ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

25 Apr


Originally posted by MrDub1216

Thank you I’ll talk to my admin and be sure that’s sorted, can I take that to mean it’s working for most people currently?

Yes indeed, I believe Nitrado rolled out the update later than our official servers if that is your unofficial host. As long as your PS4 and your server are 535.10 it should be good to go!


If you're not playing on official, make sure your unofficial server is up-to-date.

24 Apr


Originally posted by RaamRebirth

Ok, I think I understand now how it work.

When entering a skydome, there is two layers and when you enter through the second one, the skydome must render a snow or a desert landscape.

If the bug occur, everything is upside down, meaning when you go through the second one, it render like you were out.

It can been seen in this precise case when the player is right between the two layers, you can see the desert/snow landscape before you go through the second layer.

Here a screen:

I was thinking of this because before the bug happened, there was a little lag when entering a skydome where you can see outside for just a second then the dome render correctly. After the bug occur, this is the opposite for me, the dome render correctly then the glitch appear.

So I think when a player enter and leave a skydome too fast, the savefile must go corrupt and invert the two layers. I ...

Read more

Aye, thanks - haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but it's on our list.

23 Apr


Originally posted by McBibo

Well dont TELL people, than they'll fix it.



You playing with boosted egg dropping rates? If so - that's likely interacting poorly with the boosted drop rate of the easter dodos. You could turn your rate down or disable the event by passing -ActiveEvent=None on the cmdline.

21 Apr


Hello! We're investigating this.


Hello! We're investigating this.

19 Apr


Originally posted by poutineandpizza

Imagine if you guys spent this amount of time dealing with tickets and problems in the community/fixing the game instead of memeing on Reddit

I doubt things would work out if we only spent three minutes dealing with tickets and problems in the community/fixing the game.

18 Apr


Originally posted by stop_poking_me

Hello! We're investigating this.

hmm can someone go reboot him, seems stuck in a loop :P

Oh god, it's spreading.


Originally posted by stop_poking_me

Hello! We're investigating this.

hmm can someone go reboot him, seems stuck in a loop :P

Hello! We're investigating this.


Originally posted by stop_poking_me

Hello! We're investigating this.

hmm can someone go reboot him, seems stuck in a loop :P

Hello! We're investigating this.


Originally posted by wildcardced

Wait, is he?

I dunno. This dude looks sketch to me.


Originally posted by stop_poking_me

"redditor for 11 minutes" can anyone confirm that this is a legit account?

Hello! We're investigating this.


Originally posted by WC_ChrisW

He is legit. :)

Wait, is he?


Originally posted by wildcardalex

Hello! We're investigating this.

He is legit. :)


Hello! We're investigating this.


Haha awesome! Very creative. :)


We increased the rate this year to make sure people can enjoy the content - it uh... goes further if you have tweaked egg laying interval. :P


Originally posted by weveran

Thank you again Zen Rowe! Ertosi was able to use the files you sent him not long ago and was able to patch the testing version of RS to one that boots. Being down 24 hours is much better than it could have been. :)

I am glad to hear that the update was able to resolve the problem. As long as no major issues with the devkit appear, I'll be pushing that update out to other mod authors later today.

17 Apr


Thank you for the information. I'm currently looking into this issue, and I appreciate the effort that you put forth in trying to narrow down the problem.
Debugging issues with mods can be complicated since we don't have the actual mod source usually, so efforts like this can sometimes help us figure out what's happening a little easier.