
Anthem Dev Tracker

20 Jan


Originally posted by UnknowNapkin

Do they work for free play sessions as well?

It should work for any expedition, including Freeplay. 😊


Originally posted by Ronin13x

In less then 1 week we get access to the VIP demo, and after that everyone gets access to it on the 1st. We'll get a taste but then have to wait a couple more weeks for the actual release. What I was wondering is since we will have a good portion of the game downloaded before then, could we still have access to our Javelins in order to play around with the cosmetic aspect? probably a lot to ask but it would still be fun to play around with that feature while we wait for release.

Sadly I don't think we can do this, it's a bit complicated... but basically if you want to play any part of the game, we need various servers active.

With the time left and everything else going on this is pretty unlikely... Especially on such a short timeline - sorry! 😊


Originally posted by ownse

I don't believe anyone from BioWare has explained them, but it's safe to assume they'll be like consumables in Mass Effect MP: one-time consumables which give you a boost for the mission, like +20% shields or -15% shield recharge delay.

In Mass Effect one of the slots was for ammo, which meant that you could equip special ammo which applied fire, frost, or some other status for detonation. But unless I missed a comment/explanation from BioWare, we can only guess what specific items will be available.

Basically this. You can craft them using mats, and then use them for various buffs that will last for the whole mission 😊.


Originally posted by kjersgaard

Absolutely! That's still cosmetics purchased from currency earned from playing the game. I think there is speculation at least that there will be a large amount of cosmetics that are separate from the currency earned in game and only from a 'premium' currency source we have to straight up pay for.

Not a thing. If we sell it for 'premium' you will have another way to obtain it by playing the game. There are no 'premium only'.


Originally posted by TrendK

Oh so arrival mechanics are when you load into a friends game? Can you tell me a little more about them? Are they like Destiny2's respawn animations? Sorry for all the questions but the animations are the only thing not really covered in the customization stream.

It's the animation that plays when you enter the game (like a superhero landing), whether you're starting a new mission or joining halfway through.

19 Jan


Originally posted by smita16

I think a lot of us are familiar with Warframe and they dev streams. This is something their crowd really likes. Anthem would definitely benefit from something similar. This tweet is confirming they want that same thing, but devs if your reading this I think bi-weekly is more realistic!

Hey - I was trying to say we will keep up regular streams, not commit to weekly ones.

Not really ready to commit to specific timings but we want to do them as frequently as is realistic for us in the madness that will be launch.


Originally posted by thegrreatgatsby

Exactly, I thought I was the only one. The beam itself looks so weak and the actual animation looked more like a super soaker shooting a constant stream of water than a high powered laser beam. Any comment on the spark beam visually underperforming /u/BenIrvo

I like it.


Originally posted by bigoldsuh

old mate, hows the beer in texas?

In Austin it’s really good


Originally posted by rebulast

<3 sending love to your team as you prepare for launch!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much!


Originally posted by Flash_Hunter

From the latest Dev video, Part 1 on story, there is a screen where it shows the Freeplay description; “Explore the world of Bastion”.

Never seen this mentioned before.

The region is Bastion, not the world.


Originally posted by SirWilliamB

After watching the latest stream, Ben talked about how if the squad all goes down and wipes that you just simply respawn in at the last checkpoint. Now this immediately made me think, because they've already announced that even if you fail content that you don't lose the loot you've obtained. So what if (just for example in relation to the stream) you killed 2 of the lesser ash titans, intentionally squad wiped on the 3rd, just to respawn at the beginning of the encounter again, kill 2 more titans, wipe and repeat indefinitely? I really hope this isn't a thing, it might incentivize people to not explore other content! Maybe the titans you killed already won't drop additional loot when killed again? I don't know but to me this seems like it could be a potential "exploit".

Edit: I see a lot of people saying "Oh well let the people who want to do that do it" realize the more people grinding the same 5% of the game negatively impacts the population of the game for the people tr...

It’s not worth it :)


Originally posted by dasmfta

Dabbing was a very different thing in my day.

Dab all day


The DE team does a great job with their live streams - they have a great relationship with their community and a very funny sense of humor :)


Originally posted by BenIrvo

I got this wrong. We do have it for KBM just like we do for controller.

Thanks for watching the stream today!


GOOOOOOOOLD on this post. Crushing it today friends.


Originally posted by Astero-Drax

Hi, can you confirm that mouse acceleration can be disabled on KB&M? I remember in the alpha there was some kind of drag or acceleration.

Disabled. Many things fixed since the closed NDA alpha


Originally posted by Miraclekunt

Don’t most people say Mouse and Keyboard.
Are you trying to change the world?

A man can have dreams


Originally posted by CostalShitpostal

You overlooked the setting because it was called "look inversion" instead of "y axis inversion" or similar, didn't you? :P

No. When I tried it I didn’t save/apply settings so it didn’t work....

18 Jan


Originally posted by Laughing__Man_

For the VIP demo on the 25th is streaming of it allowed?

Yep, you can stream it as much as you want.


Originally posted by TheAssyrianGamer

Irving, Aussie Ranger

Lead Producer Ben Irving was at it again, joined by Senior Level Designer Emily Taylor, as we were led through a Legendary Contract mission, showing of a part of Anthem’s endgame. Ben had published a poll on twitter earlier in the week to vote on what Javelin the community wanted to see played next. While it was a close race, the Ranger won in the end. Ben was playing using a keyboard and mouse, and his Javelin was outfitted with a heavy pistol, a double shotgun (a shotgun that fires twice per trigger pull), Spark Beam, a Sticky Grenade, and Muster Point, which increases weapon damage. He was joined by three others, Emily piloting the Colossus with a Flamethrower, Gameplay Designer Darrin McPherson, whom you may remember from the customization stream writeup, and BioCamden, whom we weren’t officially introduced to but were later tol...

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This is a good write up! I was that voice you heard asking the questions on stream if anyone was wondering :)


Do other people not blink ;p

This post is in good humor so all good on my side :)