Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

29 Jul


Originally posted by Grimmjow500

Can we have pleas more supply stations for tanks on twisted steel in conquest.

If we were to add more, where specifically would you expect to see them?


Originally posted by MrPooooopyButthole

Hey at u/partwelsh is there any chance of dropping TDM from the 32 player Marita playlist? I know last time frontlines was brought back in a playlist with TDM there was a lot of feedback that including TDM was unnecessary seeing as TDM is available all the time and people wanted to play frontlines since it was no longer available. I feel the same might happen this time where Frontlines/domination are not available anymore but TDM still is. Other than that this was a great post and a perfect example of what I like seeing!

Worth considering. I'll talk to the team. Would be good to hear from TDM players and what they think. In the past we've increased the frequency of the map on the general TDM playlist, would that be a good alternative or would TDM players still appreciate the higher chance of getting a round in on the new map?


Originally posted by ANEPICLIE

Last I saw they said it's currently in the hands of a design team or something. I.e. maybe in development, but not as final as the conquest version is (minus the artifacting)

Yeah we've done a few playtests on variants of it over the past month or so. We want to do it, we just need to make sure it's fun first. Same as with other notes about the map on the Thread, as soon as I know more and have hard fast facts to point at, I'll be back with updates.


Originally posted by Eirik-E

This seems to be related to the video posted yesterday of the guy jumping from the bottom of point B devastation conquest over the barricaded glass doors. But landed on the 2nd floor where the mcom would be in rush.

Or the guy reviving through a wall.

Game just "loses" you for a second and by the time it catches up, it doesn't know you've passed a hard object. Waiting for people to use this to get OOB but still in the game, I mean it has to be possible if this is possible.

In the case of vaulting it makes sense since physics is getting bypassed for a while, but in this case there shouldn't be a valid reason for the physics body to go through the terrain. No matter the angle or velocity, physics won't let you pass unless something else goes wrong, so the question is: which system is responsible in this case.


Originally posted by 69peasant

Which elites?


Originally posted by madmav

Marita tomorrow is great, thought we'd have to wait a day or two til ToW.

If that skin issue is the worst ye've found then things should be pretty smooth.

Definitely noticed performance improvements with the last patch too which is great, DX12 playable again (maybe combination of Nvidia Drivers too) - a bit to go still,but definite steps in the right direction.

Rush will be missed though. It's been damn consistently fun.

Same! Twisted Steel has been a joy to play <3


Originally posted by flextv

Thanks for the update, looking forward to the new map. Any update on Sudan?

Updates in the post - TLDR being that there's no new news, but it's still absolutely our intent to add the map into the Conquest rotation as soon as we can remove the Artifact problem.


Originally posted by thegreatvortigaunt

Poor timing buddy.

Meh, yeah I got the message. Teaches me for trying to make a bf2 reference with all these hitreg issues lately...


Hi folks,

Following last weeks 4.2 deployment, we're deploying a small update tomorrow, Tuesday 30th July, that will enable Marita, and set live our two new Elites. This update contains no other fixes, or changes to Battlefield V.

These updates are anticipated to clock in at around the 500MB mark on Xbox One, and 300MB on PC. I'll update this post tomorrow confirming anticipated sizes for PlayStation 4.

Deployment for this update will start in line with our usual schedule:

  • PC -       1AM PT // 4AM ET // 9AM BST // 10AM CEST
  • PS4 -     2AM PT // 5AM ET // 10AM BST // 11AM CEST
  • Xbox -   3AM PT // 6AM ET // 11AM BST // 12PM CEST

There will be no general downtime for this update, and once it's available for your platform you're encouraged to close any active session that you have, and attempt to relaunch the game in order to start downloading and installing. Servers with players connected who are running the older ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by Imperialdude94

The icon is just battlefield V for me

Figured it out. Its showing up on reddit old but not the redesign. Ill see if I can fix this. Thanks.


Originally posted by Imperialdude94

I get the mercury icons but not the icon

Now Im generally curious. Can you show me a screenshot, also if you are using RES or not. Lastly, what resolution your screen is and if you are using zoom at all?

Edit: Nevermind. Figured it out. It shows up on reddit old, but not the redesign. Ill take a look and see if I can fix that.


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Originally posted by Billxgates

To prevent backside headshots while in a dogfight?

Edit: Not dogfight I guess. But when being trailed by an enemy fighter since the area would be easier to hit than in say a spitfire

That's my guess, but I'd have to ask the vehicle designers about that.


Originally posted by MRMD123456

Needs a fix like everything else

On a serious note: this is as designed. The Blenheim and Mosquito have the same functionality.


Needs more M95


Originally posted by Smaxx

Never had an issue with weapon pickups, but yeah… vehicles… sometimes it's basically impossible to revive someone getting shot next to (or dropping down from) a tank for example, if the bodies are next to the door. Similar thing with objectives you have to arm. Hard or impossible to revive next to one without going into the arming/disarming animation, even though a quick (Medic) revive would be the better option first.

It surely is annoying, I have the same experience. I'll check with /u/DRUNKKZ3 to see if we can improve it.

It's hard to set hard priorities, because sometimes you do want for defuse to take priority over revive and sometimes it's the other way around. I guess we have to play with the angles and priorities a bit to make the experience nicer.


Originally posted by Smaxx

Hm, not sure we're talking about the exact same thing. I don't even look or wait for that E prompt usually. I can often stand next to or over downed players, aiming at them, and still can't get E to do anything, especially on uneven ground (like the rock/dirt piles on Hamada or Devastation).

Would be great if you could send me a video of that so we can take a look. Some improvements already hopped on board of the patch train but there surely is room for more ;-)


Originally posted by GaPSMAV

That's the wrong Lee Enfield. That's a No. 1 Mk 3, which was used in WWII, but does not appear in the game (except in the form of a grenade launcher.) The No. 4 MK 1 is the rifle in game.

Also, excluding the shield on the helmet, those cosmetics are in the game.

The snoo was created the 2nd week the game was announced.


Originally posted by Smaxx

This sounds really odd. So if I understood you right, it's basically a raycast from your reticle just as if you'd shoot? Since mid-June I often have the problem that the game simply won't pick up any interaction with downed soldiers. I have to run back/forth a few times to finally "get" them (which often means too much time for people sniping at me). It's certainly less of an issue, when I hold down E while runnings towards them, but still annoying (especially when you want to get away fast).

Yeah the problem is that the "press E" prompt and the actual interaction were using different methods to detect the downed soldier and therefore resulted in interactions that didn't get triggered. I fixed that problem, it will come in the patch after the next one.