Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

06 May


Originally posted by corywyn

you evil karma whore

but we still love you :)

I prefer the term “highly engaged and approachable Brand Manager”!


Originally posted by LordOsvar

Looks really good, but I can't wait to see what 'recipes' are and how they connect to new production chains!

I don't want to say some of them are mouthwatering- but the other day I was reading up on some stuff around lunch time, and that was a mistake...


Originally posted by Haakon_XIII

I guess

Guessing is a tricky business...


Originally posted by Ubi-Thorlof

Com_Raven likes to be first - and had the advantage of knowing when it went live. Almost impossible to win ;)

Indeed, I may have something of a slight advantage here- sorry u/Prof_Koehler :)


Originally posted by will3264

Will there be a benefit to spread out attractions? Or can you simply put all tourist attractions right next to eachother?

There absolutely is a benefit to spreading them across your city, yes


Originally posted by Prof_Koehler

I was just waiting all day to repost this Blog to reddit and now you just went ahead and did it yourself. :(

Com_Raven likes to be first - and had the advantage of knowing when it went live. Almost impossible to win ;)


Originally posted by TheRaven476

Do we have any word on what the benefits of tourists are? Will their happiness provide Attractiveness? Influence?

I hope it's not another Arctic where gas ended up not being that important and the answer to why we would go through all the headache providing all the needs was mainly "Because it's there!".

That's exactly what's next week's DevBlog is going to be about.

But short preview: No, not like the Arctic.


Hey Anno Community,

Today we want to give you some first insights into the upcoming DLC �Tourist Season�, specifically: the bus system.

When we presented Season 3 in February of this year, we already gave you a first overview as to what you can expect, we mentioned restaurants, recipes and the aforementioned buses. We want to dedicate a separate blog to this specific feature and give you some development insights since it�s the mechanic connecting all other parts of this DLC.

Buses are a new mechanic which is needed to connect your guests, the Tourists, with their Hotels and all amenities of the city: Restaurants, Bars, Variety Theatres, the Zoo and more.

Check out the full DevBlog on the... Read more

05 May


Originally posted by GreenOrkGirl

OMG don't tell me I will have to rebuild my cities to fit bus system there

PS: I know that I will lol

Not only for the bus system... ;)


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but skyscrapers won't be built in stages like monuments. Building individual residences in stages would add a whole new level of micromanagement that we do not think would benefit the overall gameplay (there are after all many other aspects of running your empire calling for your attention).

However, as a small teaser, I will say that skyscrapers are in some other regards quite unique among residential buildings ;)

04 May


Originally posted by Dabok


I'm still not sure whether to make a new game session or not.

Probably not as my last session was quite recent and I put a lot of work into it with the Docklands system or whatnot. I just hope that I won't need to destroy "too much" of the things I've already built in order to integrate this to my game :D

Oh, and I do hope that it's rewarding and worth the effort. Like, I hope it adds more than just attractiveness or things like that. Some cool little +5% positive bonus effects would be appreciated, as long as it's a little something more :D

I'd say we got you covered, just you wait :P


Originally posted by InformerFiDead

About as complicated as expanding the harbor area for the Docklands I suppose...? OK I'm no expert Developer but they literally have a whole working train-system built into the game, how difficult would it be to just make some adjustments for trams? I guess they got their reasons, but if a modder comes out with a fully functional train system soon it'd be a bit embarrassing again.

I also really don't like how they focus some update on specifically not hurting existing gamesaves. It means players who frequently make new savegames, or players just coming to the game now are being cheaped out of features, just to protect the rather small playerbase who has 1 huge savegame. Really not how DLCs should operate imo.

On the other hand I'm always glad about new Anno stuff, hope the busses are at least fun to use.

Again, "complicated" does not mean "impossible". The harbor area can be extended, but we're expecting issues when doing so.

A second railway system could be created, but the amount of effort several of our teams would need to put into it to have it work properly, have a functional UI and iron out all potential issues would be quite big. We actually talk about this topic in Thursday's blog ;)

Another example, numbers are made up: If we have to choose between spending one month on getting feature X to work and creating a cut-down version of features A and B, or spending one month on getting features A, B and C done, the choice usually is quite clear. We do not have unlimited time, money and developers to develop all features we might think are cool or implement all ideas we receive from our players.

In the end it comes down to fulfilling the vision, the concept for the DLC while providing the best experience for the majority of players.

03 May


Originally posted by Haakon_XIII

Makes you wonder how many people can live in one, huh!


Originally posted by InformerFiDead

clearly not 7x7, maybe 7x6 or 7x5 but the front is clearly longer than the sides.

Lots of guesses, but not quite right so far :P


Originally posted by Takarazuka012

What.. are you just sitting here stalking Reddit now!!? hahaha

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.


These shots look fantastic! Very impressive city-buildng skills