Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

02 Dec


Originally posted by Gimmethebluestuff

I think its still incredibly early into development to be asking for features like this and they should focus on releasing the game and adding potential features like this when it reaches beta/launch.

Yup as we're still in the early Alpha phases of development, we haven't announced any plans for cloud gaming support at this time!


Originally posted by Halae

I think it's a safe assumption that any legendary item in the game will have some distinct lore to it, and by the nature of the world that lore will be racially informed, due to being from an ancient civilization if nothing else. With that in mind, it seems likely that the only race that probably won't get important objects like that associated with them would be the Tulnar, given they're less a "race" and more a scattered grouping of weird survivors.

"weird survivors" you try living underground for a few millennia


Originally posted by JHatter

no one knows, even in the closed tests I dunno if people can even multiclass yet

During our recent Alpha One testing, three archetypes were available - Cleric, Tank, and Mage. We're excited to show off more of our archetypes like the Summoner as we get closer to testing their classes and skills with our community!

01 Dec

30 Nov

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes I do look forward to smiting ToS sinners with my Mjölnir ban hammer >:)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I, too, want to live out my fantasy of being a (not a furry, before anyone suggests it) werewolf. Tulnar here I come!

But.. Then again.. The Niküa are so cool...
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Story is definitely important to the team and the game. The game's lore is based off of many, many years of story development done by Steven. We have an awesome team of writers who have taken that foundation of lore from Steven and have begun developing it into something epic!

Also, since you mentioned WoW, Ashes of Creation will also have expansions that will surely have story and lore developments, I imagine ;)

29 Nov

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I get what you're asking for Jesmotguin, potentially the game's phone app will give you this.

to be clear, I say this because multiple people (me included) requested in-game chat integration in this Dev Discussion:

Haha, I was going to say exactly this until I reached the bottom of the thread and read this comment. Many people suggested this feature with the app integration topic as @maouw said. I sent that information to the designers and they'll take it from there and decide what to do!

Just know you're not alone in that request OP :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Identity of the Tank is to:
[*] be a threatening presence to the enemy
[*] engage the enemy on the front line
[*] absorb damage(and other stuff) on behalf of the team


So, with that being said on Tank identity, I'd ask - *should* Tanks have an effective taunt ability in PvP at all, or is their identity as a Tank strong and potent enough in PvP that it doesn't require it? Good topic!

26 Nov

25 Nov

24 Nov

23 Nov


Originally posted by TheBlunderguff

Dredgehorn (frog), Maelstrom's Crown (jellyfish), and Jaded Drudger (horse jade thing) are all cosmetic mount skins that were limited time cash-shop items.

The Verdant Voyager (Crocodile) is actually supposed to be a caravan skin and not a mount. So the mount might be in-game achievable. Perhaps /u/IntrepidStudios can let us know. Is the Verdant Voyager shown at the stream mislabelled?

Hiya - looks like our crocodilian friend's item name in the video might have been causing some confusion! To clarify, the "Verdant Voyager" is indeed a caravan cosmetic skin - so the appearance will cover both your caravan and attached mounts.

Each creature we share has different possibilities as a mount, pulling a caravan, being a combat creature, and more to build out the world of Verra. This means other takes on our croc bro may help you skitter across the sands along you...

Read more

Originally posted by TwiceToe

There will probably be more than that

Yup, we've previously shared plans for instanced arenas featuring a variety of different group sizes, and including a ladder system! That wiki page has a great breakdown :D


Originally posted by Greypelt7

Intrepid is going to offer slider option setting to turn down particle effects, but it has to be deved at the most intense version of the effect since it's much easier to scale down particle effects than to scale them up.

Yup! You can check out more on where we've shared our thoughts around providing you rendering/particle effect options here, including the possibility of a "default player appearance" in some large-scale battle situations.