League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

29 Dec

27 Dec


The issue we have had with Camille is that she is HEAVILY skill skewed to the point where she can be pick/ban in pro/highest levels of play while also being one of the weakest champions for anyone outside of that top end skill bracket. This is why she has had to be nerfed, so that she doesn't always dominate top level play.

Everyone of her abilities has a meaningfully high skill component to it. This creates a lot of pressure to use each skill optimally, and adds alot of complexity that can't be accessed outside of that elite play. At some level this is core to the champion/kit, but we believe it doesn't need to be as extreme as it currently is. Because of this we have tried some stuff internally focused on lowering her skill floor, without drastically reshaping her abilities.

23 Dec


Zoe can pick up Spells (formerly Summoner Spells for you old school players) and Boot Enchantments (active items).

Minions can drop these too, but they have a smaller pool they can pull from. I don't remember the exact list, but I know TP, Redemption, Meteor, and Magnetron were removed.


I personally think there is a world where we had an item that would situational increase your crit chance. Though it is a long shot and isn't something we are likely to do.

50% crit Chargeblade was a cool idea, but it was too abusable by non-crit users, and too much of a power spike off a single item.

There are methods for working around this like you said (such as reduced crit damage, only turns on if you meet a requirement) but at that point what is it really doing? If you end up doing the same/similar damage in the end nothing really changed, and if it makes crit users come online sooner it just becomes a must buy. I do like it for Quickblades, but that is a niche situation.


Originally posted by SpiritoftheCombatant

I'm sure Zeri's kit is an amazing fit for WR, I'm only concerned that we would have to go through a ton of reworks with her here as well before she's in a balanced state.

This can always happen though I think we should be in a bit better of a spot. We don't have things like Titanic Hydra for her to take advantage of, made changes to her Q to lower her skill floor and her controls are a bit more approachable.

At her core Zeri will likely always be a highly skill-skewed champion, and that isn't changing. But her Wild Rift designer also worked on her on PC, and spoke with August (her PC gameplay designer) about learning we could take into Wild Rift.

She still feels like Zeri, and if she misses all her shots she won't be doing much, that is fundamental to the character's playstyle. But I think we've got something good, or at least a good starting point for her Wild Rift incarnation.


Originally posted by gospetig

Please remove your artificially created loosers/winners que.

There isn't one, I've talked about this a few times and don't care to go through it again.

If you are losing then take a break to avoid tilting. Best of luck.


Originally posted by RayMasacre

They should pay you more, I don't want f**king skins, I want my game to be better.

I'll always take more money, but both teams make the game better, the people making great skins lets me focus on what I do best.... Plus as I can see from this thread, plenty of people are excited for skins, myself included. I know I'm a sucker for project skins.


Originally posted by Elegastt

Q not feeling clunky at all? As a proud owner of boomer hands i can only imagine how fast you need to precisely cast Q's

Don't worry we did a bit of tinkering to get Q into a good spot.

Some key call outs 1) increase the time you had between Q1 and Q2 (I think by 0.5s)

2) The range is pulled in slightly from PC (helps with screen size, aiming, tap casting). We do this for all long ranged abilities.

3) If Q1 times out it will automatically fire Q2. So even if you don't push Q2 it won't be wasted. This was Tekshi's suggestion, and I love it!

4) Tap casting Q1 fires away from your target so even if you tap Q1>Q2 it should be meaningful.

5) R grants vision of the area right away rather than just when Zoe goes through the portal. (This one isn't something I expect many people to pick up on, but helps give a split second more time for using Q).

We've had Zoe mains, noobs and everywhere in-between try her out, and seems to be hitting the mark, though she is still a high skilled champion.


Originally posted by SHURIDACHI

I hope you dont add that burning tower thing in the game and just stay with the inhibitor idea

Noted, though if you want to provide feedback I suggest giving us some info on how you feel about it. The goal is to end extremely long games, not for this to happen frequently. Respawning inhibitors will increase game time, though likely not a lot. And we don't want to increase game time.

Base burning isn't designed to happen every game, only those that go on too long (aiming for less than 5% of all games, and that will skew more towards lower skill games anyway). It also won't have an immediate affect, it's not like the game ends and you lose your tower the second it starts. It really just speeds things up in an already long game.

So if you look at your match history and see how many games you have that went over 22 minutes. Any game under 22m would never even see it then, because it is burning, it really won't have an impact until 24ish minutes. Far longer than I think anyone really wants the game to go. This isn't intended to be a primary method for ending game...

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Originally posted by SpiritoftheCombatant

I'm legit surprised Zeri was even considered for release on WR before the other simpler ADCs when it looks like PC hasn't landed a good rework for Zeri yet.

Simple isn't really the goal. We do want champions that resonate with people. This can mean they are approachable for someone new, they have exciting high mastery gameplay, a great theme/story, or offer a unique play style.

That doesn't mean every champion coming in 2023 this going to be super high, Zeri levels of, mastery though. I think we have a good variety of champions coming throughout the year.

I'd argue that Zeri's kit is an amazing fit for Wild Rift's controls, and is much easier to use with twin stick controls than a mouse and keyboard. Don't get me wrong, it was still plenty of work for her designer, and he experimented with several different versions, but I am very happy where we landed.


Originally posted by Stahlfakt

Oh I see. My bad! But gameplay is looking crisper now, thanks to you guys!

No worries, and thanks! It is always great reading everyone's reactions to patch previews and I can't wait for you all to get your hands on the changes and all the new goodies.


Originally posted by Stahlfakt

Hey Rouge, any update on the championship skins?

Sorry, I don't know anything about skins. I work on gameplay design, so I'm not actually involved in what the skins team is working on.


Originally posted by gheycub

I wonder if Alan’s monocle joke at the beginning of the video was a Heimerdinger clue? Or was it just a bad monopoly man/Scrooge joke? I believe Maddie’s “sneaky sneaky” joke at the end of the video was a Snitch clue.

Alan was busy spending all his Wildcores on fan art.



Originally posted by gheycub

At minute 6:52 in the video they note “Changes to inhibitors and turrets won’t be live during the initial 4.0 patch, but you can expect to see them in one of the following balance patches during the update!” (In other words 4.0A, etc)

Yes this is true, these will not be enabled when 4.0 goes live. Though I am not sure what patch they will be enabled on.


Originally posted by Fighterz94

I'm really excited that Zoe is finally coming to WR! I can't wait to main her! :D

She has been a lot of fun in play tests, and Wild Rift's boot enchants means there is always Spell Shards laying around.

21 Dec


Originally posted by Proud_Durian_8353

With Akali I honestly throw my shit in the wrong direction a couple times a day because I can't tap to cast in direction of movement.

For some reason it seems like my kunai launch off into nowhere all the time now and I don't remember it being that way before.

But also, I've been playing with Diamond and Master players and the window to do stuff is way smaller.

This sounds like your button deadzone is too low, so when you are trying to tap cast your minor finger movement is interpreted as aiming. I'd suggest tinkering with that a bit and see how it feels.

20 Dec