Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

24 Apr


I feel bad for having to say "no" every time someone brings up the map editor topic but: No. We ourselves are using a mix of different tools to design, create and populate our maps (and some of them are licensed software, not tools developed by us) - there isn't that one editor that already exists and can just be made public.

We're aware this is a subject dear to the hearts to several of you, but the efforts to potentially create something like that are unfortunately too high, when we need our resources for other things.

20 Apr


Originally posted by Alfondorion

Yes, but I think they won't release CDLCs for DLC content


19 Apr


Thanks for reporting this, we'll have a look at what's causing that :)

17 Apr


Just what the local aristocrats wanted!

13 Apr


That's actually a rather interesting point of discussion, really. As someone who builds very chaotically, I won't become a big user of Stamps myself either.

That said, even without Stamps, many people have already been sharing "perfect layouts" for cities, production chains etc., going so far as to create the Anno Designer fan-tool just for that. Meaning, standardized layouts were already in use before, they just required more manual work to set up.

By the sounds of it, it makes a lot of people very happy, though, sooo... that's never a bad thing ;)

12 Apr


This is a fantastic idea, very cool!


Hey there! We do not have plans for a release of Anno 1800 Console Edition on any other platform than PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, sorry :/

04 Apr


We are working on a patch for console, too, yes, to address the reports we received since release.

However, we don't have a date for it yet.


Originally posted by CALLMENOOBBB

just tried the creative mode, they really should enable all items so that I can open museum

You can place all Museum, Zoo, etc. modules from the build menu (beautification menu) directly, no need to get the items first :)

03 Apr


Open the "Tools" menu with the left trigger, then select the "cosmetic tool". When moving over a ship, you can rename it manually or cycle through pre-generated names.

31 Mar


Originally posted by spectral_fall

That's great and all, but I was hoping we would hear about the neat cosmetic pack by now. Surely the Chinatown pack can't be the last cosmetic pack.

It's not, there are indeed 3 more planned for this year. But they're more or less evenly spread out over the course of the year. We'll soon have news on the next one, but first want to focus (communication-wise) on the Annoversary Update here

29 Mar


Time to finally announce the Anno kart racing game!

Just kidding, no, we have nothing to announce for now.

28 Mar


The tree was added with Game Update 16 in December last year - so, you should already be able to find it in-game :)

23 Mar


Originally posted by gluyarik

Yes I see but how do I actually push this button. I only can speed time which is triangle + ->.

Open the menu during gameplay, one of the top buttons on the left side is for the day/night cycle. There you can either set a specific time or enable the automatic cycle

22 Mar


Heya, splitting my reply in two parts:

1 - personal view

While I don't miss such an option, since I'm generally playing rather slowly and have been playing Anno games for long enough now to know the core mechanics, I'm never against additional settings or options. I don't think Anno necessarily needs one, but if that means a better experience for some players and people new to the franchise: Sure!

2 - Anno team view

There's by no means a "this doesn't fit to Anno" stance on our side. While always complex, 1800 is the first Anno game that goes even further with multiple simultaneous regions that require your attention. Up to this point, it just really didn't seem to be necessary to include such an option.

The way the game, or more specifically the engine is set up, everything is calculating in "ticks", e.g. the game needs to be running, be active. It's a real time strategy game after all. An active pause, however, would allow players to do act...

Read more

16 Mar


The Free Week will start globally on all platforms today at 5PM UTC


The Free Week will start globally on all platforms today at 5PM UTC

13 Mar


Originally posted by Seilofo

It seems like these drops are a console version exclusive. Most are already present in the PC-version!

But the ships skins are unique right?

Nope, on PC you already have the "2m players" ship skins :)


Originally posted by bow_down_whelp

How much money is that in retail ? It doesn't feel like a lot they made which would be a travesty

While I ofc can't tell you any figures, we're overall VERY happy with the sales performance of our game :)