@lyshiie29 Last year was only a week too. This event has historically been short
@DWallnute @ClintonRoach3 I expect nothing less.
@ClintonRoach3 @DWallnute The upcoming patch for the event.
@BDeenus @AlLDaYL0Ng247 Such an annoying bug lol. Believe me, I bring this up any opportunity I can.
@BDeenus @AlLDaYL0Ng247 I see this a lot but I never clarify - are we talking about the bow?
@FitzCollector I spend more than an hour a week going back and forth with the community 🤣. But I see your point, some public list of known issues might help.
@AlLDaYL0Ng247 As long as you found a game you like - that's all that matters. Let people enjoy the games they enjoy. Everyone doesn't have to enjoy or like the same things.
@DWallnute I have been told that the XP issue was looked at/tested before bringing chibis back.
@Silent8011 @ConnorBowyer I'm glad you did. because if you didn't I would have replied to someone else who did who wasn't as respectful and open-minded as you. Thanks for letting me know how you felt. I mean that!
@ConnorBowyer @Silent8011 But yes, I am a tease.
@ConnorBowyer @Silent8011 I didn't post this thinking "let me tease the ark community". This was legit a spur of the moment tweet of excitement.
@thepwnking101 If you're talking about kiting, we talked about it last week.
@shafer255 We talked about this on the enforcement call too actually.
@LsQs_DuB @AlmightyGamerYT @darkvanillarose @Tylor17336786 @survivetheark Only Coel
@topdawgwl @Silent8011 Well, you might feel real disrespected. Might wanna mute me.
@Silent8011 @topdawgwl My point being, talking about the game is part of my job. And that includes Genesis. If you follow my tweets, I talk about the things I experience in the office. That was an experience I talked about
@Silent8011 @topdawgwl But at the same time, I can't say that I wouldn't do it again. Just being honest. Getting people excited about Genesis is part of my job. If I had posted "I'm loving Genesis right now" is it still disrespectful?
@topdawgwl @Silent8011 I get it. No disrespect intended.
@lookjoey1 Tweet history
@onyxiaqt @zzzzzunit @JackBazooka1 @Zero59803087 @Sheldon70540188 It's zunit "charm"