Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

07 May


Originally posted by Sylamatek

Well we already know about the tractors that need some kind of fuel to maintain.

/u/com_raven 's response to my question here ( )has me hoping the majority of the DLC is ornaments

Some ornaments I would like:


-static farm equipment like plows and whatnot

-grain silos/physical stacks of other resources like bricks, steel beams, windows, ores, cocoa/coffee beans, etc., think of these being similar to how quays will auto populate with bits and bobs when you place big swaths of them down

-industrial barrier walls, probably made of rough stone or brick

-"drying areas" for crops that have been harvested and laid out to dry

-Loading docks, think similar to the wooden decks...

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The ornaments definitely aren't the focus, but a nice addition to round out the content of Bright Harvest.

Grain Silos sound like an interesting idea though!


Originally posted by 2VetOP

Interesting find, but I'd say that is highly unlikely. I just don't see how Anno could be playable without mouse/keyboard.

Probably the result of some experimentation or internal codesharing.

EDIT: Yeah that's a confirmed NO:

Nein, es gibt keinerlei Pläne Anno 1800 auf Konsolen zu veröffentlichen. Wie Jan127O über meinem Beitrag schon richtig vermutet hat experimentieren wir gerne mit verschiedenen Dingen um zu sehen was in Zukunft vielleicht Sinn ergeben könnte. Wobei Controller sich auch am PC zunehmender Beliebtheit erfreuen für eine entspannte Runde auf der Couch, oder auch beim Thema Barrierefreiheit hilfreich sein können.

No, we have no plans for a console release. We just like to experiment with different things to see what might make sense in the future. Controllers are also becoming more and more popular on the PC for a relaxed round on the couch, or can also be helpful with accessibility.


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Couldn't have said it better myself :)

05 May


Originally posted by Sylamatek

Any hints on what we'll be decorating with the ornaments in this DLC? We talking small barns and tool sheds? Haven't heard much more about the agricultural and industrial ornaments teased in the Season 2 DLC video

Yes, the idea is to have some "ornaments" that aren't really decorative in the traditional sense, but help to make the work feel more living and realistic. Like maybe a nice wall around your factory or so :)

04 May


Originally posted by Syrup02

ah yes i cant wait for that dlc! Seriously amazing job with this game, it is by far my favorite game of all time.

I can't take any credit for it, but I am glad to hear the team's work is bringing you joy :)


It's certainly very pretty! Now imagine that with some majestic tractors roaming the fields...

30 Apr


Originally posted by Takarazuka012

So what was your contribution then?! I bet it was the grass tile huh? 😛🤗

Judging by my very middling Photoshop skills, it would be best for all involved if I stayed far, far away from anything graphics ;)


Originally posted by meditating-zombies

Anno 9 confirmed. Stone age economics going to be all about that fur and stones!

I think that would be a fairly limited Anno in terms of varied production chains, to be honest.

29 Apr


Originally posted by _barat_

Let's hope that BB will leave some devs for bugfixing and not throwing all the forces to create this visuals ...

It is a very common practice in the games industry to randomly assign all the programmers to start making 3d assets, yes oO

21 Feb


Just as an update to this: It should be sufficient to simply disable the Uplay Overlay (see here

) as a temporary workaround for Windows 7 users. No offline mode required.

Be aware that disables the overlay for all games for the time being.

We'll let you know as soon as we have news about a fix.

(and recommend enabling the overlay as soon as it's fixed)

15 Oct


Hey Livid, I think I replied to you on Twitter already ;)

Definitely a cool idea which gives a great overview over what's going on with the game at the current time. We'll see if we can further improve our communication with you guys and increase the visibility on what we're working on.

Currently you can find the "known issues" list, which we update in (more or less) regular intervals over on the forums:

16 Jul


Originally posted by Takarazuka012

It sure does show as sold out. Interesting. No info yet on Twitter or Discord from Ubi, but I've asked. They may have run out of keys and just have to generate more. I'll let you know if I hear more soon.

This is definitely not working as intended ;) The issue has been forwarded.