@Ag888Hugo Hmm, I'll see if this is on our list. I do recall hearing about it but I'm not sure where this is in terms of prioritization.
@PIayerI23 What does it involve?
@Mohamme87945449 Working on solutions :)
@RybetF I'll ask about it
@Jjo406 There will be more details in the upcoming crunch.
Yoooooo! This definitely made my day after yesterday. Thanks for your comments (and jokes) #PositiveVibes
@KeenAspect: Our @survivetheark Winter Wonderland sweaters for the team have given us an opportunity to support the @eden_reforest team…
@Xbox_InMy_Veins @adam_lundborg @thelilpanda @MitchellMathes @survivetheark I talk too much :) That's what @Skittlis tells everyone on our calls.
@Xbox_InMy_Veins @adam_lundborg @thelilpanda @MitchellMathes @survivetheark I like my job
@Xbox_InMy_Veins @adam_lundborg @thelilpanda @MitchellMathes @survivetheark There's a lot in store. Hopefully we'll be releasing details as we near closer
@adam_lundborg @thelilpanda @MitchellMathes @survivetheark It's *planned* to start somewhere in the week of the 10th
@thelilpanda @MitchellMathes @survivetheark 💪🏿
@woahitsbandit 👋🏿
@thelilpanda: TIP: If you're having trouble finding your server after the legacy server removal last night be sure to search the full se…
@jgalster2 @ThanksImCured @good_gwyn @MarX92558361 We use both. The way I look at: If you just want the game news - follow the official twitter. Everything I talk about makes it there eventually. This is a personal Twitter but ARK is a large part of me. I'm here to engage with people.
@BCrusher81276 @survivetheark Are those Doritos?
@BearXaki Thanks for the wise words
@LoadedCrysis Funny, I was thinking the same thing.
@ZFDigiVagrant There is very little chance. It's not something the co-founders we needed to do the last time it was talked about. There's even a live stream on it. But I don't like the never word so I'll just say it's not likely.
@JohnThechampi It's covered by insurance but even that's a deductible. I'm more worried it rained all night and Seattle is a damp place. I'm going to have to get it treated.