The Love Evolved event is live on PC, XBOX, and PS4!
From Feb 11th to Feb 18th, you're on the hook for Love Evolved! Reel in amorous Coelacanth fish and be showered in candies, chocolates, and Chibi-pets!
@jgalster2 @GuenneG Check the information on the event. It's in the patch notes and up on the site.
@AndreTheGerman @XlGodzilla @jeffderuyter86 This Parasaur is a little different :)
@mariekni88 @Jade_Playsgames
@Jade_Playsgames The decision was made to be fair to those without the DLC - seeing as you have to actually have the DLC to take advantage of the chibi.
@everydayninja13 Nope, that's what was agreed on. The original event didn't have any boosted taming rates.
@GuenneG 2x taming, 2x harvesting
@KilledKennyJr Hmmm, I haven't heard anything on this in particular. I'll ask around.
@stewy003 Yep, I've been talking to some of the artists about this. I'll keep this on the radar.
@Pepperpottys Sure is!
@jaymelynx Yep!
Updates are slow to make their way through their respective systems for the Love Evolved event this morning. All platforms are currently deploying. Hang in there!
@WishfuiiyTV @Lil_Lexi @Simplynvm Sign me up!
@JoseSanchezLIVE @Vizy_ @survivetheark @genie_45
@RaeneyC This is totally on me. It was a really bad idea (for the timing). You're on PvE? I'll commit to getting this updated and resolved this week. I'll also do better next time. My apologies!
@Rondeau04 Get ready!
@toyotatomes @survivetheark I got ur back. Now don't ask me for a server wipe.
@Riley_C_P @CudaCores Indeed
@CudaCores Amazing job my man! Gives me the ark fan feels when I see these.
@CudaCores I honestly can't remember how many X's. Guess I need some Z's