Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

10 Mar


I recall the DEVs saying a upcoming DEV Discussion was going to be on AC vs TT. I want to lay my thoughts out in great detail in that thread.

Indeed, our next Dev Discussion topic is slated to be right up this alley in terms of getting your thoughts on hybrid combat <3 we're looking forward to seeing all your detailed responses in the replies!

09 Mar

08 Mar

05 Mar

04 Mar


"Hold the Line"!


Wait sorry was that not what you were going for?

03 Mar


What would I recommend for the future?
Classes page - Example of the abilities of each class, a little GIF/Video of said class.
Lore (Optional)- Dedicated lore section once the game is out
Game Guide - (What the game is, FAQ, Races, Crafting, Housing etc all there) - I separated classes because when you're into an MMO I want to see what classes are available immediately.

We mentioned all of these things in the live stream. ;) (They are coming in future phases! <3 )


As always, listening to your community can be a double-edged sword but I fully believe you have made the right choice for this issue. Special Offer can make a comeback once the game is fully released. :smiley:

We do our best to listen and taken in all of the feedback, bu... Read more

As we finish ๐Ÿ‘Š teaching the local bandits a lesson ๐Ÿ‘Š, we spot a caravan trundling along the road nearby, with its driver seemingly unaware of the brigands closing in on all sides! If we choose to help attack the caravan, we could score even more resources - but if we choose to defend it, the trader might just thank us with a fitting reward.

How do we join in the fray?

โš” Attack the caravan!
๐Ÿ›ก Defend the caravan!
Hi there!

We are going to be working with the Design Team regarding ALL of the cosmetic options vs which items they can be applied to, and I will provide further information at a future date.

(We know y'all have been asking for this information for awhile. Design is super busy right now working towards our Alpha One milestone, but once they have time to send that information over to me, I will relay that and make sure it's placed some where that is easy to consume - as well as updating information in various places to coincide with it for past items, etc. We appreciate your patience in the meantime! <3 )

Iโ€™m sorry, but people like you are not welcome here.

Anyone who loves MMOs and wants to see the world of Verra take shape is more than welcome here <3 Let's please remember to be kind to our new friends here on the forums, and rather than telling them they're not welcome, share with them our vision for Ashes of Creation and why it excites you!

The youtube poll is currently 50/50. The troll is strong with this one!

I heard they may have coordinated to make it this perfectly balanced! ๐Ÿคฃ


What about the gem...

As this village you've rolled into is still growing, it doesn't sound like they've attracted the experts you'll need to identify your glowing goody quite yet! ๐Ÿ˜‰


I heard bandit bones can be used for construction or crafting.

Um...what are you planning to construct with those bones, good sir? ๐Ÿค”


"Unfortunately when we caught up with the Bandits they had already drunk every lasht drop of beer."

First the tavern, then the beer bandits...we might start to get a reputation around thes... Read more

02 Mar


Though originally relegated to the remote hills that served as their homes, the lofty ambitions of the Empyrean leadership of eld would not be left to stagnate and wither away. A steady rate of expansion has seen the fledgling empire grow to prodigious size, their desire for victory fueling the need for adaptability and practicality. No goal is beyond their reach, for they are as patient and inexorable as the grand canopies that have presided over them for many centuries.

The Root of Conquest cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from ... Read more

While I agree with it, my only concern about that panel is only because it's titled "Special Offer".

We already have plans to reword this. Thank you for your feedback.


My biggest qualm is how little information there is displayed about the game itself. Where's a list of its races, classes, professions, node types, etc? If I didn't know anything about this game and visited the website, I'd still know very little about this game. Certainly not enough to give it money.

We mentioned this in the live stream. In future phases, we'll be adding more details - I gave an example of the races page and how that will improve with each phase. =)


I feel like the main page lacks the "Wiki" https://ashesofcreatio...

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