Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

12 May


We spoke briefly about the current status of Combat in the last dev update livestream, a couple weeks ago. Here's a timestamp to the section of the replay where this conversation starts:

Getting an update on Combat is one of the things our core community asks about most frequently, but we want to be intentional about when we present what we've been working on. We know it needs to be in a solid and presentable state, that can engage both the community that's following our progress monthly, and MMORPG players that might be look...

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11 May

10 May


Some folks in Discord were wondering whether the mount in this cosmetic add-on can fly or glide. The answer is no! Because of its broken wing, it can no longer fly and cannot glide.

Just wanted to clarify here as well in case people were wondering ^_^

When the mortal races fled Verra, they brought with them what they could carry to start fresh in the world of Sanctus. Sadly, many of the crafts and creations they left behind fell to ruin, or were ground down to their component parts and carried off by wind and rain. Fortunately, enough of their traditional crafting methods were enhanced by magic, and perfected by many generations of master artisans, and consequently, some fine pieces still endure. Many artifacts survived the ravages of time and still await rediscovery for those willing to brave the dangers of the crumbling ruins in which they were entombed.

The Windswept Wonders cosmetic add-ons will be available in the ... Read more

09 May


Currently, we are focusing our efforts on sharing development progression via a monthly basis through our Development Update Livestreams, and monthly recap newsletters, as well as on a daily basis through information over on our social media channels.

We will publish Creative Director's Letters in the future at times where it makes sense to share larger updates with a broader audience, but right now, we are focusing on our month-to-month updates and the hard work towards Alpha Two.

Thank you all for your support! We are excited that you want to...

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08 May

06 May

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Nothing beats finding good treasure or a hidden path where you least expect it (or perhaps in this case, where you expect it most ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜Š

In addition to secret waterfall passages, what else do you hope to find and where would you hope to find it in Verra? ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Very neat idea! I especially liked some of the examples you provided!

This is a feature I had always hoped to see in Sea of Thieves :sweat_smile:

What ship names can you all think of for your ships in Verra?

05 May

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, in Everquest 2 I used Monk. Loved Monk. It would be nice for both versions especially while combat revamp is underway (no pressure IS lol).

I'm generally a monk player in MMOs that offer it, as well!

Seeing martial arts in Ashes of Creation would certainly be cool! However, I can assure you that nothing in that image, between my exposed armpits or Margaret's fistful of fingers, has any hints or confirmations for Ashes of Creation ๐Ÿ˜…

04 May

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
The corruption system and designing a system around player intent certainly poses quite the challenge for our design team.

This thread has been a great deep dive into an interesting interpretation of how this system could work! Great conversation, everyone ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

We posted this article today, with more info on the Event System:

Edited the OP to add this link as well.

The world of Verra is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape filled with wonder, adventure, and danger. One of the many mechanics that allow us to achieve this adaptability is Events.

Read all about the types of Events and how they impact both players and the world in this new article!

Read more External link โ†’