@Scryii A team is on it
@JordanLaws0n @deglis66837254 @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish Totally not how I thought this would end. Cheers.
@deglis66837254 @JordanLaws0n @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish People typically lose characters on every rollback. They are risky (which is why we don't do them often)
@JoeyAndalora @HODGAMING1 @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @survivetheark @Jatheish @NotDollie We don't. The communication is that there is active development going on to fix it. I/We can't give you an ETA until we have it fixed.
@JordanLaws0n @deglis66837254 @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish There are a number of tweaks/fixes that have yet to be deployed but yes, the appropriate people are aware.
@deglis66837254 @JordanLaws0n @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish I believe there's a build coming (it may be the build going out shortly) to re-enable them but in terms of a rollback - it's not likely.
@JordanLaws0n @deglis66837254 @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish Actually, there was a patch last night that could have destroyed structures in caves - as I'm learning now. I doubt there will be a roll-back for this. It's an unfortunate mistake in deployment.
But you have a fair point on the communication. Heard.
@deglis66837254 @JordanLaws0n @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish I read all my tweets but I can't respond or like every one, and sometimes there is no info for me to report other than I read your tweet. So now my hope is that the next person reads my replies and know that I am aware of the reports.
@thepwnking101 Ya, I suggest you hold of on transferring right now
@deglis66837254 @JordanLaws0n @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish Or we are trying to assess the situation. You can't make a statement until you have a handle and understanding of what's happening - which I don't have right now. So what happens is, the comms team reports this info back to the engineering team and waits to hear back.
@deglis66837254 @NotDollie @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish Nice try. I reply to a LOT of people. Some days less because I have things (meetings, calls) going on and sometimes because it's the same questions.
@ComplexMinded @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish
@HODGAMING1 @MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @survivetheark @Jatheish @NotDollie I HAVE FRIENDS
@MrDolphin101 @KISHKO_ @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @Jatheish @NotDollie I have friends!?
In all seriousness, if it's on @NotDollie's radar, it's going to be shot out of the sky. I trust her judgement better than my own when it comes to PvP balance
@JoseSanchezLIVE @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @ComplexMinded @Jatheish You're confusing balance with something unintended, which is the fact turrets aren't targeting the spit properly.
@JoseSanchezLIVE @JordanLaws0n @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @ComplexMinded @Jatheish Less official pvp hours than me tbh ;)
@HODGAMING1 @JordanLaws0n @survivetheark @ComplexMinded @Jatheish @genie_45 I was responding to a comment about one of our GM's feeling it wasn't unblanced. You're all good, HOD, I'm the right person to tag about this stuff.
We're working on the issue with the latest deployment (PC Server: 306.84) regarding a server/client mismatch with the hexagon shop and some official servers that are yet to be updated. Hang in there, folks.
@JordanLaws0n @HODGAMING1 @survivetheark @ComplexMinded @Jatheish @genie_45 @Shockist1 Everyone is entitled to their opinion