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@ubi-woofer I am afraid this isn't resolved yet. I can fight the Puca and then it flees. But when I follow it the loading icon pops up and the game is loading indefinitely freezing Eivor in midsprint. I already tried a manuel save before the fight and after the fight. If I load before the fight the same thing happens and I get stuck afterthe fight again. If I load my save from after the fight it doesn't load at all and the loading icon is turning forever.

If I load a New game while Eivor freezes for a quick second Eivor unfreezes but then the game tries to load the save and is stuck in a forever loading lop again. Please help, I can not continue the game 😞

over 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @Norior2021

Thank you for reaching out to us, I'm sorry to hear you're also having issues with the Puca!

May we please know the platform you're playing on and if possible could you please capture a clip of this and link it here so we can take a closer look and pass it onto the team if necessary?

Thank you!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Thanks for your reply, @norior2021, and for confirming that you are playing on PlayStation 4.

There is a further fix pending for this issue in a future update, however we cannot yet confirm which exact title update this fix will be deployed in. As soon as we know this information, we'll be sure to share it here in the megathread.

In order to reopen the investigation after the deployment should the issue still persist for you then, we would need a video as requested by my colleague @Ubi-TheBerry. As you are playing on PlayStation 4, this should be possible for you to provide by capturing the video using the "Share" function and then either uploading it to a sharing site such as YouTube, or sharing the video file via a hosting site like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Please let us know if you have any further questions, concerns or feedback in the meantime! 🙂

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

@norior2021 Thanks for sharing the video. Can I also ask if you could try this hotfix workaround that was put into the game in a previous update and see if this still resolves it?

Follow these steps:

  • Create a manual save
  • Shutdown the game and relaunch it. Desynchronizing, reloading a save, or returning to title screen is not enough
  • Load the save created above
  • Eivor should be able to complete and continue the quest

If you cause the game to reload before continuing the quest "Into the Fog" , you will need to shutdown and relaunch the game before starting the quest again.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

@norior2021 Thanks for confirming that. I've forwarded your video and this information on to the dev team.

Edit - Can you also let us know which Ubisoft account username you play the game on, as I can't see it on this account.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for confirming your username for us, @Norior2021! We've passed your report along to the development team so they can take a closer look at this issue.

I've moved your posts into a separate thread, as it looks like the issue you're encountering is the infinite loading screen, rather than being unable to harm the Puca itself during the fight. This is to help us to keep the investigations separate, and to prevent any confusion.

If we require any additional information from you, we'll reach out within this thread.

Thanks! 😊