@waveydriftz @annonymous8228 @JordanLaws0n @musgo_the @survivetheark He's not an idiot, just misinformed. It's all good
@BaseR3bal I get it. Help us find the problem locations:
@annonymous8228 I understand your frustrations man. Be frustrated at the people doing it though, not the people trying to fix it.
@annonymous8228 @JordanLaws0n @musgo_the @survivetheark I'm not sure you understand the problem but I know that you can feel the pain. It's an issue. An issue so big it takes multiple teams (not just wc) to tackle it
@annonymous8228 @JordanLaws0n @musgo_the That info is not hard to find at all. Even if there wasn't a bot there'd be a website that has it. I hear you though, it's a problem and we are always trying to advance our server protection.
@annonymous8228 @JordanLaws0n @musgo_the @survivetheark Where do you think the discord bots get it from? The information is out there. Discord bots just make it easier to find. Lots of people use discord bots for legit things so shutting them down completely is a no-go
@JordanLaws0n @stewy003
@annonymous8228 It's a universal problem that most online games will have to deal with. The methods are not unknown.
@annonymous8228 I appreciate you passing along info but our partners have tons of info it's just that stopping DDOS is harder than most believe. I read a AAA studio recently had someone arrested for it.
@LowlyEidolon Thanks for this info
@annonymous8228 No disrespect but this is a problem companies have been trying to solve for years. I can assume it's not as simple as you're making it out. We have partners we work with to improve protection
@Gaohmee This oooonnnnnnneeeeeeeee!
@Gaohmee I hear you on that!
@Gaohmee Someone was up early! Or maybe I just get up late lol. Beautiful view!
@Tubbs93005556 @survivetheark
@AvionLukas I'm late to this comment, but it means a lot. Thank you
@zzzzzunit Me too
@supaciv Bro what's your address. I'm sending you some sweet potato pie lol!
@supaciv Will you have sweet potato or pumpkin pie?