League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

06 Dec

05 Dec

02 Dec


The vote is intended to come up automatically if you qualify for remake in this patch. We've been testing remake on live extensively to try to uncover cases where it is not triggering, but should and have not been able to find cases where it's not working. If you have a video of your game's replay or want to dm me info about the game (summoner#tag, region, date, time, champion played, champion AFK) we can try to take a look.

01 Dec

30 Nov


Originally posted by divergentirely

What do you think about Fiora jungle? I’ve always felt confused about where I should be in objectives and teamfights, when I should gank etc., it’s much easier with Gwen for me, even though I main Fiora. I wish I could feel confident with her in the jungle 😅

She isn't particularly popular in the jungle but seems to do well partially at higher levels of play. Unfortunately, I don't play her myself, so I don't have much info on how to play her, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone else here has some tips.


Gwen jungle has been strong since her release, and I don't expect she'll ever be weak in the position. As a good rule of thumb Baron Lane champions perform well in the jungle and the Baron Lane.


Originally posted by spaceTacosss

There's a post riot made it's like 3 paragraphs and thought the whole reading, you can find puns that straight away make you say "oh it's Ashe" etc. and one of them was something like an enemy where the crows fly idk something like that. The crows make you think of Swain. Maybe it's fiddlesticks. That all I can say

It was fun to write, I just hope I didn't do an unkindness and murder anyone's hopes for their favorite champions.

29 Nov


Originally posted by ManIneedOuttaHere

I live in Tunisia and play on EU west server and it's unplayable for almost all champions

EU server is probably why you have bad ping, we also have multiple data centers in EU if I remember correctly so you may sometimes get placed one quite far from you. Is the middle east server not a good option for you? Geographically it should be close too and you may possibly have a good link to it and get more consistent ping. Also if you want to dm me your network diagnostic from the game settings menu and your cellphone or ISP name I can surface it to our network ops team. Could be a bad route from your ISP to our servers.

28 Nov

26 Nov

25 Nov


Months ago we made a balance change to the active on W, in part, to make sure the active was called out in the patch notes and it had a bit more visibility. Not everyone is going to check out the patch notes though.

But now think about how good you are on going to be with Vayne when you weren't even using your full power before.

23 Nov

22 Nov