
Anthem Dev Tracker

21 Jan


Originally posted by ostermei

Absolutely baseless speculation: I'm guessing it will work asynchronously like you're describing. My reasoning being that if it's you + five friends, you can't include everyone in a fireteam (or whatever we're calling them in this game), meaning if everyone's online and available, someone's going to get left out, which isn't a good feeling. Plus, if we compare to Destiny's (admittedly flawed) clan system, you've got a system where individuals can contribute to the group through solo play (when they bother to give us solo-able bounties, at least), so there's precedent in the genre.

Baseless no more! Async for sure. It doesn't matter who plays with who, just that they play at all.


Originally posted by WagtheDoc

This is very cool, just two quick questions..

  1. Why 6 and not 8? Seems like 2 of my buddies are getting screwed when max party size is 4. I'm guessing it partly has to do with the rate of earning coins, it just seems slightly odd.

  2. Do you have to be currently online to get credit for each other's play time/activities?

    i.e. I can be offline while my buddy is playing and as long as he's in my alliance I'll still get alliance points for the week.

    If so this sounds great because I have buddies across all of the US time zones, so being able to contribute even if not able to do a full coordinated group run is always a positive.

You do not have to play with them, so we aren't bound by multiples of group size. And yes, we are tracking whenever anyone plays for this system. So you can be offline and we will still track your friend's earned XP while they are playing.


Originally posted by aboots33

In your bio it says you were in charge of multiple things including “competition” is that code for something planned later?



Originally posted by AnthemJavelin

Is that secondary bucket the guild system, alliance system, or something completely different?



Originally posted by k0hum

It's still not clear. Do you have to play anthem with these friends or does it count even if all of us are playing separately?

You do not have to play with them. You can all play separately.


Originally posted by aboots33

Well I have 0 regular “friends” that I play with so rip me

We've got you covered. There is also a bucket for 'everyone else' you play with, although less rewarding than friends.

Also hi! I guess I'm the Dev quoted here so this is meta. Spooooooky


Originally posted by Hotstreak

How does the multiplayer and open world interact? Is it like destiny where other players are phased into the world or is it like borderlands or Diablo where players just drop in if you open your session?

It sounds like you are taking about free play mode in Anthem. For that mode you can pick a starting point on the map and play, which either adds you to an existing dedicated server or spins up a new one. Each server has a max of four people. So if you are out in the world during free play, and another player joins your server, they will start/join at whichever point they picked on their map.

So it's sort of neither of your examples exactly. Does that make sense?


Originally posted by badphish101

Thank you for taking the time to reply, I was hoping to get the maximum number of players per alliance that anthem will support?

Sorry, this may be a source of confusion. Alliance is not a guild/clan system. It is a system that awards you some extra Coin depending on how much you and up to five of your friends play the game each week. Hopefully that helps.


Originally posted by bekasybalazs

Just a quick question:, I just wondering, the N7 skin will be a cross-bio reward for owning one specific of the Mass Effect series or just a normal in-game reward?

Currently it is a normal, in-game item.


Originally posted by badphish101

How many players will the alliance system in anthem support, many of us are a member of several social media platforms totaling thousands of future freelancers. It would help tremendously to know how many players per alliance as we try to organize in anticipation for such a social game experience as Anthem.

Currently it rewards based on your top 5 contributors.


Originally posted by EliteSixx

With things like 'Legendary Contracts', would I be correct in assuming that playing these on hard would yield better rewards than playing it on normal mode?

There is a modifier to loot drops based on difficulty, so in short, yes.


Originally posted by iGameYT

Welcome back to another weekly update. This past week we had a live stream with Ben & Emily, a couple new videos from IGN, and the Anthem team even launched another gameplay trailer, plus a ton more.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Tap fire those socials for more info and updates:

You can find all the weekly updates archived at Follow this rad duo on Twitter:

Weekly Update Archive: ...

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Great post! Again and again and again :)


Originally posted by marslo

Seeing as the game is basically 1 month from release (3 weeks if that 7 days early access works the way i think it works). Bioware employs at large must be in the thick of it, long hour, lost sleep, being far from loved ones, strained relationships and the real human cost of bringing a project across the finish line.

Say what you will about the game, the post launch complains that maybe or doubts associated with the publisher (or the ''money men'') but lets not forgot every single person that spent long hours, stressing and putting every ounce of effort they had in to the task they had at hand to create this game.

From the QA tester, to Lead Programmer or a Voice Over Resource Producer, it took something out of everyone to make this happen.

So i think that we as a community can come together, wish them luck and steadfastness on the coming days. But also thank them, as individuals for all the efforts put in to this.



Originally posted by BioCamden

Hell yeah! Thanks for noticing haha. I keep trying to convince /u/biochrisschmidt to give me all vanity unlocks until the end of time... so far no luck.



Originally posted by allstarpro

Will cosmetic items bought with coin be time exclusive? Or will any cosmetic be available permanently?

There will be both

20 Jan


Originally posted by BioCamden

I’m excited that YOU’RE excited!

I am also excited that you're excited. But I'm only a little excited Camden is excited. I have to throttle the excitement inputs.


Originally posted by RewindSwine

I think this will be crucial and with how transparent they have been already I’m confident they’ll eventually release one. As of right now I’ve not heard anything about one though. Have they mentioned anything about creating one once the game launches? Just something I would love to see so the community has a solid reference to how they plan on expanding the game.

Stay tuned...


Originally posted by PiCkL3PaNtZ

how long does it take playtime to earn enough coins for a cosmetic like 24 hours? or is it resonable??

Tough to say. It depends on the thing you want, how much you play, and what kind of things you do when you play. Can you buy the entire catalog by playing 30min a day? No. Can you target a thing you want, then save up some Coin by playing the game in order to buy it? Yes - but again it depends on the quality of the thing you want. Cooler stuff usually costs more. Hopefully that makes sense.


Originally posted by ag3on

Will be there any world/region chat except your javelin team? Quest hub chat? Optional player made channels..etc?

No text chat at launch, no. But we hear you :)


Originally posted by CoolHandJohnson

What will they be locking behind “premium currencies”? What won’t I be able to get just by playing the game?

Not locked behind "premium currency", but you will not be able to obtain pre-order nor Legion of Dawn items by playing the game. For those you must either pre-order or buy the Legion of Dawn edition.

Other than that, nothing.