I forgot some people don't know my sense of humor lol. I didn't intentionally lie! Let's have a chill Friday ✌🕊☮
@jcarr208 Or I made a mistake, or the company changed its mind. Don't forget the other alternatives :) Cheers!
I lied... I'm going to be AFK today if you notice the lack of activity. Enjoy your Friday and hold down the fort! 🏰💣
ARK: EVOLUTION EVENT is active from now through March 9th, with 2X Taming, Harvesting, and XP on all platforms!
@GC945 @ComplexMinded @Jatheish Yup, we have fix ready to go with a deployment in the near future
@stewy003 @ComplexMinded @AlmightyGamerYT New loot tables will be added to the loot crates soon
@domnicioz What platform?
@AlmightyGamerYT @NotDollie What platform? There are updates going out to fix this.
@LapizSolarflare Yeah thank you, it's an issue between server and client, it's being worked on
@krazyd0h @quilleutezinho @NotDollie @Jatheish If only things were as easy as a SELECT statement. Then again, I've seen some SELECT statements a thousand lines deep.
@Manoderecharo Indeed, you guys are waiting on the client patch to go through cert
@krazyd0h That's a fair TLDR. I made a Total Conversion because nobody was making them. And I think WC took an interest because I was like one of the only TC's and they were hoping it would showcase the functionality.
But the maintenance on TC's is a nightmare.
@deglis66837254 @RaeneyC Same server?
@TeeNiel24 @survivetheark @CudaCores
@XandrewZzz @Jatheish @ComplexMinded Fix for this ready to be deployed in a patch soon
@RaeneyC Let me check on this
@Xbox_InMy_Veins No
This is why I'm always going to try to push for a resolution in Primitive+. It was my life and entry into the gaming world.
When I have updates, you will be the first to know.
@andieder51 @deglis66837254 @JordanLaws0n @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish They are very likely to get a rollback.