@CudaCores Or 3x.. 😉
@Matt78730462 @CudaCores I think you're right 🤣
@CudaCores I can't update the past or that tweet. You get the 🖼️
Oh, this will include 2x taming. I'll update the past shortly. @CudaCores has been killing on these trailers!
Community Crunch 217: Love Evolved
@Ag888Hugo I will be by to visit it!
@NlghtingaIe There are no changes yet. Just conversation.
@Faullkal It's up to the designers to look at these and figure out how/if they want to address it. They may use some of these ideas or none at all. But the important thing is that the community has representation and a solid voice.
Too much sauce.
@yepfoodporn @Gaohmee Even by your definition of a "dev" I am one. Check the credits for Extinction. And genuinely, good luck with your website.
@yepfoodporn @Gaohmee And you follow me because? You're sick of me? Cool. Tune into things you enjoy, not things that make you sick :)
@yepfoodporn @Gaohmee Just letting you know that I saw this... since that's obviously what you're going for right? Why would I feel bad about not being a "dev"? Is that an elite title that somehow means success?
@stirrat_luke @Xbox_InMy_Veins @Gaohmee I don't have an ETA :(
@stirrat_luke @Xbox_InMy_Veins @Gaohmee I'm not ignoring anything. If you really wanted to look you'd see I've tweeted about this last week and also posted in the forums. The team is aware but there is no ETA. I don't have an update.
@Badwolf_Gtv It was an unfortunate oversight :(
@Xbox_InMy_Veins @Gaohmee It's hard for me to be annoyed by things because it's so easy to tune out or not let it annoy you. But to the few people that have annoyed me, it's probably because they said something hateful. And in that case, they're muted.
@AdanRod58144393 Yes
Hope you had a good weekend! Love Evolved this week and Genesis is not much further behind it.
In the mood for a good read? @Gaohmee passed me this article last week with some great insight and talking points. Thanks!!!
@McfarlaneBenny Have you ever read the Code of Conduct? It's against the rules for Official servers.