Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

18 Aug


Originally posted by Hopeful_Contact_2057

The main question that I've seen from potential new members of the community is, "Why is an incomplete game priced at $100+ when finished games cost $60?" I assume this is because Intrepid wants to allow people the ability to join the test while limiting the number of testers to a reasonable level and cover expenses at the same time. Is that fair to say?

Yes. There is a combination answer here; It is also true that price directly speaks to (in most cases) the dedication of a user to help ensure higher quality testing, it is also fair to say that users cost money to host on servers and download the game. Given the length of A2, being at least 12 months, we are accounting for those costs with this price.


Originally posted by Aez4x80

When Beta starts, the Alpha 2 servers will live concurrently alongside the Beta servers. Players who own Alpha 2 keys (including the new phase keys).

What does this mean? Seems like you forgot to finish the second sentence.

Thanks! I fixed it xD


Originally posted by SanicExplosion

What is the highest lower bound you would say for alpha 2 development time. I know you just said "at least 1 year", but whats the highest that you could confidently go for that?

There is significant complexity in answering that question, but the short of it is that this depends heavily on our ability as a studio to leverage outsource teams for content creation, and is heavily heavily dependent on what requires iteration due to the testing of A2


Good afternoon friends,

There has been a lot of questions and commentary regarding how the A2 keys work since our AMA yesterday. We are preparing an article to release on the website tomorrow or Monday regarding how the keys and phases work in broader detail. I will take a moment in this thread to clarify in detail how the Alpha 2 keys work and answer some questions in this thread;

  • If you own an Alpha 2 key from previous preorder packages or Kickstarter, you have access to all phases of Alpha 2. Alpha 2 begins for you on the weekend of October 25th.
  • New Phase 1 keys will consist of weekend testing starting with weekend testing beginning for November 8th.
  • New Phase 2 keys will consist of week long testing (5 days at a time) beginning December 20th.
  • New Phase 3 keys will consist of 24/7 testing, and is intended to run until the game launches.
  • Purchasing into a phase, grants access to subsequent phases.
  • When Beta star...
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17 Aug




Originally posted by Niwrats

Just note that at least on the programmer side, hiring too much can be a mistake. Both due to money burn and the hires getting gradually less efficient due to increasing complexity of the.. whole thing (both code and personnel wise).

Of the 200+ developers on the project, roughly 60 are coders. There is a lot left to do ;)


Originally posted by SmeV122

I'll be honest, while I have been following the development for a short while, Steven is super transparent and the company is fantastic at communications imo. I don't understand what had people upset yesterday. All I know is I'm excited to have an opportunity to test with the release of the keys

Thank you brother


Originally posted by Elderwastaken

Agree. Some people are sucking at that YouTube rage nipple a little too hard.

Like many mammals, Humans by nature are instinctually drawn to nipples for sustenance as newborns. It can be a difficult habit to break.


Originally posted by o5mfiHTNsH748KVq

With how it’s priced and the fact they’re doing it without NDA, they’re either going to live or die by this alpha. We won’t be kind if it turns out to be a cash grab like the doomers suggest.

I have a feeling they’ll be wrong, but we’ll know for sure soon.


let me be more succinct for anybody that’s confused. if a2 turns out to be a whaling expedition, that would f**king suck. i believe Intrepid is developing in good faith, but their pre-release monetization model has been abused by many developers before them. I expect their public alpha to be different than others and we’ll drag them if they abuse us.

I don’t think we will live or die by alpha. I think we will continue to build the game and improve it in a live test environment. Anyone looking at a2 as a judgement of the game at launch is not in line with the expectation we have publicly tried to communicate.


Originally posted by Mangert

There is no way that this is a scam. They are way too transparent to be a scam.

However, that doesn’t mean they are the best company in the world. They have issues. They are currently under a tax lein for not paying their taxes. Making them unable to continue to sell cosmetics.

They have repeatedly made promises on dates and deadlines that they were unable to meet.

They aren’t hiring as fast or as many as they seem to want (considering development is slower than they hoped).

They seemingly are desperate for money, and this game does NOT seem fully funded as they claim.

We constantly provide disclaimers that being in active development may result in missed timelines, delays and complete reworks. This is the development path and strategy we have chosen to adopt because we believe it will create the best product, and we believe it’s the healthiest way to develop large games like Ashes. Maybe this will be wrong, time will tell. It is factually inaccurate to say we are unable to sell cosmetics. Players who own packs can currently upgrade and make purchases and have been able to do so for the last several years. The tax lien issue was dealt with a couple years ago, and were minor clerical mistakes, the company pays hundreds of thousands in employment taxes every week. And we are actively hiring and have hired record numbers over the past 18 months. Funding for the game is not in question, despite what Reddit may say.


Thank you brother for the kind words and for your support. Because of the excitement that surrounds Ashes, there are a lot of emotions and expectations from a wide range of perspectives. And the reality is, alpha is not priced to be widely accessible. While the alpha will run for at least over a year, and will eventually become the public test realm that will run concurrently with beta, we have to support server costs and cdn for users during that time.

My advice, people can be frustrated. But the best remedy for frustration in this case, is to wait until we finish cooking and reevaluate interest when launch comes. Alpha offers no advantage to a player and can be shared by all because of the nda removal. 💪❤️


Best advice; wait and watch the streamers to see if testing will be your cup of tea.

07 Aug


Originally posted by Rednasss

So, I've noticed there's a bit of a split in our community; you could divide it into three (or more?) groups:

  1. These people are chill with almost everything Intrepid Studios does because it’s "WIP." They've got infinite patience (seriously, respect), and most content creators seem to be on this side too. They are super hyped for the game, and that is great to see. However, I sometimes feel like the wrong feedback gets given if everything is seen in this way.
  2. Then there's the group I'm in. We're kinda weirded out by some of the things happening. Usually the new features or classes they show are impressive, but at times it can feel like the project is getting worse (for example: compare the environment from the weather showcase from more then two years ago to the recent bard showcase), and the communication from Intrepid just feels confusing. But still, we want the project to succeed. We are excited and super invested in giving good and honest f...
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Hey Rednasss, can you give a few examples of messages that happen between streams that feel tense and scripted?

It's a busy time for us, as everyone across the team focuses on things that help us get to Alpha Two. That being said, if anyone from Intrepid sounds like they're talking down to you, we'd like to try to improve that. Thanks!

01 Aug

31 Jul

Alpha Two Roadmap Showcase and AMA livestream - Friday, August 16

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community, 

We’re on the Road to Alpha Two, and you won’t want to miss this Alpha Two Roadmap Showcase and AMA livestream with our Creative Director, Steven Sharif on Friday, August 16, 2024 at 11 AM PT (...

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23 Jul


While it’s not currently possible to purchase access to Alpha Two, we plan on opening up sales in the near future. We spoke about this during the last Development Update Livestream. Here’s a timestamp to that conversation.

We also plan to do giveaways for access to testing phases. Make sure you’re following us on our social channels so you never miss a chance at a giveaway, or news about anything related to testing phases. ...

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19 Jul

05 Jul

26 Jun

Alpha Two Server Meshing Technology Preview Development Update Livestream will be Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

WE HAVE UPDATED THE DATE FOR THIS STREAM. Our next Development Update Livestream featuring an Alpha Two Server Meshing Technology Preview will be Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 11am Pacific! (...

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21 Jun