Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

27 Jun

25 Jun

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
This is certainly interesting to think about. Your idea poses different pros and cons. As others have stated, spying on other guilds and espionage is not just an unintended byproduct of the system, but instead an intentional inclusion of the system.

I think ideas like this generate great, thought-provoking conversations. Keep it up! ^_^

24 Jun

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
There are some really neat ideas in this thread! I find this one especially interesting:

As long is it is more of a fun thing to show off record catches, level up cooking skills...

Keep these great ideas coming, everyone! What else do you think would be fun to incorporate into the fishing system?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad Midsommar

JΓ€ttebra! ;)

Glad Midsommar 😊 ha en bra dag!

I'm giving myself a rule pass since I broke the rules here πŸ₯Ί forgive me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are we thinking about the same dwarven race? Current model for Dunir below.

My thought exactly!
@Tharmekhul (OP), are you looking at the Dwarves shown in Alpha One? I'm curious if you've seen those but not the update (post Alpha One) versions of the Dwarves c:

23 Jun

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
As @keenow stated, there will be 'lumber yard' buildings. We'll need to stay tuned as the design and engineering teams progress further in development for any updates on this system^_^

Feel free to ask this question in the livestream Q&A if you haven't asked a question there yet, though! 😊
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
With every decision such as this one, there are pros and cons. I believe the current standing is that the NDA will be lifted for Alpha Two in a similar way it was for Alpha One.

With that said, these things are subject to change, so we shall see as we get closer to the release date of Alpha Two and further in the development process ^_^

What features are you excited about with Alpha Two?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I know the team here at Intrepid Studios is always looking at the latest technology to see what would make sense for our team to implement! So, we shall see ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Very interesting video and obviously relevant to the genre and to this game! I certainly have fond memories of my early days of playing MMORPGs.

I also have some very fond memories of WoW from post-WoTLK when they added some of those core features that reduced the need for socialization.

I think they were correct by saying that there is a goldilocks zone of perfection when it comes to game design for MMORPGs.

Either way, I look forward to creating new memories in Verra with you fine folks πŸ˜‰

Side note: The narrator brings up an interesting point about how one can struggle in the moment, but look back at overcoming adversity fondly. I'd love to hear some examples from you all on moments such as these!

If you're interested in naval gameplay, Ashes of Creation might be for you. 😎

For example, here's the size of one of our aquatic raid bosses, we're planning to have available during Alpha Two.

To get an idea regarding what we've shared so far on our Naval systems, check out the wiki entry here.


Originally posted by Independent_Lab_9872

The last couple of months the live streams have been really stepping up the content. My guess, it is part of a larger media initiative that will lead to Alpha 2.

So if you haven't seen it check out both the character creator they released along with the weather system. Both are legit very impressive.

This month they are hoping to start showing off the combat. It will be broken into different phases, the 1st one they teased will be auto attacks using double daggers.

I suspect next month will be nodes updates followed by another combat update in August (100% speculation).

u/Hannelore300 to save you a Google search, here are the Development Update replays, for the videos mentioned here.

March 2022 Replay w/ Character Creator


Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I apologize if this is not the right thread, but this seems like the right people to ask.

Do you believe that the System Requirements listed in the wiki still be sufficient for Alpha 2?

For me, the cost of Alpha 2 is not just the Pledge, but a gaming PC as well.

Thank you.

There is a good chance that the system requirements change more than once between Alpha One and the full release of the game <3

22 Jun

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
There will be various different armor pieces that have some sort of revealing nature to them! One example of this is the Black Scale Imperator set. I myself hope my character is able to intimidate their enemies with epic chest hair 😈

21 Jun

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
It would be very interesting to see the difference. However, both will be at different levels of optimization between their respective testing phases. So, it might not be a holistically accurate comparison, even if you are able to find the numbers to compare the two!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Certainly a hotly debated topic in the community..

My hope is that when Alpha Two releases, players who aren't familiar with or perhaps not overly enthusiastic about true open-world PvPvE / PvX will see how it works and perhaps better understand what makes it fun. It certainly isn't for everyone. I think that some people will be surprised with how well it can work, though!

Perhaps some of you can share interesting or fun open-world PvP stories for those who are hesitant about the feature? ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello! Currently, we are not in an open testing phase. We haven't announced a release date for our next texting phase, which will be Alpha Two. You can read more on that here:

If you'd like to support the game's development, you can purchase a pre-order pack ( Just know that if you do that, you won't be able to access Ashes of Creation immediately. You'll need to wait until we announce and then release the next testing phase!