ATLAS Dev Tracker

08 Jan


Originally posted by VZW_Matt

Not sure. I am using the 15x15 map that is included with the island editor and have changed zero settings anywhere. So is it just bug with private servers?

I will happily provide anything that could help figure it out.

Also in this video I am going north and in the first test I was headed east, so I guess technically the only wind change is direction.

I'm not entirely sure, I don't personally know much about running private servers atm. The best test would be to do this on Official, I'm sure there would be some takers... I'm curious myself since boat speeds have been increased so much since launch.


Originally posted by Morloa

Atlas dosent support DX10 and SM4, Ark didnt at the start either i tried meddling with the files using the ark fixes to see if it was possible but i wasnt able to get into a server without Shooter Game shadow crash errors

From what i can tell on the steam forums they dont have any immediate plans to add support either

Correct, ATLAS engine does a lot of things that are not compatible with SM4, including many things related to the water itself...


Originally posted by VZW_Matt

So to end any controversy in the ship I am using /u/WC_Jesse confirmed in the last post that the only difference between a Galleon spawned with "cheat ssf galleon" and a normal Galleon is that the command "cheat setignorewind" is enabled by default. You can see that here:

So for this video I turned off the command (you can see that it is off, as per WC_Jesse, the w with the - through it is no longer on the screen.

So I am on pace for under two hours at this speed, even with things slowing me down it would give me nearly 25 minutes of wiggle room to match the claim I made previously. I feel like that is plenty ...

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I'm not sure what's up with your server settings or game instance but the wind in your test is clearly max wind in one direction and never changes. This does not happen on Official, and max wind speed is not that common...


Originally posted by VZW_Matt

Well, not really for science. I have a full map private server that I was having issues with on some server transfers, so after changing up ports and such I decided to go on a larger adventure while the map was empty to make sure everything was working. I also wanted to see how long it would take to do with all the factors such as the tornado things, ships of the damned, me avoiding islands, and of course no lag and rubberbanding that you get on official.

Anyways, 2 hours and 20 minutes later, my journey was complete. the shortest it took me to cross a server was 6 minutes and 42 seconds and the longest was 12 minutes 38 seconds.

Not quite sure where the whole "30 hours to cross" thing the devs were stating before release came from. The only sailing speed increase was a couple patches ago and that was what? 15%? So even 15% less speed would have made this no where near that 30 hour...

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Posted a reply below, but "cheat" ships by default ignore wind direction (always travel at max speed for current wind) and do not require any crew to man the sails. You can tell if your current ship is ignoring wind if you see a yellow "W" with a line through it on the HUD:

Otherwise you will see this:

If you would like to disable this ...

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Originally posted by VZW_Matt

hmm, that'll be a good test to run. Not sure what sails I was using, I'll look into it when I get a chance. All I did was load into the server and then run the "cheat ssf galleon" command and used that boat with whatever it came with.

FYI / PSA: "cheat" ships ignore wind and always travel at maximum speed.

07 Jan


Originally posted by ozeor

I had them on medium, I have it on low now. Hopefully that fixes it. As each person upgrades to a RTX card sooner or later this problem is going to need to be fixed since the numbers for the issue will be increasing exponentially.

Thanks lemme know how it goes!


Originally posted by ozeor

It happens in Ark as well, and yes I set the shadows to low and that works. But Atlas I can't seem to find the issue. I'm running the latest drivers and this is a brand new build. My 1080ti builld had 0 issues.

So the terrain shadows to Low does not work in ATLAS?


Originally posted by ozeor

Thank you

What about the blue screen of death? That's the real killer here and I can't do a single thing about it. It's also not just me but any person who has an RTX card or is thinking of getting an RTX card won't be able to play.

By any chance, does setting terrain shadows to Low fix it for you? Or any other combination of settings?