World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

20 May

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The "Unsporting Conduct" is actually because of dealing 0 damage with Planes. If you want to spot, that is fine, but please deal at least some amount of damage to an enemy ship with your planes during the match.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

When the company is able to say something more definitive - we will.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Obviously the two companies of Wargaming and Lesta are currently in a transition period where certain services and gameplay aspects are still shared, while we work out the separation. A few players also noticed in the forums that Naval Battles still crossed the servers when they ran into a CIS team from NA for clan battles.

There will be some gameplay and logistical aspects that remain shared during the transition period.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

When we have more specific information about the separation, it's schedule, or it's workings that can be shared - it will.
I know that's not what you wanted to hear and I'm sorry for that.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

¡Hola, Capitanes!

¡Adjunten su archivo de imagen en una respuesta a esta publicación! Este es solo un hilo de comentarios, por lo que su publicación no será visible después de enviarla. Si creen que el envío de su propuesta no funcionó, comuníquense con su Administrador de la Comunidad.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Olá, Capitães!

Anexe seu arquivo de imagem na resposta desta publicação! Este é um tópico de feedback apenas, por isso sua publicação não ficará visível depois que você enviá-la. Se você achar que seu envio não deu certo, entre em contato com o seu Gerente da Comunidade.


Una guía del Capitán para desplegar al acorazado alemán de Nivel X. Leer en el portal


Um guia do Capitão para despachar o encouraçado alemão de Nível X. Leia no portal


A Captain’s guide to deploying the German Tier X battleship. Read it on the portal


¡Cruceros franceses, el Mecklenburg y otras ofertas! Leer en el portal


Cruzadores franceses, Mecklenburg e outras ofertas! Leia no portal


French cruisers, Mecklenburg, and other offers! Read it on the portal


Thank you. We'll update soon.

19 May

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's significant, but not that high. It's about 2/3'ds of a player worth in XP.

We have a video about the Economy that explains it:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

OP's question has been answered. Some removed posts show this topic will go nowhere good if left unlocked.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Officially, a cruiser that burns like a Battleship is a "Large Cruiser", regardless of gun caliber. Stalingrad, Agir, Alaska, Harlem, JohanDW, and Gouden are all "Large Cruisers".

Personally, when a cruiser that burns like a battleship ALSO has large caliber guns, I tend to refer to them as "supercruisers" like much of the community does, but this is a colloquial term used by the community and not the term World of Warships uses to denote a cruiser that burns like a battleship.

Possibly, but not officially yet. CB in naval parlance refers to "Large Cruiser", while CC refers to "Battlecruiser", but we do not use it internally the way we use CL, CA, BB, CV, DD because we are trying to keep things less complicated in this manner. That does not mean, however, that it cannot change in the future. If enough Large Cruisers are in the game to the point where being designated CB instead of CA is deemed more helpful than confusing, it may happen. ...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The French CA's are fast, mobile, and hit extremely hard. They do not tank well and don't hold up under sustained fire, so camping with a ship like this is not a play-style that will find you much success

"Battlecruiser" is not an official term in World of Warships that translates in to something specific. We have cruisers and battleships as classes and each brings with it a set of actual game-values. For example, Battleships burn longer and have slower reload times on their damage control party than cruisers, but also longer action times.

"Large Cruiser" is a term we use to indicate a cruiser that also possess' the burning characteristics of a Battleship, but still maintains the DCP action time and reload of a cruiser. This is the official WoWs term, but people often refer to them as "Supercruisers" like Alaska, Stalingrad, Agir, Siegfried.

"Battlecruiser" is a term that historically meant a ship that was the size of a battleship, pos...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

CVs can hit Bunkers/Buildings. Sometimes the aiming can be a little strange, but it's certainly doable.


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