@JordanLaws0n @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @ComplexMinded @Jatheish @genie_45 GM's/Customer Support aren't expected to work on balance/bugs.
@HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @ComplexMinded @Jatheish As I've mentioned, a patch containing improvements to turret targeting of the lava spit is on the way and we'll continue to monitor their range and dps afterwards.
We are looking into issues with the Hexagon Shop on a number of Official Servers. We'll keep you updated with any progress.
@krazyd0h @ComplexMinded @Jatheish Shouldn't be long
@TheAx3Man @Makayla_DF @ComplexMinded @CudaCores haha
@jack85910243 @ComplexMinded @survivetheark Unortunately, DDoS can't just be "fixed"
@MattHardy89 @ghazlawl The info is that we're working on it. Anything more would turn into a technical jam which I'm sure @ghazlawl would love but it would mean nothing to people without a technical background
@ghazlawl Very cool!
@Chris68661506 @LDeadgirl3 @umyadrake @survivetheark It's on the radar.
@Elsa_Alukard Give it a little more time :)
@klea283 @umyadrake @survivetheark There is no clear cut rule as to who will be sponsored and who won't. It has some subjectivity as any other application process would. We try and be diverse with mods we pick. What mods are you interested in out of curiosity.
@blbeer22 @umyadrake @survivetheark It will be optimized which could mean needing to scale down some areas.
@adam_brown84 Of course, issues are being looked at and fixed. They may not be moving at the pace you'd like or as quickly as you think they should. But rest assured.
If I liked your tweet it's not because I necessarily agree, it's because I'm letting you know I read it. I will continue going through each one and liking them trying to prevent from being banned by Twitter for being a bot. Thanks for all the feedback!
@LDeadgirl3 @umyadrake @survivetheark New content is just as important as fixing existing content from a business perspective. But believe, I do hear you. There are things coming to "fix what's wrong".
@Bigboy0106 @survivetheark 😭
@zEX0DUS @survivetheark 😏
@Rahthos @umyadrake @survivetheark We are ;)
@koalakirsty That's all I have. Its still one of the major priorities at the moment.
@survivetheark See, we said the news was kinda hype! 🖤
Now back to Gen balance and bug fixes for me!