World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

31 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

For those participating, the system will do a query on your account:

"Amount of Free XP earned from:


Whatever the number is, you will be given an extra 22% of that number for participating in the New Year Event thing~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

@CrakShott @Trash_Taste_In_Waifus @JamesTomb

I did some training room tests and determined the new health distribution on the Kleber. I also did a Harugumo as a "standard" DD reference.

Old style numbers on the Kleber were:

New distribution is:

The "second" level of Saturation on the mid-ships is a 10% damage taken. Similar to dealing damage to a "dead" section like a fully saturated nose or aft.


The Harugumo has no saturation at all midship, so the damage distribution is different.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep, it was Hotfixed about 2 days after it was discovered.

It was altered slightly in that the additional HP is now spread out to ship sections in the same way as when you go from an A Hull to a B Hull

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

In my experience, it comes down to shells landing.

While out-trading a poor-accuracy DD is definitely in the cards if that situation presents, I went more with a general statement as folks might dip their toe into a 6-7km DD fight and be surprised in how monumentally unpleasant a result they will receive.

If the Enemy DD is actually scoring hits on you at nearly the same rate as you're hitting them, the Khaba line feels like it's constantly losing due to poor DPM.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I did the Khaba grind after the Coal-move was announced. Every single one of those ships wants RANGE, usually about 15km of it.

I can say they are zippy enough to shell juke and are quite enjoyable in that sense. Beware though, they can NOT fight other DDs.

Match enclosed:

Direct Video Link:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, my response was about why you can see so many Battleships in a queue. They are less likely to get slaughtered while a newer player figures out ship handling and play patterns.


I don't have any official reasoning to give as to why ASW is one way or the other. Subs are still in testing.

Conjecture would state that Battleship detection being so much larger than Cruisers means additional range is required for interacting against a Sub attacking from further distances. Further, Battleships are Capital Ships and known for carrying large guns that do large amounts of damage. The idea that they have powerful ASW is thematic under that line of logic.

The argument for Cruisers to hold the ASW specialty is interesting, as it could allow them to fit more of the consumable/variable roleset. However, Cruisers can get closer to subs before being detected (Air Detect Range is used for a Sub at Periscope Depth) and should b...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alright, this thread is wandering afield.

I've pruned posts that aren't talking about the guy's Replay that he posted.

This isn't a thread to figure out what the word "Counter" means, nor dive into the ocean of The Great CV Debate. As @Bandi73 asked earlier, a new thread is best for starting a fresh conversation on such a topic.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

We haven't given a date for it, so I don't have that information to share :(

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, there is a CC that has advocated for 450mm guns. However, we actually do a LOT of research into these things. Like, a surprising amount.

There was an exchange over this on the CC Discord that might give some insight as to the current status of her guns:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

On a basic level, Battleships are the new-player friendliest class.

Cruisers can be out-detected and die quickly from armor that works in skilled hands but eats damage in non-skilled hands.

Destroyers have low health pools and are quickly killed when detected if helm'd by a new player

Carriers are a class which has a subset of the base audience due to their different playstyle/mechanics

Battleships have enough armor to not die easily, and big enough guns to hurt what they shoot at. It's a great class for a person who doesn't want to load into a game and shortly after be sent right back to port.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

For some reason, the hours displayed as the "downtime" is strange for some folks.

The event should be playable to earn points as normal during the regular hours you would expect.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Making a response thread is the correct choice. This thread is about someone posting a replay and getting feedback on that replay.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Congrats on a great way to finish out 20... 21~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You would need to torp or shoot a teammate so many times that it would have to be intentional. When friendly fire was removed, the bar for hitting teammates was increased substantially to avoid people becoming pink for no appreciable reason.

Unless you're intending on torp'ing a friendly something like 20 times, you don't have anything to fear for that :p


As for DC'ing, "Life Happens". Your teammates aren't happy you DC'd, and you weren't able to return before the match's end. Being pink for 3 matches isn't much of a "real" penalty so much as a warning/reminder to think of your team.

    on News - Thread - Direct
The World of Warships team wishes you all the best for the holidays and hopes you'll find yourself in a great holiday mood! Read more

The World of Warships team wishes you all the best for the holidays and hopes you'll find yourself in a great holiday mood! Read it on the portal


El equipo de World of Warships les desea todo lo mejor para las fiestas y espera que estén con una gran actitud festiva. Leer en el portal


A equipe do World of Warships lhe deseja tudo de bom nestas festas de fim de ano e espera que você esteja em um ótimo clima festivo! Leia no portal


¡En honor a sus glorias pasadas y con la esperanza de muchas más por venir, estamos llevando a cabo un evento especial! Leer en el portal