
Anthem Dev Tracker

06 Jan


Originally posted by iGameYT

Welcome to the first weekly update for the new year. Hope each of you are ready for an amazing 2019!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Tap fire those socials for more info and updates:

You can find all the weekly updates archived at Follow this rad duo on Twitter:

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Great post! Again!

05 Jan


Originally posted by KingMe42

Hey buddy, any word on players being able to lower special effects in settings?

Several abilities were extremely flashy and causes, particularly lighting abilities. Over all it's very pretty, but also extremely eye cancerous and straining. I don't want to be flash banged by my own allies abilities as there seems to be too much visual clutter and brightness half the time. In general it just felt blinding to watch at times.

If you can’t take the glare, put your sunglasses on ;p

04 Jan


Originally posted by Musely

I'd like to say hi if possible! :)

I should be there most of Saturday so I'm sure we can find a moment to chat.

03 Jan


Originally posted by ATG_Bot

For those of you unaware, PAX South takes place this January, starting on the 18th and through the weekend. BioWare has said that they will have a presence at PAX South. Although it may be unrelated, one of the BioWare folks, Chad Robertson, is also a panelist for The Making of a Modern Online RPG. Chad Robertson worked on SWTOR and his current project is Anthem.

We want to use this post to highlight potential meetups for folks within the Anthem or BioWare community. Below is a list of meetings from various sectors within the community. You're free to leave a link or info in the comments and we'll add it to the main post for visibility.


BioWare Outpost - January 18th @ 6:30 PM CT

I'll be at the show on Saturday, January 19th. Looking forward to chatting with some of you!


Originally posted by ATG_Bot

Applications will be open for one week, to conclude on 10 Jan 2018 at 8:30 AM CST.

If you are selected to move past the first round of applications, the second round will immediately follow. If you wish to apply, please ensure that you will be able to respond to the second round in a timely manner.

EDIT: Modapps have now closed.

Good luck everyone!


Originally posted by LupinRaedwulf

Does that mean we have to fill up our parties before entering the game or does our character create its own server so friends are able to join at will

It depends on what you want to do...

When you launch on a mission the game will look for other people who are also launching that mission for the first time and try to form a group with those folks. If everything works out, you'll matchmake with some folks who are doing it for the first time.

If there are empty spots in your group, the game will automatically let your friends know that there's an opportunity for them to join you - and they can hop in and help you out.

Beyond that, other players can queue up to help out newer players using the reinforcement system. They can matchmake in and help round out a group.

If you prefer to play with just your friends though, you can always set the game to private and make your own squad.

For Freeplay, you'll generally be matchmade into an existing server (new ones are being spun up and down all the time). There will likely be other players on that server 😊.

02 Jan


Originally posted by Atapt

Quick question, is there a minimap or map of sorts you can see while in free play?

There is a map


Originally posted by Alizaea

You are close. they are instanced areas on the map, however, the instances are still on the same server. So it isn't 4 people per instance, it is 4 people per entire map server.

Yep, pretty much this! It's easiest to just think about it as 4 players per server. 😊


Originally posted by vhqr

Are there any incentives to go Free Play, or Is there any point leaving town without a mission selected? Do world events trigger during missions or only on FP? Thanks in advance!

World events happen in free play. There are many more crafting nodes (for materials) in Free Play. Certain daily / weekly challenges can be done in free play .


Originally posted by SofaJockey

Awesome. Is there a "leave" point outside Fort Tarsis as well? i.e. a 'door button' so you can leave Freeplay without having to quit free play in the menu?

You leave free play via the map when you are done

01 Jan


Originally posted by The_Back_Burner

Hi all, I'm confused about a few throwaway lines in the dev livestreams, and I'm hoping you lot could fill me in. Every time they're out in the world, they state that they've selected "Free Explore" or something similar, like they were unable to just leave town like other RPGs. Has anyone learned more about this?

I mean in Diablo 3 (and the Diablo series, really) you can just straight up walk out and start exploring; there's no mode to select or anything. However, this doesn't seem to be the case for Anthem. Which strikes me as weird considering you have a flying Iron Man suit. It's like you're stuck in town unless you go to a specific spot and say "I want to expore!" to an NPC or something. I mean, that kind of makes sense if you don't walk around town in your Javelin, but it feels weird that you can't just, like, walk out of town whenever you want.

Also, if all that's true, once you're outside, are you unable to fly back to town? Do you have to 'quit mission/free ...

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Free Play is what you are after. There are a few “start” points for Free Play to save you flying all over the map. There is one outside Fort Tarsis if that’s where you want to start


Originally posted by xmisren

Fake Movie Poster

Edited screenshot / Added \"Cyberpunkness\"

Edit: As said below; Feel free to take these and do whatever you'd like with them (edit, use, create with, etc).

Very cool


Originally posted by K3YJ

As we bring in a close to 2018 i wanted to take an opportunity to thank the r/AnthemTheGame community for being a fantastic team as we get ever closer to the release of Anthem!

There has been so much passion, excitement, humor and Hype Trains for this game! It's been one that I've been looking forward to for a while, and i feel like there will be a great community to play with upon launch.

As well, a huge shout out to people like: u/BioChrisSchmidt , u/UNTDrew & u/BenIrvo - The rest of the EA and Bioware team for the amazing communication and discussions that you have hosted. Regardless of if it was answering the AMA, random reddit comments or the ever entertaining live streams. You have been open and engaged with your community, and that has been noticed and appreciated!

So regardless if you are in UTC+14 or anywhere to UTC -11 Have a happy New ...

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Happy New Year!


Originally posted by ShadowClass212

Thanks to everybody for an awesome 2018.

Happy New Year!


So. Good. :)


This. Is. Incredible.

Thank you for sharing!

30 Dec


Originally posted by iGameYT

Only Ben knows lol. Hopefully he comes in and clarifies. If not, we’ll just have to wait and see at launch.

Knowing BioWare I’m sure they’ve come up with some creative weapons and gear for the Legendary/Masterwork tiers.

At launch there is one masterwork for each gear type with one special property (e.g. burst mortar has one masterwork property available that is on all masterwork burst mortars). The 4 inscriptions will be random so in that sense there are many different masterwork burst mortars to collect but the core functionality of them all is the same.

We will expand of this post launch


Originally posted by iGameYT

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and Holiday week. Many of the devs are taking a long-needed break, but that doesn't stop them from continuing to answer your questions.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Tap fire those socials for more info and updates:

You can find all the weekly updates archived at Follow this rad duo on Twitter:

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