- rodzor
As long is it is more of a fun thing to show off record catches, level up cooking skills...
- JustVine
Glad Midsommar
- JustVine
Are we thinking about the same dwarven race? Current model for Dunir below.
If you're interested in naval gameplay, Ashes of Creation might be for you. π
For example, here's the size of one of our aquatic raid bosses, we're planning to have available during Alpha Two.
To get an idea regarding what we've shared so far on our Naval systems, check out the wiki entry here.
The last couple of months the live streams have been really stepping up the content. My guess, it is part of a larger media initiative that will lead to Alpha 2.
So if you haven't seen it check out both the character creator they released along with the weather system. Both are legit very impressive.
This month they are hoping to start showing off the combat. It will be broken into different phases, the 1st one they teased will be auto attacks using double daggers.
I suspect next month will be nodes updates followed by another combat update in August (100% speculation).
u/Hannelore300 to save you a Google search, here are the Development Update replays, for the videos mentioned here.
March 2022 Replay w/ Character Creator
Read more
- Balanz
I apologize if this is not the right thread, but this seems like the right people to ask.
Do you believe that the System Requirements listed in the wiki still be sufficient for Alpha 2?
For me, the cost of Alpha 2 is not just the Pledge, but a gaming PC as well.
Thank you.