League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

27 Jul


Originally posted by Metzgama

You should implement a gold income item, botlane is just a competition for who can get the last hit.

We’ve talked about it but ultimately we are more interested pursuing other solutions in the long term. It’s not a high priority at the moment as a result and we want to see what our new mechanic does to support income first as well. But I do agree that supports rely a bit too much on their teammates ability to last hit to gain gold.

26 Jul


Originally posted by -Guaja

So there isn't a gold change in the middle of the match now? Nice.

Yep. It’s 3.5/s constant for whole game as a base line rule. There’s an additional rule that will increase gold for supports (mostly) that will be shared in patch notes.


Originally posted by gwtsva

Man I agree but Riot will never nerf her because of the noobs playing her anyone that isn't thrash with her completely rekts entire squads but she got a 48% winrate damn


This is basically the crux of the issue. Akali’s win rate is really not out of line in all elos but she is very frustrating to play against. I’m glad to finally say: just ban her. Ban rate will be accounted for in our new balancing strategy, though a champions ban rate needs to be abnormally high for it to trigger us to make a move. (Like 5x avg ban rate). I can also ask the team to do some diligence around analyzing the deviation of win-rate for Akali on a per player basis and see if it is wildly larger than other champs. Using that type of data can be tricky though and it would be unfair of us to only apply it to Akali if we started using it.


Originally posted by Rockiekertia

No wayy.. lets nerf amumu instead 🤡

Literally got to Diamond by spamming Amumu last 8 games in the climb (100% win rate for those games) just to prove a point to you guys 😂


Originally posted by O2JamFreak

Passive Gold Nerf: 4/sec -->> 3.5/sec

At the moment it goes from 4/s to 3/s after 8 minutes from our last change. This change will make it 3.5/s for the whole game which will result in more gold in longer games. There’s also another mechanic we are shipping that is intended to buff support gold as well.


We did deliberately design the colors to be red/green color blind friendly by default. However, there is a wide range of red/green color blindness so we may have missed the mark in some cases. What kind of color blindness do you have and what parts of the game are you having trouble seeing colors for?


Originally posted by Sidoney

Thank you again for the response!

Btw this is the post form 5 years ago I found first complaining about the joystick issue. What they describe is what happens to me. Again, only on tablet, not on phone


Edit: scroll down and watch the video of someone recording it. That's literally what I deal with.

Gotcha, can you enable recording of taps as shown here to help us see where your fingers are?


25 Jul


Try using a lower power charger. If you have an old iphone charging plug, maybe try that. Modern chargers can pump more current through the cable to compatible phones so they charge faster. However faster charging == more heat == more likely your processor thermally throttles.


Originally posted by Sidoney

The joystick bug I'm talking about yes, I do believe it's an Android + tablet issue based on what I've read. I do have a galaxy note 20 ultra and no issue there (also no ping change issue). The problem is I can't go back as I'm so used to the tablet ahahaha.

I believe it's the case that the joystick is an Android asset that devs can use for a game? I.e. you guys didn't develop the joystick from scratch.

If this is the case I believe it 100% is a Google issue specifically affecting tablets (again, from what I've read up on).

Are you able to confirm (around the source/implementation of the Android joystick)? I.e. if it's an Android asset or something developed in house?


It's in-house, AFAIK, but it existed before I even joined the project so who knows :D However our game is created using Unity, so I think it's unlikely that it's an Android standard asset when everything is build for cross platform compatibility.

24 Jul


Originally posted by Sidoney

Ok I'll get something recorded in the next few days. I want to also have something showing the "true" device recognised inputs as an overlay too as a comparison.

Also I can link you to a thread from 2015 I found talking about this android tablet joystick bug if you want - it doesn't have a solution, just that other games have had this issue too without google ever addressing it.

Thanks for the response :)

Ohhhhh crap, you think it is a platform level or hardware problem? Maybe it's different than the iPad problem I've seen. Anyway a video would be helpful, there may be something we can do to mitigate the problem even if we can't fully resolve it.

We do have a touch overlay function, but unfortunately it's only in our internal builds to help us diagnose things


Originally posted by Sidoney

It's not rolling. If I want to ping drag or Baron timer for example every time I try to do it the first time it jumps down to on my way so I quickly pull on then off the map to reset it so I can then drag correctly.

This is 100% of the time and I can make a video if you really want. Trust me I thought I was just always mis-clicking on the first instance but it changes from one ping to on my way (below what I want).

I'm D1 with 2k games and this is the work around I need. While I'm at it I also have the Android tablet joystick bug to deal with every game. At some point the joystick will start stuttering and cannot be used properly until I remove all inputs for about a second to essentially reset it. It's random when it happens. Seems to be more likely if I'm charging my device at the time.

Samsung Galaxy tab s7+

Actually can you capture me a video of your android tablet joystick bug? I got one report from someone on an iPad Pro, but our QA couldn't reproduce the issue. It looks a lot like you've slid your finger off the screen, but I think there's more going on than that. So I need help getting evidence of this happening in the wild. I especially need to see the joystick losing input when it is not near the edge of the screen so I can say definitively that it's not just the player's finger sliding off the edge of the screen onto the frame. I experience this too, rarely, and it's driving me crazy because I can't get it to happen reliably. We need to be able to reproduce it reliably so that the dev's can track down what's causing it and we can make sure that it's actually getting fixed.

If you want to include pinging to baron and drag, that would help us figure out exactly what's going on too.

23 Jul


Yes, my hypothesis is that when dragging onto the map you sometimes roll over the next ping and then send the wrong one. Especially when targeting the bottom half of the map. We've made some changes for the upcoming patch to make it stick to your original ping when you drag out to the minimap. This should hopefully address this pain point.

We're also investigating and working on more small changes in the upcoming patches this year to improve the system.

22 Jul


I just want to say that this is a really big change and I don't think we'd ever just pull the rug and make this change over night.

Once that's said, I do think our position select system is really well set up to be ported to normals. I'd love for us to find a good way to test that assumption and then make the choice based on those results. Here's some of the reasons I think we should be looking to test this:

  • With a large influx of non-League players, creating guardrails early on (telling you what champs are good for your position, showing you where to go) probably makes learning the game easier if you come in as a blank slate.
  • The way we designed our system as an optional stackrank, no one is forced to engage with it until they feel ready. They'd still get all the benefits to my previous point.
  • It's a really jarring culture shock for non-League people to transition from normals to ranked at level 10 and I'd love to bridge that knowledge gap e...
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Originally posted by analgore

I don't think so. The rewards are pretty much the same in LoL and have been the same as long as I remember.


I do think we're keeping an open mind to PC and mobile players liking different things (promos for example!). I think if we try and stay lockstep with League we're probably doing you folks a disservice.

21 Jul


Yeah, you should play the champion you want to play. Someone on my team is a terrifying top lane Teemo. It is a legit pick, and you should play what you think will help you team win. Keep in mind not tilting your teammates is a factor in that, so don't be a jerk about it. :D However, if you legitimately think you can win the match up... well, haters gonna hate I guess. Broadly speaking we're not going to penalize players for off-meta picks or unusual champion choices as long as you're playing to win. What we will penalize you for is being a jerk to your team (say if that person has said "no Teemo, or I feed") or intentionally losing/playing poorly.

20 Jul


Originally posted by LieuVijay

The honor chest came too infrequently.

The keys obtained from regular play needed to work with chests. Chests are obtained from playing new champs and getting S. I play alone and I am a support main, so it was hard to get chests. So I had keys but no chests.

And yes I reached quite high honor after grinding, but a rant spree in a series of games (I was doing Ashe support back then before it got popular) got me chatmuted and hence honor locked. No flaming, just them hating my pick and reporting me and with my chat volume, the system auto punished me.

There was no way to appeal because Garena region had no support to appeal to regarding such bans.

So you see me being slightly biased against an overzealous reporting system implemented here in WR. xD

Ok, so your main pain points were around the reward structure then? I definitely feel that, we did not have a very big rewards budget to allocate to the honor system so it didn't feel very rewarding.

I'm sorry you feel like you got an unjustified penalty for verbal abuse. To be honest, I don't know the details of the detection system in Garena regions. What should be happening is that the system only penalizes you if the machine learning model detects offensive chat. It doesn't matter how often you are reported. However, that may not be true in Garena. :(

Thanks for sharing your feedback!


Originally posted by LieuVijay

Well, the honor system in League wasn't all that good. :(

Implementing a honor system looks like there is going to be ANOTHER in-game currency or reward screen and more clog in the Player Inventory.

And the LoL honor system gave keys, which in return gave skins in conjunction with chests, there's no chests here.

Poro coin/energy seems like a good and straight forward tipping system. And the numbers can be tweaked by Riot to just make it so that people don't get too much free stuff and still have to spend money on the game.

Having it be awarded only in ranked games would also solve the issue of not enough people playing ranked after they hit their target rank, AND the issue of people not trying hard anymore after hitting their target rank.

What did you not like about the League honor system?

16 Jul


/remake is near and dear to my heart (I was on the team that brought this to League PC). It's something we are looking at, but won't make it into the game for a while. Definitely not the next major patch. The complexity here is not actually the in-game systems (which to be clear is not that simple, we still have to make sure it is not abusable). Our technical blocker is all the things that happen at the end of a game that we need to modify when a remake happens. Think ranked stars, fortitude, missions progress, wild pass progress, team boosts, etc. etc. etc. We have to make sure that that things are unwound correctly and that only the appropriate players are penalized for their AFK and assessed a loss and everything that entails.

I wish it could be sooner, but we also have stuff behind the scenes to address AFK which should appear before remakes. Can't talk details yet though. Luckily a lot of our penalty systems are disconnected from our patch cycle so we...

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Originally posted by Hatredgnr

You really think high elo is competitive?

Then let me introduce you to the meta of abusing your MMR system just to prove that it's full of flaws

Have you heard of the "Q enablers"? Or at least that's what they call it even tho the purpose of it has nothing to do with what they call it..

So basically what 99% of high elo players do to rank up nowadays is by using an low WR low MMR account of their friends or whatever in a party of duo or trio to boost each one of their main accounts..

Why they do that? They might say that its due to the long Que time in higher elo if u have high MMR, but is that the only reason? Absolutely not.

They mostly do that to get easier games by abusing the MMR system so let's say they play in diamond-master elo yet the difficulty of the game for them feels like plat-emerald elo

It's really sad how you guys are so stubborn to not to change a game killing system like, I used to be a really competitive/try har...

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I'm not sure where you read we aren't changing anything. I think we've said in each of these posts that improvements are coming across the board in these areas.

We are aware of the less ideal situations you are talking about and we know how and why they happen, and we have improvements coming for all of them, both to ranking and matchmaking time.


Originally posted by Hatredgnr

Yeah you turned the game into a coinflip no skill based but luck dependent, you are totally right flip a coin to figure if you'll win or lose don't even bother trying better go afk and spend your time praying for the genius MMR system to not to give you total handicaps with no hands to sabotage you from ranking up to the rank you deserve

Basically turned it into a grindy game instead of skill based Moba its not the better you are the higher your rank is anymore.. It's the more you play

YE no thx I'd rather grind mmos if thats the case, competitive games was never meant to be like that

To be clear, I mention flipping a coin only to demonstrate that streaks happen, not to be confused with so-called "coin-flip" matchmaking where it feels like the outcome is determined by chance rather than skill.

We don't want that form of matchmaking. Ideally everyone in the match is close enough in skill that the outcome feels competitive and not at the mercy of the worst players.

We have improvements to that in the pipeline that we'll be monitoring.

Top Ranks are looking competitive in the data though. So while you may need to play a good amount to get to them, it's still extremely difficult to get to the highest ranks without playing well.