Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

09 Jan


Originally posted by PlatesOnTrainsNotOre

Ubisoft Legal has entered the chat


But in all seriousness: Please don't leak stuff, we'd really appreciate that. More info is coming very soon :)

24 Dec


Originally posted by RoseAmasu

We don't know what it is, he has the choice between 3 things when clicking play, Anno and what we assumed is Dx11 and Dx12. I play on Steam so I never had those, could this be the problem then? Should he launch "Anno 1800" and not the other two? That's what we were planning to do once he finishes reinstalling the game once again

Yes, "Anno 1800" launches the game, while the other 2 are benchmarks. Hope you two get it to run - have fun! :)

19 Dec


Originally posted by TheGoldenHand

Hey /u/Ubi-Thorlof ,

I have found a possible source for the problem. The fix is unfortunate. The problem is within the Steam-Ubisoft Connect handshake and Activation installation.

The failure happens during installation on Steam. Steam never correctly installs the Anno 1800 Activation DLC. When installing via Steam, the installer fails after step 1/2 reaches 100% without giving indication. The 2/2 is when it installs Ubisoft Connect and the Anno 1800 Activation DLC. I'm guessing the "Anno 1800 Activation DLC" is what activates my game. This part of the install seems to fail without giving an indication. Uninstalling and reinstalling in Steam with Admin mode will not successfully complete the installation.

Ubisoft has multiple versions and deployments of Ubisoft Connect. Even if you have the most up-to-date version of Ubisoft Connect, they are different. The one that comes with Anno 1800 is a limited version that does not include...

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Thanks a bunch for the details, TheGoldenHand, and sorry for the inconveniences with the Steam version. I've forwarded your investigation you posted above and we'll check it internally with the other teams.

Hope you enjoy Anno 1800 despite these troubles.

14 Dec


Originally posted by TheGoldenHand

Thank you for keeping us updated!

I bought the game for the first time on Steam because of the sale on Dec 9. I'm a fairly technical user. I tried all the suggestions in the Trello post and none of them worked for me.

I only have 14 days for a refund, and I've never asked for a refund before. I'm really hoping for an update before then!

After re-installing both Anno and Ubisoft Connect, verifying files, updating drivers, restarting, and setting Steam, Ubisoft Connect, and Anno.exe to all run in Admin mode.

Clicking Play in Steam starts the Anno.exe briefly in task manager, then a Windows Crash instance is created in the task manager for a split second and both crash. Nothing ever appears on screen. Ubisoft Connect never starts. I've also tried manually starting Ubisoft Connect in admin mode before launching the game, and it doesn't make a difference. Anno 1800 does not appear in my Ubisoft Connect games list. I've only bought games on ...

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Thanks a lot, TheGoldenHand! And apologies once more for the current inconveniences. Unfortunately, I can't give you an ETA for the fix right now, but as soon as we got something, we'll update our posts + Trello.


Originally posted by ShittyAppleCrumble

Just wondering if theres going to be added time to uplay+ subs for this issue? I bought my uplay+ for anno considering how expensive the whole game is :(

Unfortunately, that's not something I can give you an answer to. I can forward this topic, however.


Originally posted by 8wayz

Hey Thorlof,

As the OP mentioned, some of the sections under the Beautification menu are either not translated, or not properly formatted. I can confirm that this small issue is also present in the french version for two of the sections. Should we report these on Trello or are you already aware of the incomplete translations of the interface ? :)

Actually that was not on our radar yet, but it is now. Thank you! :)


Even though I'm personally a regular tea drinker (and am therefore equally sad there's so little tea in-game, outside of Enbesa), the issue above is indeed a bug and (for once) not a teaser. We'll correct that with a future update.


Originally posted by loudgayamerica

Ok cool. I guess I count cosmetic packs as DLC. Must have missed the announcement. Is there more coming beyond the old town pack that’s been discussed?

Btw, love love love/very appreciative for all the work that goes into this game so long into it’s life.

There are a few more things happening next year, yes, even though we're overall winding down main production for Anno 1800. You can find the announcement with news on our plans here:


Originally posted by WordCoding

Hi, I see there is a new pack for 2022 (even though it is still missing some of the wallpapers that I collected). When will we get new update for latest season pass?

There'll again be a download with this year's artworks before the holidays, yes: some time next week.


Originally posted by IsabellaMeiera

Yes. If you buy it on Steam it will work. (I gave in and bought it.)

This is not correct. The issue also affects (some, not all) players on Steam and Ubisoft Connect. One of the reasons why investigations are taking longer than we would like them to take.

As Udolikecake linked, we're working on the issue but for now can't give an ETA on a fix. Keep an eye on the forum thread linked in the Tweet or this Trello card (, we're posting all updates there.


Originally posted by loudgayamerica

This update has convinced me more than ever that there is more DLC/season coming, and I was a huge skeptic. Why put this much work in at the very end?

I can confirm no more content DLC or Seasons are planned. However, as announced, we're still planning more Cosmetic DLC next year.

The rework of the construction menu has been something that several members of the team had on their "we want to do this" list for a while already, and were very happy to be able to realize it now for the last update.


Originally posted by Boring-Alternative69

I can't imagine being a piece of shit like you knowing customer are having an issue for 5 days and you don't give a f**k. I hope they fire your worthless dumbass

Sometimes finding the cause of an issue and attempting to fix it takes time - which unfortunately is the case here. We've been posting updates on the official forums as well as our Trello board and have linked to these places also via our website and social channels. The community-managed Discord also linked to our communication.

At the same time, our team is hard at work investigating the problem since Thursday last week. I understand it's frustrating not being to play the game due to this issue right now, but I have to absolutely refuse the accusation that we "don't give a f*ck".

Apologies for the current inconveniences, please keep an eye on the channels I mentioned above to stay up to date.

13 Dec


Originally posted by _magyarorszag

Is there an email address I can send it to or would that not work?

If that's easier for you, you could also send a mail to [email protected]


Originally posted by Ubi-Thorlof

Hey all, sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

Could you please confirm for me on which platform you own the game? Connect, Epic or Steam?

Could you also please try:

- Verifying the game files on Steam/Connect

- completely closing and restarting Steam/Connect

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who replied with additional info and workarounds you tried.

It seems we have tracked down a potential cause for the issue, we're currently looking in it.

We're posting all updates here on this Trello card:


Seems like a visual issue only, but would you mind sharing your savegame with us regardless? Feel free to just upload the save file and message me the link :)


A very curious issue, would you mind sharing your savegame with us? Feel free to just upload the save file and message me the link :)

08 Dec


Hey all, sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

Could you please confirm for me on which platform you own the game? Connect, Epic or Steam?

Could you also please try:

- Verifying the game files on Steam/Connect

- completely closing and restarting Steam/Connect

Thank you!

06 Dec


Originally posted by TheSkyllz


What if they took like 3 of the 5 years of 1800 to already Start with the new development and in 2023 we get to see the first bits of Infos about it. I mean, they promised something special and I doubt the whole team worked on only seasons. There has to be quite some progress on the new anno.

The next project is in a concept phase, as stated in the blog.

Keep in mind we've been (technically still are) working on both the Season Pass DLC as well as the console version.


Originally posted by melympia

Well, we were told in no uncertain terms that there would be no more Season Passes after SP 2...

I don't remember us saying something like this "in no uncertain terms", but we may have said something along the lines of "we currently don't have plan" or "we currently have nothing to announce" or something.

That said: I think we've been appropriately specific in yesterday's blog that we're ending the main development for Anno 1800 as specified. There will be Cosmetic DLC but no more content/feature DLC or addons or something along those lines.


Originally posted by spectral_fall

Please pass on my mixed feelings to the team. I'm glad the next Anno is in the works, but 1800 holds a special place in my heart and I'm devastated over the news today. It's the end of an era.

I hope the next Anno game won't deviate too much from what made Anno 1800 a success. We like complex games!

There are also some mixed feelings on our side, after working on a game for this long, saying goodbye (well, not right now, but in the not too distant future) does feel a bit strange.

But we're excited for the new project and are looking forward to sharing more about it at a later date.