ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by crunk-daddy-supreme

I literally can't see myself or in front of me in polar regions because everything is so bright without lowering the gamma and even that isn't enough sometimes. There's no ingame mechanic to adjust for that.

Try gamma k in really bright regions :)


Don't go under the mesh and you won't get banned for going under the mesh.

As an addendum, don't have people in your tribe go under the mesh either and if you can't stop them from doing it you should cut those ties before they drag you down with them.


Santa will share your letter with the elves and see what they think.

04 Jun


Originally posted by Brazus1916

you should stream more!

But I never stream. D:


Originally posted by TyroTheVeganHunter


Welp, the secret is out. :(


Originally posted by MrDolphin001

Stop paying too much attention to us hardcore pvp players, the majority of the Ark community are PVE, the more content, the better for them chance of selling new copies for people who see new content.

But the majority of my job is paying attention to PVP players... that's like the main thing I do.


Nothing to confirm, but we have discussed this idea and are interested in it. We'll see!


Originally posted by rororoxor

yesss i love it

bug fixes are nice but what this game needs is fresh content

03 Jun


It is definitely worth it.

It has some rough edges and some rough sides and just general roughness but it is improving and there's lots of awesome things to come.

02 Jun


There's none on the surface there. Just had a look at the map you're referencing and it's based on the GPS coords which doesn't account for vertical. The obsidian is actually in a cave, likely Caverns of Lost Faith. If you toggle the caves on/off you can see where all the surface obsidian is (almost entirely around the sides and tops of mountains)

01 Jun


Originally posted by SeremedySaga

Hey! I found some people interested in playing, so we actually ended up making a server for all of us to play on. Are you still interested in joing us? :)

I'll play for a bit if you'll have me.

31 May


I want this guy in ARK too! That moahawk.


Originally posted by mr_fucknoodle

To me, ark was at it's best when we were expecting new dinossaurs and discussing their possible uses and whatnot here. I miss it



Originally posted by Hey_im_miles

Hey. Since you're replying to something on a post of mine. I just want to say I have about 800 hours on ark and it's my favorite game. I thought I wanted a Jurassic park game on PC and now I just want more ark. Keep up the good work.

Glad to hear it! Thanks!


Originally posted by Jetsumaryam

They're teasing a underwater Map

We what?

30 May


I see you had the same introduction to the Sharp Sky Floof that I did.


Originally posted by ThatFredditor

/u/wildcardced I'm seeing positive feedback across the board here, I'm sure the community would really appreciate it if this was acknowledged and/or considered.

/u/wildcardvalor in a sense higher rates means more data right? We know you want it

29 May


Originally posted by -V0rador-

The game is a lot better. Thank you for your continued support.

Had an 8 month break, things are different and fresh for me.


28 May


Originally posted by hasefanatiker

What about procopoton meshing, hatchframe meshing and megalo meshing pls look into that Also Crab meshing still works you just need right angle and you push everyone behind walls

You may ask how i know

I Got meshd over 6 time until today so i need to know how to make mesh defense.

And no real support since i Play on console :d and The mesh detector doesnt work on console, anyway have a nice day :d

We're working on it. Console Enforcement is ramping up as we speak. Please report those players that meshed you today with whatever information you have and we'll definitely check it out as soon as we can.