
Anthem Dev Tracker

26 Mar


Originally posted by FluffyGralen

Thanks for responding to the things that lie in your area of expertise :)
I've read that for a number of players it seems that flight time is shorter post-patch instead of longer. Would this be something that fits in the Javelins/combat area that you would be able to comment on?

Yes, I’ve submitted a bug to get that looked into. Thanks for the report FluffyGralen


Originally posted by Colancio

I have an issue with the Ranger's masterwork component "general's favor" it says increases grenade recharge rage by % without the number.

Yes that’s a known issue Colancio, you should still notice a difference because the stat itself shouldn’t be affected. I believe that’s just a text error.


Originally posted by MSsucks

How about a reply to all the other broken stuff in the update.

Like I mentioned above, I can really only speak to things that are within combat or creature gameplay. I don't know everything about every system and every update.

If you have questions or reports of things related to Javelins, combat, Masterworks, or anything like that I'd be happy to help.


Originally posted by Colancio

Please acknowledge the problems 1.0.4 brought and say something to calm the masses.

I can really only speak to things that are within combat or creature gameplay. If you have questions or reports of things related to Javelins, combat, Masterworks, or anything like that I'd be happy to help.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I saw the post and I happened to know the answer. I'm just trying to help.


Wanted to hop in and clarify this one. This is worded differently because the melee hit itself doesn’t have to kill the enemy. If you hit an enemy, and then later your teammate finishes the enemy, you’ll still get the 20% armor.


Hey there -- Our help experts would love to look into this for you. Please reach out to us here at this link for account and technical support.


Approximate Update Download Sizes:

  • PS4: ~2.3GB - 2.5GB (depending on region)
  • Xbox: ~2.5GB
  • PC: ~2.6GB

Approximate Update Download Sizes:

  • PS4: ~2.3GB - 2.5GB (depending on region)
  • Xbox: ~2.5GB
  • PC: ~2.6GB


  • Legendary Missions: Allows you to replay critical path missions again with a much higher difficulty level. One mission will be available per day that has no limit on the number of times it can be completed. These missions offer a new challenge and require team coordination to achieve victory!
  • Elysian Caches: Earn Elysian Keys by completing daily challenges. These keys can be used on Elysian Caches, which appear at the end of each Stronghold after the boss is defeated to unlock vanity and crafting materials. Opening an Elysian Cache creates loot for each member of the Expedition. There are 67 unique vanity unlocks available, including vinyls, victory poses, emotes and arrivals. You will never get a duplicate vanity item! This is our first version of the ruleset for Elysian Caches in the game and we'll look forward to your feedback and the data we gather from your play.

Loot Changes:...

Read more External link →


  • Legendary Missions**:** Allows you to replay critical path missions again with a much higher difficulty level. One mission will be available per day that has no limit on the number of times it can be completed. These missions offer a new challenge and require team coordination to achieve victory! (READ MORE ABOUT LEGENDARY MISSIONS)
  • Elysian Caches**:** Earn Elysian Keys by completing daily challenges. These keys can be used on Elysian Caches, which appear at the end of each Stronghold after the boss is defeated to unlock vanity and crafting materials. Opening an Elysian Cache creates loot for each member of the Expedition. There are 67 unique vanity unlocks available, including vinyls, victory poses, emotes and arrivals. You will never get a duplicate vanity item! This is our first version of the ruleset for Elys...
Read more External link →

25 Mar


Originally posted by Sipau_Fade

i'm calling you Jesse now because of that rando in twitter who doesn't know who you are.



Still weird seeing my face like that in these posts. haha


Thank you for this. We appreciate feedback positive or otherwise, but it's nice to see all the little ways you're enjoying Anthem articulated.


24 Mar


Freeplay servers have a shelf life, we keep them rotating... You get a notification when there's two hours left before it shuts down (and then additional notifications when it's a lot more imminent) 😊.


Your best bet is to reach out to EA help

Beyond that, message me your Origin ID (or XBox or PSN ID) in a PM and we can take a look at it on our end as well. But do please reach out to EA help first 😊.

22 Mar


Originally posted by dbMikeBibby

Hey mate! All in Freeplay, combination of world event chests, ambient chests, creature drops from both events and ambiant creatures including luminaries, ursix and titans. So basically everything in Freeplay lol.

Thanks so much. I've seen quite a few 'context shouldn't matter' replies, but it's really, really helpful in order to track down where to look if there's a potential bug or problem somewhere. So thanks a ton for that!


Originally posted by OmniBlock

Okay talk to us. Why is the store essentially empty? Some of the "stickers" are very poor re-uses of others too. Is this the quality we should expect going forward?

Edit: I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted. I guess I'm the only one unhappy with the store? I mean you can buy more shards then you can physically spend

As we've stated, the team is working on new stuff and we'll update everyone once we can. We aren't avoiding this and we definitely know you all want more cosmetics.


Originally posted by Zakua

Fictional narrative but the meme had to happen and it has a ring to it somehow. Saying something isn't always required hahah.

Fair enough. ha