Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

16 Dec


Originally posted by TheBlunderguff

I have been bashing Intrepid for their presentation of mounts in the livestreams for a while now, because it feels like I am watching advertisements for buying their mounts. However, these two short clips (made aware by Narc) are exactly the format that I would think are perfect, when presenting "mounts".

Of course, this does not show how the mount is ridden on which is also important. But this is a nice chance in pace, and if they can mix all the mount videos with some of these short clips, then I am happy and I think it would be a major improvement to their livestreams.

Edit: For clarification; the wolves with the white eyes are in-game achievable as a mount, so it isn't "just" a mob, but a mount as well.

Glad to hear you enjoyed this post from our Twitter 🧑 while this was more of a fun/stylized video for social media, we'll share with the team that you'd like to see this style of video perhaps during our streams as well!


Originally posted by Greypelt7

Steven's post on the discord

Greetings Glorious Ashes friends,I have asked my community team to move the December live stream from tomorrow to Thursday December 23rd, at 11am Pacific.We have an important and exciting announcement to make regarding an integral component of the development for Ashes of Creation, and this announcement requires a little more time before presenting to the community. I look forward to seeing you all next Thursday for our December end of year live stream.Hope you are all keep safe, and enjoying the holiday season!

Edited for Steven's edit to add the word exciting ;p

Thanks for adding in Steven's note! 🧑 Here's a link to his Discord post directly as well.

15 Dec

14 Dec


Originally posted by Glorf_Warlock

Like a tavern or something with a gwent like card game. It was always a tragedy to me that you couldn't play hearthstone properly inside of world of warcraft.


Originally posted by 3L1T

Dark age of Camelot had realm VS realm pvp dungeon called Darkness Falls. Get in dungeon, enemies are red, friends are white or blue, farm, do Quests, kill bosses knowing after corner some enemies might camp you.

Elyon has Wraith Monastery, pk dungeon, free for all pvp + pve content and other RVR portals where you quest and grind similar with Daocs DF

PvX dungeons are amazing. πŸ˜‰

You might be in luck on this one πŸ˜‰

13 Dec

11 Dec

10 Dec


Originally posted by RyanTheValkyrie

Real life holidays that are modified and changed to fit into game lore and aesthetics are my personal favorite. A Winter's Fest instead of Christmas or Love/Heart's Day instead of Valentine Day, etc., where it fits into the lore of the game and draws upon the game's religions and gods and traditions and has it's own unique take on the aesthetic!

My favorite part of the Holidays in December is logging into Overwatch to the sound of holiday music and new holiday skins, while all my friends log on too since they have time off. Such a nice feeling!

For the holiday goodies that let you festoon yourself in cheer, do you prefer when those are only available to decorate during that special time, or whenever you wish?


Originally posted by ZenFluxFurr

Will in-game holidays correlate to real world holidays in any way?
My favorite holiday events were in RuneScape, hands down! Every major seasonal holiday had an ingame event. You could get cosmetic items if you solved the puzzles or quests. Every cosmetic were original and you could only get it during that event. 4th grader me wanted them so bad - I spent countless hours on simplest puzzles, translating every 2nd word to my native language ^^

Getting your feedback on this exact topic is the purpose of our ongoing Dev Discussion for the month! We'll be gathering your notes from that to share with our team for further review :D


Originally posted by NiKras

Could you give us at least one more augment example? They must've been designed already, at least to some extent.

Please remember to share your question for us in the forum thread directly! 🧑