World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

06 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Good point made by Lert and I would like to expound on that a little bit. Each section of the ship has a "saturation" limit, this is why you will see the occasional DD take a bunch of torpedoes on the nose and not die (rare but it happens). Granted I have not used the widespread torpedoes up close because I rely on making sure I predict the movement right but I can see a point for trying it.

The key to getting good hits with torpedoes is learning to predict where ships will be and not always following the indicator.


USN BBs are great for supporting offensive efforts but it takes cooperation between your DD and at least 1 cruiser to provide DPM.

Once you get to the North Carolina, Alabama, or Massachusetts, your survivability and armor protection increases exponentially so you can start tanking more effectively to push a flank or retake a cap.


Typically that happens when the OPFOR overloads when you are running a balanced attack. Then it turns into a race to cap especially in Standard Battle mode.

It can also be an opportunity for the DD(s) on your flank to lay down an ambush as the collapsed flank will often have a staggered column of ships that are damaged and have likely popped DCP making them vulnerable to fire and floods.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey Captains,

Today we are going to cover consumable recommendations. Consumables are a topic I see a lot of questions on from day to day on the forums. Let us bring our thoughts together and see if we can create a few starting points to captain skills and consumables.

We will start with Consumables and go over their strengths and weakness. Correct consumable use and when you use them can have a profound impact on the game. There are many instances you will run into that you wished you had charge of a consumable left or it was off cooldown. We are going to go over some of those times and see if we can't improve usage of consumables. We are going to go over shipboard consumables only right now (CV tips will come in a later guide). For reference here is the wiki page that covers all the consumables: http://wiki.warga...

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    sea_you on Forums - Thread - Direct

Gracias, @zproxy

Recien subí todas las traducciones.


    sea_you on Forums - Thread - Direct


Continuamos a trabalhar para melhorar a jogabilidade dos porta-aviões e hoje gostaríamos de falar sobre as mudanças que estão sendo preparadas para as próximas atualizações.

Por favor, lembre-se de que os planos às vezes mudam. As informações abaixo são preliminares: os prazos podem ser movidos e novos pontos podem ser adicionados no futuro.

A atualização 0.8.4 trará um período de tempo no início de cada batalha durante o qual os esquadrões de porta-aviões não poderão decolar devido a terem que passar por serviços iniciais. Essa mudança, levando em conta o tempo que leva os esquadrões para alcançar os alvos, permitirá que os navios de ambas as equipes comecem a se mover para os pontos de controle e ocupem posições vantajosas antes que qualquer esquadrão esteja no ar.

O consumível de resfriamento do motor foi padronizado para todas as aeronaves. Agora, o consumível dará o mesmo aumento de velocidade e...

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    sea_you on Forums - Thread - Direct


Continuamos trabajando para mejorar la jugabilidad de los portaaviones y hoy nos gustaría informarles sobre los cambios que se están preparando para las próximas actualizaciones.

Por favor, recuerde que los planes a veces cambian. La siguiente información es preliminar: los plazos se pueden mover, y nuevos puntos pueden ser agregados en el futuro.

La actualización 0.8.4 traerá un período de tiempo al comienzo de cada batalla durante el cual los escuadrones de portaaviones no podrán despegar debido a que tienen que pasar por servicios iniciales. Este cambio, teniendo en cuenta el tiempo que tardan los escuadrones en alcanzar los objetivos, permitirá a los barcos de ambos equipos comiencen a moverse hacia los puntos de control y tomar posiciones ventajosas antes de que haya escuadrones en el aire.

El consumible de refrigeración del motor ha sido estandarizado para todos los aviones. Ah...

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Ahoy Fleet!

Please provide feedback on the following items on this session of Public Test session 0.8.4!

Victory competition

Admiral Kuznetsov

CV changes

Dynamic port weather

Ranked battles

New maps

If you have any reports of bugs or strange happenings, please report them here!



Ahoy Fleet!

The 0.8.4 Public Test is now starting, so please provide any bug reports you may encounter here.

Please also check out Wacko's little guide on how to report a bug here:

For each report please attach the python.log file from your Public Test client. That will help us to better understand the nature of the issue you're experiencing.

If possible, it would be perfect if you could attach our Special Public Test version WGCheck tool report ( you can find the tool attached to this message).

You can find the instructions on how to use that tool here(instructions are given for the live server, however, they will be identical to Public test)

If you have feedback related items, you can leave them here.




While this post has been majorly productive on the topic of how to give feedback its beginning to derail into a catchall for complaints and opinions on recently announced topics.

We thank you for your feedback and would now encourage you to post it into the appropriate threads as per the topics (such as the Dev blog individual posts as they are made), or if there is not an already created thread, please make one.

For now I will be closing it.



We have previously explained why this is not a feature we are considering.

The possibility of facing CVs in games forces players to make choices in how they will configure their ships, if you know you will never see a CV, you will never spec your ships for AA and conversely, players who opt to stay in game with CVs will purposely spec for AA. This leads to heavily weighted games in either situation. Furthermore, adding additional criteria's into the Matchmaking system will extend times for games to be formed, and while peak server time would be able to cope, it would cause major impact on the quieter times for the server.

Please consider that this is not an individual ship change, this is a change that is impacting a mechanic within the game as a whole. Which as previously stated when we shelved the concept of altering the GC, would be conducted if it improves the overall balance of the game

"It should be noted that even the ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Spitfire175,

This was posted by Sub_Octavian on March 14th: It should be noted that even the ships purchased in or marketed through Premium store are a part of a big game we all play. That means our decision does not isolate any ship from systematic changes applied to a group of ships on common basis or to the whole game. For example, a change to the Radar mechanics affects all ships equipped with Radar, a Smoke mechanics change affects all ships with smoke, etc.

When a change affects a whole class of ships, premium ships are not immune to the changes. They still fall under the appropriate ship type for the changes. In this case, this is a change for all CVs and not one CV in particular when you are referring to the change in the most recent Developer's Blog.


Developer Bulletin 0.8.4

Welcome to the Public Test server for Update 0.8.4. Join in and be among the first to try out the new changes!

Start: May 8 - 12:30pm ET / 09:30am PT

End: May 13 - 11:30am ET / 08:30am PT

Update 0.8.4 is the next instalment of the cycle dedicated to Soviet battleships. It brings the second stage of the "Victory" competition, a new season of Ranked Battles, new changes to aircraft carriers, and dynamically changing weather in your Ports!

IMPORTANT! Because the Update is still being tested, the information in this Bulletin is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Some changes and new features may be removed entirely, or implemented differently, by the time the Update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the Update is released.

... Read more

*USS Washington (BB-56) undergoing post-overhaul sea trials in Puget Sound on September 10, 1945*

What role/mission do you have your battleship play during battle?

Well known for being heavily armored with hard hitting main batteries, battleships can hit hard and can draw heavy fire as well.

However some battleships are capable of performing other tasks such as air defense, brawling at close range, or detecting threats such as torpedoes or hidden warships.

Skippers, when your battlewagon gets underway, what role do you assign them to help the Fleet to victory?

"This ship is built to fight. You'd better know how." - Arleigh Burke, U.S. Navy



    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Vaidency,

When it comes to spotting mechanics are you talking about spotting individual ships i.e. the "flanking DD" going down the 9 line trying to come around the enemy team? With the way CVs are currently designed, planes cannot be everywhere at once like they could before the rework. We are implementing a delay in when planes take off in 0.8.4. which will help ships at the start get more spread out. Part of the role of the CV is to negate the flanking maneuvers of DDs, cruisers and mobile battleships and to be fair if the CV is not spotting both flanks (can't with only one squadron of planes at a time) a DD should be able to have success on the flank that doesn't have planes.

That is a good question and as more details come out about the new "autopilot", keep an eye on the Developer's Blog.

Not the changes you are looking for? What changes are you looking for? We are putting in a delay at the beginning of a ...

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    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let's please keep the discussion constructive. We aren't removing any class, it's not even a conversation.

In the meantime let's please focus on which issues you feel are most important and affecting the class you play. Bear in mind other classes while they may appear powerful may not be in the opinions of those playing them. Ultimately how folks feel mixed with good data is how balance decisions are made.


Will amend this bit, case of whoops from our template.