
Anthem Dev Tracker

30 Dec


Originally posted by iGameYT

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and Holiday week. Many of the devs are taking a long-needed break, but that doesn't stop them from continuing to answer your questions.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Tap fire those socials for more info and updates:

You can find all the weekly updates archived at Follow this rad duo on Twitter:

Weekly Update Archive: ...

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These are awesome recaps and I appreciate the work that goes into them.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I really do love the community building up around Anthem.

28 Dec




These are so cool!

27 Dec


Originally posted by gimel182

The game still not available for pre order from Amazon. anyone know the reason?

Hey, thanks for following up.

If you (or any players) are attempting to pre-order the game on Amazon, you’ll want to reach out to them directly to find out why you aren’t able to do so (as well as why your pre order was canceled.)

In the meantime, you can still pre-order at various retailer sites or at

I hope this helps. I’m sorry I cannot help further with the Amazon side of things.

26 Dec


Originally posted by ManOnFire2004

I understand games like this are about the endgame. But, the very common idea that's starting to worry me is that it's "all about the endgame grind for loot".

I really don't think that's what the game should ONLY be about, even at endgame. The idea that looter shooters only exist for the completionist seems to be very recent (made popular, but definitely not invented by, Destiny maybe?). The general idea used to be that the actual gameplay and activities are what makes people keep playing, and the rewards are just an excuse to keep doing the very entertaining gameplay.

There's a reason why the majority of gamers, who wouldn't be considered casuals, left games like Destiny and The Division. Because the idea of running the same activity over and over again was just mundane and too repetitive. Sure, if you HAVE TO get that gear that you're missing then you'll push through it. But, for everyone else who doesn't need to have everything... its' going to be a problem.

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People are motivated by different things - loot, vanity, content, social experiences, challenge, exploration, story, etc (in no particular order)

There is normally overlap between the motivations for a given player. Our goal is to find the right balance for Anthem. Part of that will be discovered once people start playing the game and we see how OUR players play it.


Isn’t Thicc Boi the community voted official name?? :)

Happy Holidays to you too!

25 Dec


Thank you for the well wishes! Happy holidays everyone! 😊


So so cool. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to our reddit community as well!

Special shoutout to /u/Musely and the rest of the mods. 😊

Looking forward to an exciting 2019.


Originally posted by Airatome1

Is it low effort to want to create a thread where, whatever holiday you may or may not be celebrating this December season, we can recognize both the Developer staff and the Reddit Moderators that keep this place tidy and civil?

Our wishes are with all of you helping to bring us Anthem and oversee its content and discussions and, sometimes, its disagreements.

And well wishes to the entire Anthem community!


This is such a wonderful video. Thank you all for being such an amazing community, we are proud to be part of it. Hope you all get a nice break and spend time with family, friends and loved ones!


Happy Holidays everyone!!

24 Dec


Originally posted by alt-thea

Thanks for the answer, Ben! I'm sure you guys are all up to the challenge, with Anthem being live-service and all that. I'm mostly worried cause my previous Bioware game was Andromeda, which had different post-release support model (if you can call 'drop it after 4 months' that). So little extra confirmation is just what I need xD

I'm also spoiled by Warframe PC updates that can get bugfixes just hours from release.

Actually, can you maybe tell more about how the content delivery system works in Anthem sometime closer to release? Or even after the game is out. It' s way less frustrating to sit and wait for a patch when you have some understanding why it can take so long :)

We can probably talk more about it once we are in the live service. Should be enough context then.


Originally posted by bbguardsp

How confident are you with the speed of patching Anthem post-launch?

Does the Frostbite engine have the tools required for quick and easy adjustments?

I ask these questions as an avid looter-shooter gamer who has seen many ups and downs with various games when it comes to fixing bugs and balance issues. Much of my negative experiences come from issues in a particular game that requires a client-side patch. In the live-service games I play there are often issues that I "perceive" to take longer than than they should to fix. (Game development is hard and there is alot of stuff I'm ignorant of hence perceive in italics.) Certain issues that take a longer time to fix worries me as I've experienced the effects they can have on the player base's engagement.

I'm in love with what I've seen so far and have pre-ordered. At the end of the day I want this game to succeed and I'm hoping any problems that may arise can be fixed at a reasonable pace. Thank you.


The simple answer is : somethings are fast and easy to deploy. Other things take longer to deploy. For the most part it depends on the nature of the change.

Probably not going to make a list of things :)

I am confident we have what we need


Originally posted by iGameYT

u/BenIrvo you heard it here! Mike is just too spastic on camera. No more energy drink before live streams next time. :D

In all seriousness though, it would be cool when the dev team is doing live streams with multiple perspectives that they link different scenes into the Streaming software from each monitor. This way, let’s use the last stream for example, the person in the background like Jesse or u/UNTDrew could flip between different perspectives when Ben, Mike or Jon are doing, or looking at something interesting in their POV.

I’m sure others would’ve liked to have all three perspectives up at once.

Just some thoughts.

We are building towards that

22 Dec


Originally posted by Paizerus

Sure bro! Welcome to the sub!

First of, the games name is Anthem, as I'm sure you know by now.

Anthem is a game set on a planet that was left half-finished by the "gods" creating the world. Their tools and relics litter the world of Anthem, creating this incredibly hostile place to live, because at any moment, any one of these tools might activate and instigate natural disasters, create horrible monsters, or otherwise dangerous things might happen. Because of this, the inhabitants of the planets live in the few places they've found that are relatively safe (like Fort Tarsis, where YOU live), but to venture outside into the world, you need to be somewhat of a superhuman.

Enter the Javelin, a handcrafted exoskeleton suit with incredible weaponry. Javelins are what allows people to venture out into the world and explore, find treasure or resources, or help people in need. The suits are very rare, and require special care to maintain, usually...

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Thank you for being so helpful :)

21 Dec


Originally posted by Anthem_Universe


We reduced melee damage since this build also. It was causing people to not use their other stuff.


Originally posted by Jasrek

No, like constantly. 24/7 streams of Anthem play, forever.

Hmmmm. That’s a good idea. Will look into it.


Originally posted by ryancentral

Quoting tweet questions with the answers is SUPER USEFUL like Mark does. Replying doesn't show up in people's twitter time lines unless we follow the person asking the question (most of the time we don't haha)

You mean as a new tweet?


Originally posted by lord2800

Paging /u/BenIrvo, please make this a thing!

We are ALREADY doing regular dev streams :)