League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

04 Nov


Originally posted by gheycub

Since it resets at the beginning of every week, it seems like just a gatekeeping function from having to play multiple games in a row with the same problematic players. It doesn’t function as a tool keep you from ever having to play with someone ever again unless you have the energy to re-add someone every week.

Correct, for most of us plebs outside of very high MMR we will rarely really see the same player again on our team outside of happening to re-queue at the same time after a game. So we build the avoid list to maximize impact in this case (I can guarantee I won't see someone problematic in the near future, especially the next game) and the weekly reset reduces the possibility of edge cases causing serious matchmaking problems. The abuse possibilities and queue time impacts are unfortunately why we can't enable this at higher ranks.


We're gonna look at adjusting fortitude. We were conservative out of the gate because we were afraid of abuse cases, but the system seems like it's not causing problems with that so we're looking at what we can do to dial up compensation.


Originally posted by SaltyBaoBaos

Automatic Remakes is all I see.

The answer to AFK’s leaving matches?

We'll have more stuff for you in the detailed patch notes, not going to solve all problems, but we hope it will make some meaningful differences for players.


Originally posted by bluetuzo


For those who need to know :)

Edit: Here is the Wild Rift page: https://gaming.amazon.com/loot/wildrift

please take my updoots for the useful post.

03 Nov

02 Nov