@stewy003 @BrookeB91602194 I get it's a big issue. It's why we had a large talk about it with not just the enforcement team but the dev team and management. It's an ongoing topic.
@stewy003 @BrookeB91602194 That could be. But these are the type of options we are still looking into and not the "despawn all corrupt dinos" options.
@DjWtb @lGraveGamingl @BrookeB91602194 You have to prove your case basically. CS can't just take people's word or pictures with little context as proof. If someone said you were kiting and didn't have proof and we took action, you'd be pretty upset. It's in fairness for both parties.
@stewy003 @BrookeB91602194 Almost every change we make has unintended consequences. People have a way of abusing mechanics. I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying its not a design change the team is willing to tackle at the moment.
@DjWtb @lGraveGamingl @BrookeB91602194 It depends on the video. I'd expect people to know the quality and context of the video matters. You, nor I, saw the video she submitted.
@stewy003 @BrookeB91602194 People are abusing an integral part of the game (the environment) and using it against you in a way that's against the rules. That's the real problem.
@stewy003 @BrookeB91602194 I think that may have some unintended consequences. At the end of the day PvE is player vs. environment. Dino's are considered part of the environment. So it's not so much of a game design thing as it is enforcement
@DiamondLakes_SC @BrookeB91602194 Did you submit this?
@lGraveGamingl @BrookeB91602194 She asked me would be sufficient and after talking with the enforcement team that's it. It's hard to get the full context in one picture. A picture can be pretty misleading.
@BrookeB91602194 Video
@Jeffb82Jeff 👂🏿
@BellaLo14306992 What happens when you try to log into a server?
@BellaLo14306992 What platform are you on?
@BrookeB91602194 We've discussed it. There is no easy way to approach this from a programmatic standpoint. In the meantime, enforcement will try to act on the cases they have.
@norlinri It will be "ActiveEvent=vday" I can't remember if it's case sensitive. But if 'VDay' doesn't work, try 'vday'.
@iMosa94 No new news on this one yet, but it's still on the radar.
@HolyCraptor Quality is a personal opinion in itself.
Morning! I hear there is an update going out soon for some of the XP issues that have been reported. Stay tuned!
@y0c2r701 For the public? I doubt it.
@Nappshizzle @Silent8011 The team is confident in this date. So am I 😉