- Keyozen;d-52641
No we dont need PVE servers, get baited.
There are risks and rewards in this game. If Frodo went to Mordor in a PVE server would that be fun?NO
Its like going to McDonalds and ask for Pizza because you dont like hamburgers, makes no sense.
- Is also a very interesting thought. I also wonder what a PvE server would look like in the game and what decisions our design team would do to make something like that work, but remain in the ethos of Ashes of Creation!
- Dygz
If it didn't detract from development time, I would love to see one "PvE Server" just to see what it looks like.
Even just to prove to people that it won't work.
Our next Development Update Livestream will be Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 11AM Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.) We'll be streaming over at www.twitch.tv/ashesofcreation
I hope they never do automatic group finders for instanced content. The dungeon finder in WoW ruined the sense of community, reducing other players to short duration consumables.
If these are the things at the top of your list, you're probably going to be pretty happy with the direction of Ashes of Creation. 😎
Our team feels the same way you do. We believe that things like "automatic group finders," and instances where people spend a majority of their time, are the types of things that erode the sense of community.
In the wiki, you can get an idea of the things we've said previously on this topic here.
It’s gonna be ironic if the greatest source of corruption is people killing bots.
"Wipe them out. All of them."
Looking good, I’m curious how headgear will work with the horns.
The appearance of head gear equipped by Py'rai will be accommodating if their antlers.
We also plan to let players hide their helmet visual, if they'd like to.