Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

29 Apr

28 Apr


Originally posted by MajordomoZazu

Honestly, for things like this, looking at a barbershop poster can give you some fairly generic options, but more than a simple afro.

Edit: There are other options of course! I've had my hair in a variety of styles, and barbershop posters usually contain safe lower cut styles. I am unsure where I would find longer examples has my hair usually ends at the giant afro stage and doesn't evolve from there.

Edit x2: ...

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Thanks for adding the links! Confirming we've seen this, and sharing this with the team. o7


Originally posted by Stygianwind

Imma make an account for each one >:)

So are we... but don't tell anyone ๐Ÿคซ

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Go learn something. A foreign language maybe.
Do some volunteer work to help people or nature.

This is also a GREAT idea! I study languages as a hobby and back when I could afford it, I took classes and made friends through study partners!

Originally posted by battierpeeler

as my friend asked regarding a different game: "will there be black hairstyles or we just get to choose between short afro, large afro, and cornrows?"

Do you have examples of additional hairstyles you'd like to be able to choose from?

@Shoelid asked about the height of the Ghastly Ghoul cosmetic pet in the livestream Q&A thread. I wanted to answer that here for everyone!

The cosmetic pets are not large. In general, they won't go above average character knee height. This includes this month's cosmetic pet!

27 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I think @AidanKD did a good job of pointing out how Sieges won't happen as often as you may be concerned that they will. Siege scrolls won't be overly easy to come by, and sieges from the very beginning to finish won't happen overnight! That'll give you time to prepare for sieges so you're not blindsided.

When it comes to animal husbandry being an aspect of what is lootable from a freehold... We will have to stay tuned for more information! That might not be a bad question for our monthly Q&A whi... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
It's certainly interesting seeing this thread, and others like it come up recently. I think we still have yet to see a large majority of the different gear appearances in the game (whether in-game achievable or cosmetic). With that said, I think there may be gear sets in the future that please some who are concerned about this! Steven has said he doesn't like the idea of 'bikini armor' but hasn't ruled out form-fitting gear appearances, or more revealing ones ^_^ If you have thoughts on this and you're just happening to see this thread, please feel free to drop your thoughts in a comment!

26 Apr


Originally posted by Informal-Field7207

I just hope that you add more then one African hairstyle, unlike any other game made ever. The Afro looks awesome, but it would be really cool to have different types fades, or some locks. Different texture hair would be kinda cool too, like having some that is relatively curly, one thatโ€™s super curly, and one that has super tight curls. Looking into 1a-4c hair texture, will help you understand what I mean.

Just wanna say great job so far on the game canโ€™t wait to play it!

We definitely want to have a range of hairstyles, so people can make the character they want to in Ashes of Creation.

Do you have examples of a few of the hairstyles you have in mind? If so, we'll get those shared with the larger team.

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
We understand that some of our players would like to see macros. Though as @bloodprophet mentioned, Steven has said in the past that it's a difficult decision to make. One of the primary reasons is because of security concerns.

Originally posted by genogano

I would like a bit more diversity in black male hairstyles. Normally, just see afro when it comes to MMOs. Black women have a few more than the men do but are still kind of lacking.

I'm not asking for these to be locked for black characters just that they exist. I know this is a weird statement but when WoW added that one hairstyle that you see black women within media, it got weird.

Do you have more examples of hairstyles you'd like to see in Ashes of Creation?


Originally posted by Diura

I second this bonus bonus idea . It always feels refreshing and cared for when character customisation is given continuous love after launch.

I'm sure I read a quote somewhere that some customisation could be unlocked through quests too. I'd love to see this unlocking go with a barber shop.

Bonus Bonus you say ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”


Originally posted by Just_a_gamxr

This is probably not something the majority will care about but as a black person, I really enjoyed the quick section in the Character Creation video where I saw a style that actually would fit someone like myself. It's a bit of a minor thing, but I always get happier when I see it, and my friends who I showed Ashes to, joked that that made the game actually playable for us. More Afro-friendly hairstyles is all I ask. Dreads, Twists, Afros, Braids, Fades, Sponge Curls, etc all help the immersive experience for me

Appreciate the feedback here regarding afro-friendly hairstyles, and passing it along to the team.