be designed as simple passive boosts rather than an interactive mechanic which results in binding them with some certain champions. Some of the passives may be unique and can't be obtain elsewhere.

But wouldn't adding any stats push players to by the boot enchant based on those stats? Right now we see a bit of build variety, I'm going to throw out a number and guess that most champions feel good with 2-3 of the actives.

Gargoyle and Glorious enchants are a bit narrow compared to the rest. But I would argue that this is because the core of what they are giving is stats, while the rest of the boot enchants (Locket, Protobelt, Quicksilver, Redemption, Shadows, Stasis, and TP) all lean more on utility giving them a much broader userbase.

I do think the goal you have is a good one, and spamming the same enchant each game is going to be the wrong move when you could adapt to the situation. And seeing more people do that would be nice, but it is a tricky space for sure.


Originally posted by mlsucksXd

Is her winrate drops the higher your claim is this true? I have question how you guys balance high elo and low elo winrate?

Na, she has a rather flat winrate across elo. We try to balance the game for all elos. We take into account winrate, playrate, banrate, player perception (closely tied to ban rate). When we want to target balance changes for a particular elo we tend to target different areas. For example base damages and base stats tend to be more powerful at higher skilled play where players are better at taking advantage of an early lead.


Originally posted by Pleasant_Pressure_95

pretty much based on how much complaints said champ gets in this sub.

Oh, ok. I wouldn't call that strongest, so much as frustrating.

Based on most Reddit complaints I've seen then I think I'd have to say Lee Sin, Eve, or most recently Master Yi.


Originally posted by mlsucksXd

r/R0gueFool will you buff miss fortune? She is unplayable in high elo my friends show me site that she had 39% wr in master + tier is this true? Because after I reached emerald I start to lose so much with her.

Ya far from 39%. We don't have a single champion with that low of a winrate in their primary or secondary role at any elo. For context we have some rules set up that say if a champion's winrate is below 45% or greater than 55% in their intended roles we MUST respond. And really that rule doesn't come into play very often. The VAST majority of champions fall into the 48%-52% range.

MF is a champion who either needs to get a strong lead early or have a team focused around team fights. If we were to change that we would have to drastically change MF's gameplay. Its more likely that as you climbed the ladder you are playing against better players, and part of the reason you were winning so much is because you were much better than your opponents, thus the ability to climb. If you see yourself on a team that can hold people in place MF will always be a great pick.


Originally posted by roguetrop

I never liked Crit Rengar even on PC, i don't like having a not too reliable stat I'd rather prefer a 100% sure less damage than 50% chance more damage than Arpen or 50% less damage than Arpen.

His main build always have a IE but i don't like at all

Ya, personally not my favorite either, and I'll tilt every time he jumps on me. Wav3brake even sent me a clip of Rengar bursting someone when we released Rengar.

But crit builds do go along way to differentiating Rengar's builds from other assassins, and that can be a good thing. Especially when he can choose different styles based on the needs of the game.