League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

24 Aug


Originally posted by Xxmlg420swegxx

I 100% agree.

OP mentioned Varus, whom I OTP since the second half of season two, and he is the perfect example of a dual scaling champion, so I'll leave my input here, especially about him.

A champion that can be built either AP or AD is very healthy because right now, most if not all champions that can be built so feel very different from one build to the other. This practically makes it like it's two different champions. For instance, Varus has 3 viable builds: crit, lethality, and AP. I will straight up ignore crit varus though because he is way below the other two in my opinion.

Lethality varus is a poke champion that can turn around teamfights with his super low CD ultimate (with the regular lethality build it is about 27s). The build revolves around sniping and making sure he is impossible to catch.

AP on the other hand is an all-in build that revolves around oneshotting anyone with a delayed burst, taking more risks because he needs ...

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Ya I think Varus is one of the champions who does alt builds very well.


Originally posted by John__Gotti


Sooooooo sory for tag, but can u say something bout this, pls

What are you interested in hearing about?

I'll share some of my personal thoughts on duel scaling champions, but these are just my thoughts.

I think it comes down to a per champion basis. We see many champions have multiple options of build styles (Tank, AP, AD, bruiser, enchanter, etc) when these styles offer something different.

Malphite, Gragas, Amumu, and Singed are all tanks with AP builds. The important thing to take note of is that these builds offer something that their tank builds don't. They play differently, and have noticable trade offs.

We see similar things with Seraphine, and Lulu with their mage builds behaving differently than their enchanter builds.

But AD and AP builds are a bit different in that typically these builds have the same or very similar goals (do damage) and the playstyle of champions trying to have both options tend to not change their playstyle between them. So it's harder for these to feel interesting when...

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23 Aug


Originally posted by ApprehensiveWin1230

As long as you don't remove it from tanks then we all good.

We are following a recent change PC made where you need to have enough bonus health. So tanks should be just fine.


This is something we have been talking about internally.

We agree it makes games take longer than they should, and are playing with some idea on how we want to solve it (and how critical the problem is).

The comment about backdooring is an interesting one, and not one I had heard before.

We also agree that the frequency we are seeing Warmog's Armor as the lone defense item for many nontanks in ARAM is a problem. This should be addressed in the next patch.

21 Aug


Originally posted by TheNorthernRaider

I appreciate your communication with us, it's really refreshing!

One last question, does mmr play a role at all in ARAM :)? I'm just having a laugh, I got matched with two grandmasters and my team was three unranked and two emeralds, we did not win that game.

Keep up the amazing work, we love your game!

It does, though we haven't focused as much on polishing it there yet. We've leaned a bit into it being a bit of a random fest, though we we do peak in now and then and it may likely inherit improvements applied to other modes by default.


Originally posted by TheNorthernRaider

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate your response!

Edit: Does this make it harder for them to climb? If actually playing against diamond mmr opponents wouldn't this balance them back to a 50/50 wr regardless of rank? I know that before promos were removed I skipped a couple of ranks when I did exceptionally well in lower ranks, I haven't since but I assume that's cause I'm where I belong, is this still the case?

Great question! That's exactly the type of problem designers of ranking systems need to think about. The interaction between your skill system, ranking system, and matchmaker / team balancer is critical.

In Wild Rift there are pieces of the ranking system in place to help the climb, like Ranked Fortitude and Placement to a lesser extent.

But in general, yes, when you gave good matchmaking, you need good systems in place to facilitate the climb. In Diamond and up this translates into getting higher VP gains etc.


Originally posted by TheNorthernRaider

If you don't mind me asking a question, if someone has diamond level gameplay but is in goldIV how does the mmr match the game? Does the opposing team also get a diamond level player or will the system give the other team an overall average higher mmr that the diamond level players teammates?

I want to clarify I don't mean someone who insists they should be diamond but someone who is actually on track to settle in diamond rank.

In an ideal situation, the matchmaker and team balancer would only need to look at MMR to both match and team balance.

So if a Gold IV player belongs in Diamond, they will have a Diamond MMR and ideally be matchmade with Diamond MMR teammates against Diamond MMR opponents, all regardless of what their actual visible Ranks are.

If there's a mix of players with different MMRs, it will ideally organize players such that the sum of the MMR of both teams is as close as possible, since that is the best predictor of who will win the match.

20 Aug


Originally posted by PankoKing

That's very true, though there are a lot of random Rioters that do random things. I would say follow Draggles, but they can be pretty spotty.

Might be worth making a collective list of the Rioters and what they do, with their permission of course.

spotty? bruh


These are actually really good insights into how the system works and the experiences that come out of it, and while it can't be 100% accurate without internal sources, it does a great job at highlighting our problem spaces.

Like the OP has identified, any system that starts at the bottom will result in the type of MMR overlap across Ranks displayed in the post (I actually speak a bit about this myself in my 2016 GDC talk). So it's possible to have fair matches despite a large rank spread because the MMR spread can still be small. In general, MMR is more accurate than Rank at predicting match outcomes.

We are aware of where we can make significant improvements and have several on the way. I list some of them here: ...

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This was recently brought up by one of our designers in the patch notes discussion. LP gains are something we are actively looking to improve. His post also has some really good insights if you're interested.


19 Aug


Originally posted by H4isenberg

I totally agree with the mana cost. What bother me is the second skill slow. Why is this a thing?

Thank for the answer anyway.

We call this a kiss/curse mechanic, they can be a bit tricky to use for sure and often run into issues where they feel really bad.

Generally, they allow us to make the skill or rest of a champions kit stronger, because of the negative effect attached to it. In this case, it even provides a window of power (when you hit the button) and of weakness (when slowed), so it puts it totally in the player's control. We don't tend to use them often, because kiss/curse mechanics often feel bad, like you stated, even if they end up being really powerful.


We went with a grab damage increase because we were looking to buff him at higher elos where he has been struggling. The LoLPC team recently did a similar buff and it had a large impact to high high elo winrate. So this felt like something we could try, with that high elo goal in mind.

We didn't want to change his mana cost because mana buffs tend to be stronger at lower elos where players are spamming skills more often.

I do agree the mana cost on his grab is high, this is intended because of the amount of power behind it in the early game. I recommend getting fimbulwinter as his first item, it is highly underutilized by the player base. It gives him survivability (health, it's shield, and from his passive mana shield), solves his mana problem, and gives him a massive amount of ability haste to attempt grabs more often.

18 Aug


Yes, we've got stuff on the way to start addressing some of these pain points and you won't have to wait for a new patch as it's all done through the backend. For example, our AFK system is not great at detecting players who aren't genuinely disconnected and we're going to improve this. It'll still take some time as we've got to make sure the systems are accurate through manual review :( Intentional feeding is also a priority for us to address, but it will be a while before you see results.


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

Actually yes I was praying for a nerf hell It really wouldn't matter if it was huge I just want to play Akali peacefully without having her getting banned in almost all my matches its really sad for us Akali mains where it came to the point where I had to play other lanes simply because I one tricked Akali in mid.

We are sympathetic to this, and get that it sucks when you can't play your main. Bans are a new thing in our game and we are taking it into account with our adjustments. Sorry, I don't have more than that atm, but I promise we are taking them into account.


Originally posted by DiscombobulatedPie17

While it is true that the AP assassins have built-in safety nets in their kits they are too forgiving. In other words, the margin of error is not as wide as it should be for this particular class of champions designed to get in of a fight and quickly get out when they are more than capable of staying for much longer to claim more kills.

I agree with the lack of itemization for AP champs but it's the fact that some AP champs are abusing the stats that the items provide which in turn make them extremely difficult to play against. (The lack of solid magic resistance items does not help matters too).

The AD assassins do not gain extra health when they are building lethality builds, instead they receive stat increases that help strengthen their power such as high damage and flat armor penetration. They do not gain extra survivability unless they specifically select an item that provides defense such as the Guardian Angel with an added bonus of AD. But by doing so they co...

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I think you and u/Mr_Opel have some good points here and it's a tricky one for sure. In terms of item identity, I think it could be a bit better with clearer focuses for each item. That said with what is currently available to us mages like Orianna and Akali do have a bit of overlap in their core items. So it does feel bad to nerf the class as a whole, not that we couldn't and try to compensate in other ways, it just that it would be a rather large shift to try and lower the frustration of 1-2 champions.


Originally posted by temporepro

I think part of the Akali/Kata problem can be mitigated by adding
Banshee's Veil, or some sort of AP+MR item. Crystalline Reflector has done wonders for squishy mage midlaners against AD assassins, but there is no counterpart against AP assassins.

While all assassins are manageable with good team comp (personally I almost never ban them unless requested by teammates), I believe what makes Akali/Kata more hated than others are their potential to wipe out entire teams without much outplay potentials. Zed/Fizz/Rengar/Kha'zix/Lee Sin/Evelyn for example, are very powerful in their own ways, but they're more or less single target focused, as assassins should be.

For Akali, I think the biggest problem is her AOE execute R2, and energy regen inside her shroud. The R2 obviously allows her to take out multiple low targets at once, the quick energy regen gives her too quick of a re-engage within a single team fight. In comparison to Zed, who has to wait much longer ...

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Thats interesting to hear that you feel Akali's AoE on R2 is the big issue as it isn't typically the pain point I tend to see brought up. Normal I hear about her survivability, mobility, or single target burst.

I think you're right that a delay on Kat's resets would weaken her, but it would make her feel very clunky. This would be a huge pain point for experienced players and likely push us to include more durability in her kit to make up for this added time/risk she is taking.


Man there's like 3 times in that video I thought it would be done and it just kept on going. Well played.


Originally posted by pol08

I think that is part of the ban system it made these high skill-high reward champions almost always banned and not picking them every game lowers someone knowledge and performance about them.

There can be some truth to how this sounds, but we saw similar (actually slightly lower) winrates with these champions before bans were introduced. Because the game changes in other ways and player skill is constantly improving I can't this is directly related but it doesn't suggest these players are getting worse.


Originally posted by LaserShotgun

I feel like for a high-ish skill ceiling character that dominates when played well (lee, akali, irelia) 48-49% is ideal, it's the price to pay for having a skill intensive character that works well independently from whatever comp the teams have going. But i'm not a dev so my opinion can be kinda dumb.

It's good to hear opinions, and very valuable to hear them from our players, and not many of them are devs.

However, this is exactly where we see many of these champions sitting. Evelynn, Akali, Yasuo, and Lee Sin all fall within that range, some falling below it depending on the Elo we look at.

With Irelia, and Katarina being between 49-51.

Rengar and Fizz are objectively strong, head and shoulders above the rest, and that is why we nerfed them.


Originally posted by Shinubz

Personally I think something like 45-47 is ideal but I also understand devs need to think about player retention and all that

Sorry for the late response, the day got busy and I wanted to give others a chance to weight in before I responded.

I do think 45 is likely a bit too low for them to still feel good (currently our rules say that if a champion is <45% or >55% they MUST get adjusted.

As for player retention, we definitely don't want players being so frustrated by their opponents that they quit the game (though everyone gets tilted and needs to take a breath from time to time), so it does cut both ways.

With all that said these champions sitting slightly lower can make sense.